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Forced myself out

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This morning I woke up and felt/heard a bit of "that" magnetic sound in my ears or third eye. Not close to as much needed for exit usually, but I though let's try anyway. Usually I can only exit when Im about to wake up not when I have actually woken up, cause my focus is then on this world. However, I thought let's just try and force my way out and the magnetic sound increased quickly, but I felt like that wasn't enough. Then I somehow momentarily shifted my focus to the astral rather than this world and realising this thought I would go back to my body cause a second ago I was awake. Instead I continued to focus back on falling through the floor and then ended up in a dream unfortunately.


It is a dream re-entry. I do this sometimes, the focus away to the astral is like going into a train of thought. There is something about the chemical state in the mind at that time which makes it easier to stay in the zone. The same idea can be used to sustain a fading experience or alter the situation. I also try to get into the train of thought mind space at night time as practice for the state.

Astral Potato


If you have any success then please do share. It would be great if someone could figure out a technique which allows us to just force ourselves to phase into the astral. Imagine being able to just lay down on your bed or sofa and *snap* you are projecting.

I was a little too excited when I saw this title.  :-D


Almost did the same thing today before entering a lucid dream a bit later. I already think and know few/a lot people can do OBE quickly on request AstralPotato, but that is not really what my post was about. I just experiment and post my experiences to encourage myself, others and to document my progress. I know it  is very much possible to astralproject by will cause I know it is like a certain state of mind that you can recognize by a feeling, but even though it is still hard for me. I have increased my OBE's and luciddreams by about 20 times more these past last few monthsin total compared to the last 4 years.


Quote from: Astral Potato on April 24, 2017, 13:36:06
  It would be great if someone could figure out a technique which allows us to just force ourselves to phase into the astral. Imagine being able to just lay down on your bed or sofa and *snap* you are projecting.
There is already. It is called "focused will and intent". You just have to apply the work, practice it often, throw in a lot of patience and you will too, persevere!  :-)

It is as easy as just lying down and shifting. The shift is only a simple focus away. You just need to learn to release your physical hold long enough to be able to have that shift occur.

Changing your mindset, does indeed change your reality.  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla