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Fractal Tunnel

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This morning I woke up and after having a long and vivid night of dreams decide I should write them down ASAP. My son comes home from his grandmother's early and I decide I am still really tired so thought I would doze for a few while he watched his cartoons next to me. So I doze off and feel myself phasing and I find myself in the vast long tunnel. It was red, blue, and yellow and was made up of the fractals. They were all these small triangles and when I focused on them all they started to twist like I was in a portal being sucked in. So I'm flying through this tunnel and changed directions a few different times because it would span off, and at the end of my vision I see an outline of a circle and I feel like I'm being sucked in. Then I lost awareness because my son kept nudging me but it felt like I could feel myself in the bed and the tunnel at the same time. At one point I open my eyes and felt like my arm was pinned at my side but then realized my arm was bent so my head could rest on it but I couldn't feel it. So now I know what SP really feels like. I kept phasing in and out and felt like I couldn't move easily. I tried to strengthen my awareness and project myself into RTZ in my bedroom. I started seeing my bedroom around me but it slowly faded then I finally woke up. I might now have had such a vivid experience if my son hadn't kept waking me up because while I was having an OBE I remembered that I have done this so many times before in the morning but lost memory of it. Well there you go. Anyone ever experience a tunnel? I'm excited to be making progress with my awareness.


That sounds exciting! It's funny that at the time we can think something is irritating and hurting our experience, but in actuality its making it possible for us to remember it. !!

I haven't been in a tunnel before. At least from what I can remember. Sounds very neat, though.
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


Aaagh you missed an opportunity of a superb experience. These tunnels are also called a vortex and can lead to fantastic locales. Hopefully you'll get another soon.
Many a memorable outing to be had with full awareness and control on where you go. A thought is all it takes while within one. Your recall is amazing too.
If you see one don't wait, jump in and enjoy the experience.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


The first fully perceived OOBE I had was preceded by rushing along a tunnel. What felt like a great distance was illusionary. When my vision actuated I was in fact embedded in the ceiling of my bedroom.


So the tunnel never led you to a destination Bedeekin, like Szaxx is talking about? I was just enjoying being inside the tunnel. I thought briefly that I would end up somewhere because of the pulling sensation but when I tried switching directions and flying upward things started to fade. O well, I won't be to hard on myself about it. I enjoyed the experience that is all that matters to me, but I would like to experience it again.


No... not really. I thought by the fast movement and length of time I was coursing through the tunnel I would have ended up somewhere else... not 10 feet from my bed.


That's pretty epic. But really shows the point that the perception of time and space can be deceiving to our senses and what we would expect.
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


I'm still a little confused about the locals. Can someone point me to some information or insight into this. Perhaps a previous post or an article?


Locale 1 = a perceived projection into this physical reality that is believed to be objective

Locale 2 = a perceived projection into the nonphysical reality (the Astral).. .that is believed to be subjective.

I wouldn't get too worried about it. I did gat wrapped up in Locales and realised it was a self belief trap.. .and then when I read Monroe's book... Journeys Out of the Body... it just consolidated it more.

You seriously don't need to get confused about anything at this point.


I had a tunnelexperience once. It was pretty cool even though I was damn confused at the time. You can read about it here if you like:

I have no clear view on what tunnels are, but I guess its some kind of area of transition between this reality and another. Why it is a tunnel I dunno, a guess is that its just programmed to be like this, the universal consciousness maked it so.


Sounds like an amazing experience!

I'm just beginning my journey to the non-physical world and hope to explore space one day. (I love all things space)


This space I ended up in is what I believe Tom Campbell calls the place of "No Mind", or what I and many others call "The Void". apparently a place where you can "phase" to other realities/systems or something like that. There is some rumours going on that this place is where the name Astral Projection was born from.


The name 'astral projection' was coined by the Theosophical Society and specifically by one of its founders, a dubious character called Madame Blavatsky.


Thx for the info Debeekin :)


Hey B,
I was going to say that, 1890 ish too.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


I am very appreciate your site,and your article is useful, thank for sharing us this information.-DEMI



Hey B,
Would it have been better if you were Bedunkin?
Great twist for a skeptic. :-D
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.