The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! => Topic started by: overfien on September 16, 2004, 22:52:49

Title: Future wind
Post by: overfien on September 16, 2004, 22:52:49
i've been tooken by the wind multiple times..

i've noticed a tornado like wind prior to initiations in the astral.
on my climb of the first moutain..
first you'll fo through 8 minor initiations and plus the guardian of the threshold (mental/astral/causual)
on the guardian 1st test to pass is the physical world its important to be working at overcoming the egos, in the astral confronted by a horrible monster that comes to attack us.. if we dont run away in fear but instead confront it, we past the test, then in the internal worlds the mssters of the white lode hold a celebratory party which they appear as children..

then the elemental tests:

test of fire:

Test on anger , in the astral we are insulted or abused, anything to poke at the anger we need to respond with serentiy to pass this test..

test of air

in astral the person is thrown off a great height, those who scream fall, those who pass are again serene this a test on attachments upon the fear of losing the things we like mose & also on the fear of pverty.

test of water

in astral the person is thrown into the ocean, if we swim to the shore we pass it.  This test is on being able to struggle against the adversities of life..

test of earth..
in the astral we are between 2 moutains that close in on us, if we scream we fail,if we are serene we pass.

(after the astral of balancing the centers)

now its time to focus hard on the 3 keys
1. Death
2. Alchemy
3. sacrifice

(there is 8 initiations on each moutain including what has been told) only through experience can one find the path..

Title: Future wind
Post by: overfien on September 16, 2004, 23:04:24
sorry 'bout the typos masters and white lodge and english isn't the greatest it is 1 of my 9 languages i'm learning (english, french, italian, spanish, ancient hebrew "biblical", ancient greek, latin,norwegian, german)

spiritual studies gnostic (kabbalah, alchemy "western tantra", elimination of the ego "or as the buddhist say it annihilation of the ego", astral world "dream yoga", meditation "casual world/buddhic world/atmic world" trying to reach the 7 dimension, sacrificing for humanity "teaching the path" working on 2 books..

study the fakir, the monk and the sufi and the christian and one shall find the way.
Title: Future wind
Post by: fost500 on September 15, 2004, 08:40:27
Hi Guys.
This question is for people who have had quite a few projections.
Being somewhat of an astral newbie, i thought, as instructed, i should read as much about the subject as possible, in an attempt to saturate my subconscious with it, and therefore, hopefully, making it easier to project. During my reading, namely "A treatise on Astral Projection. By Robert Bruce", i came across a chapter tittled "Future wind". For those of you that have read it, you'll know what i mean, but for those who haven't, he describes it as an invisible force, whilst in the astral, which blows you to a location, where you are symbolically shown your future. I thought this was most intriguing, and wondered if any of you proficient projectors out there had experienced anything like it and wondered if you cared to share?