Strangest experience

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hmm...yeah, thats called ASTRAL PROJECTING, [:O] ! case you didnt realize this site is called ASTRAL pulse. there are gazillions of topics on ASTRAL PROJECTING[:O]! just playin[:D] do u try to project purposely?
live forever or die trying


Hi kez,

Welcome to the Astral Pulse! [:)] It does sound like an astral experience and so I've moved your topic into our Astral Experiences forum. Again, welcome.

Very best,
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


okay just checking!

I don't mean to do it most of the time, it just happens. I have tried to control the experience and not be afraid, but it such an intense feeling it scares me a bit.

To be honest I didn't really know much about AP until I logged on to the net to see if there was an explination to what I was experiencing. It is all very fascinating can I control the experience to go wherever I want to whilst being in this state of mind?

Centa Five

Hello Kez,  Yes, if you are in the Astral you should be able to think yourself just about anywhere you want to be and you'll be there.  Try not to be afraid or that will tend to shorten your trips or end them rapidly. Instead of being fearful, just be curious and try to explore a bit. It's a great big world out there and the rules are very different than down here.  Good luck.


Dear Kez
I hope you are well and that the experiences you are having are not worrying you too much. You seem to indeed be having OBEs and they will wary and develope as you grow and change. Generally speaking there is nothing to fear. This is happening to you for reasons none of us know. Many of us started our OBEs much the same way and we are still here as you see[:)]. It would be important that you try your best to control your fear. Remember courage is not absence of fear but conquest of fear. So relax and flow with it. If you are a believer pray, whatever you do to help you relax do it, maybe hum a song you like  and spread your arms and fly you are able to. If anyone or anything comes nearer tro you than you care ask it calmly but straight forward to leave, it will.

If you have any specific questions ask here at the AP, if you feel a need the moderators are all fine folks who will be glad to help. If you have any questions involving Christianity and OBEs feel free to ask maybe I can help with that.

Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Thanks for your help. I certainly feel less afraid now that I understand more about AP.

I do have several questions. One is, if I wanted to go to someone during a projection is there any way of communicating with them? For instance if I wanted to go to a friend's house would I simply see them in bed asleep or can I communicate with them? It would seem like an invasion of privacy and a bit eery simply to watch someone sleeping, that's' if it is at all possible? Would they have to be in the same mind for us to talk?

Also can I communicate telepathically with people, maybe relay a message to someone who lives far away from me? Use AP to tap into their subconscious?

Finally are the people in the 'Astral plane' dead or alive or both?

Thanks for all your help on this!!



For years I have been experiencing what I thought were very strange dreams, and want some insight. Is what I am experiencing normal?

The experience begins when I find myself slowly drifting off to sleep, I get a very loud high-pitched ringing sensation in my ears and experience tingling vibrations through my body. The feeling gets more and more intense and I feel my self shooting at a rapid speed up into the atmosphere, I can't see or make sense of anything and I feel scared and afraid. I don't want to look back as I am convinced I will see myself sleeping having left my body – this would freak me out. Sometimes when I am open my eyes I am in space, one time I actually saw ghost like figures all floating around me, I'm not sure if this was part of a dream though?

I get scared and don't like the sensation of leaving my body, I feel out of control and will myself to wake up, I try really hard to open my eyes, but they feel so heavy and the force is so strong, I am still aware of my body but I am paralysed and cant move. Eventually after a few minutes I manage to wake suddenly, but as I begin to drift back to sleep the feeling happens all over again.

This has happened to me many times, each experience slightly different sometimes I actually find myself in places that seem out of this world? I don't like the feeling though I feel like I am being pulled away to a place that I may not be able to return from? Can anyone help?