Ghostly writing appearing on my wall

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Okay now, wtf is this?

I peel my eyes open in the morning still in that "twilight" mind-awake-body-asleep state, and something starts to write on the wall using murky black shadows, it comes out looking like grease-pencil, and I only have a few seconds to read it before it evaporates like a mist or fog.

This has happend the past three days in a row. What a way to start the day.

I can never get past the first two words before it's gone, which is very frustrating. It's about four sentences long.

This has happened once before, almost a year ago, and the message was very short so I caught it in time: 8+8=4

Obviously that doesn't make any sense. 4+4=8, not the other way around. Unless it's some kind of special math.

I know, there's a bible story about this, where a disembodied hand writes on the kings wall. I am no christian, but I'm starting to wonder if this kind of phenomenon turns up every now and then in history.

Anyone else seen "The writing on the wall?"


Hi Leyla,

There's a sheet of paper on the wall by the side of my bed that I use to take note of my experiences with ease, and though I try to keep it blank for the next sleep, I open my eyes between sleep cycles and often see things written and drawings on it, but don't pay attention anymore since it's so hard to make out what it is. I remember having seen numbers speeding, symbols, names and random words.
Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth:


I have only had one experience similar to this that I can recall fully.  I was dreaming about being a guest musician in a band.  I was supposed to sing but forgot my lines.  It was a great dream for alot of reasons but I of course failed at my objective and was sent spiralling back to my body.  I awoke with many blurry strange lights affecting my vision and then is saw soemthing writing on my wall "THE DEAD" and drawing a yellow circle around it with a band logo.  I tried to find its meaning but couldnt.
Profound Impatience makes the blind struggle in Stupidity.


Just curious but could 8+8 be like 8/8  aka August 8 which is coming up? and maybe four of something happening or "for" someone :?

jub jub

I would keep a camera beside the bed and try to capture it that way.
"A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives - approving of some and disapproving of others"  -  Charles Darwin


It happened to me recently, I saw a weird, red spider crawling on my door, and it disappeared as it ran. Vanished, even though my eyes were wide open and I was awake.

It's just a random bout of clairvoyance, or so I was told on the astral dynamics forums, a side effect of astral projection and meditation. As we develop further, we'll be able to see these things all the time, supposedly!

I'm also having trouble reading and remembering things... I get lots of messages in my sleep, but I'm rarely lucid enough to make sense of them... I think the best way to improve is to work on developing clairvoyance -- that includes the ability to concentrate on an image and record things while in an altered state.
OBE counter: Lost track! 35+ since 3/21/2006


AndrewTheSinger, Knightlight -

So, this is common phenomena. I wonder where it's coming from. Who's doing it? Do you think it's our subconscious? Random spirits? Our Higher Selves?

Jub Jub-  camera beside the bed.

God that sounds like a good idea. But it'd be long gone before I could reach for a camera. No promise that it'd show up on film either. But I'd love to try something like that.

Kiwibonga - Reading and remembering.

It is so freaking irritating to miss a message. Every one seems so valuable, and can offer some special glimpse, and you just hate to think it was something really important. Like, what if it was giving me a warning?

I mean, the few messages I've given myself that I've been able to decipher have been LIFE CHANGING. So the thought of not being able to catch one in time...well.


Leyla, In my recent projection, a woman I didn't know was calling out single digit numbers in no apparent order, but somehow I thought it was important to know why she did this. What did it mean?

Perhaps I was looking for something that was really intended just to point out that I need to work on my ability to focus while projecting.

I don't know for sure, but yes it is totally frustrating     :?

-keep at it but make it fun or else you'll lose the way-


Aetna -

OMG that happened to me once. A woman woke me up and pulled me out of my body to give me a phone number. I only was able to clearly remember the last four digits!  :oops: 4751. I took a guess at what I thought the others were, and called it. Only got somebodies voicemail and they never returned my messages.

So annoying when that happens.

Worse, it was my own fault. There was a point where I could have gone back to get the number again...but I was too scared. Lets face it, what we do is creepy.

jub jub

Quote from: Leyla on July 31, 2006, 07:14:21
Lets face it, what we do is creepy. can say that again! lol
"A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives - approving of some and disapproving of others"  -  Charles Darwin


hehe yeah, agreed.   as much as one might wish things like this would happen to them, when it happens its like


and then you wake up.  :-P
Profound Impatience makes the blind struggle in Stupidity.


It's happened to me too. I was in the same state as you, on the edge of sleep, I was focusing around my room, when I saw dark blue writing on the ceiling near my bed with a bright silver aura shining around it. It was only about a foot long with charactors 3 inches tall, in no human language I recognise. I focused elsewhere then back again and it was still there. It stayed about 5 seconds. I thought about trying to dispell where I saw it but I dont know if the writing was good or bad. I dont think it was anything meant for me to see, otherwise I would have understood it, I would think.
Every single person is an enigma of wonder waiting patiently to be realized.

Scoff if you want; soon we will be leading the race to new heights and you will wish you had followed us in our search for truth.


Quotewhen it happens its like:
...and then you wake up.

LMAO! Oh, I laughed so hard I teared up. It's so true!


"Help me Jeezus, Help me Tom Cruise!"   :-D

*Edit - Okay, maybe the joke went over people's head. It's a quote from that dumb new movie, "Ricky Bobby."


Quote from: Leyla on July 31, 2006, 07:14:21
OMG that happened to me once. A woman woke me up and pulled me out of my body to give me a phone number. I only was able to clearly remember the last four digits!  :oops: 4751. I took a guess at what I thought the others were, and called it. Only got somebodies voicemail and they never returned my messages.

Sure, they didn't return your messages, but what they did was receive that voicemail in the future. I'm guessing they're gonna take you back to the future soon.

Just in case you haven't seen it, it's from a movie called Twelve Monkeys


My mirror in the shower stopped writing messages but that's the closest I've ever been to having writing on the wall.  But the first time it did write it always had the number 4 on it somewhere.  The first while it was only symbols, then they turned into actual messages mixed with symbols, then back to symbols.  The last actual clear image I made out was a cemetary.


That's b/c the number 4 means "Completion," anything that is finished.  So it is often used to mean "Death." (Your cemetery.)

We have four tools on an alter. The four elements are found in most every culture in the world: Earth air fire water.  There are four dimensions we can see. Height, width, depth, and time. Also the DNA of every living thing is made up of four basic building blocks. A, C, G and T.

Seven has long been a sacred number. We now know from M-Theory of quantum physics there are 7 dimensions invisible to the eye. Physicists speculate that there are intelligent beings living in these other dimensions, and that "one day" we may be able to communicate with them.

4+7=11. Eleven dimensions total. Eleven has always been known as the "Master Number" by mystics.


Quote from: Leyla on July 27, 2006, 23:45:44
Okay now, wtf is this?

I peel my eyes open in the morning still in that "twilight" mind-awake-body-asleep state, and something starts to write on the wall using murky black shadows, it comes out looking like grease-pencil, and I only have a few seconds to read it before it evaporates like a mist or fog.

This has happend the past three days in a row. What a way to start the day.

I can never get past the first two words before it's gone, which is very frustrating. It's about four sentences long.

This has happened once before, almost a year ago, and the message was very short so I caught it in time: 8+8=4

Obviously that doesn't make any sense. 4+4=8, not the other way around. Unless it's some kind of special math.

I know, there's a bible story about this, where a disembodied hand writes on the kings wall. I am no christian, but I'm starting to wonder if this kind of phenomenon turns up every now and then in history.

Anyone else seen "The writing on the wall?"

I haven't because I haven't tried projecting yet.....but what you posted reminds me of the Fibonacci sequence. If you line up the Fibonacci sequence in concentric circles, 1+1=2 and also 1+1=3.... Perhaps it has something to do with that.


Holy crap, you're right. It is from some mathematic curiosity.  :-o

And it also explains those other numbers I posted about years ago. "857 753"

They're from something called the "Mersenne number sequence." 

Weird.  I guess my sub-conscious mind was just babbling. I've never been any good at math.