Experience Last Friday (Soul Vortex and Aligned Planets) [LONG STORY]

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Hey everybody :)
I posted this on astralsociety, but also wanted a response here.

On to details.

Last Friday, I had an experience at approximately 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning, on a school day to mention (which has never happened before). This projection lasted for what felt like  a couple hours, long enough to make me think I'd wake up and miss school or something.

I've been having projections more and more lately (which I honestly think has something to do with 2012 [please don't criticize], and my projections have been happening at certain times). I'll explain how I did it (unknowingly, but now it makes a lot of sense) before I get to the experience. Like I usually do, I listen to music every night from 1:00 to about 2:00, because it helps me to focus on something, and therefore helps me to get relaxed fast and get to that dreamy state, or at least the point where you feel conscious blank outs. At 2:00, I stopped listening to music and went to bed. My mind was relaxed, but very restless that night (makes sense?). So, to help me get to sleep, I simply made up a story in my mind, narrated it, and followed it through.

At some point, the images started to 'appear,' very faintly and with a green tint (which is how they normally appear), and they were animated as well. After about five or ten minutes of watching my story play out, my body became practically nonexistent, and I couldn't hear much either. Then, unexpectedly, I got hit with extremely powerful vibrations (wasn't planning on projecting). Though I haven't projected entirely too many times and still can't control it, whenever I experience vibrations, it never surprises me or causes me to get exited, ever. It feels very, very natural, and I never resist them (because I want them to happen), and also, I never ever get scared or nervous or overly exited, as curiosity overrides those feelings. So, feeling these vibes, it felt like my body was drifting backwards and away (I was laying on my side [I've only ever projected on my stomach or back]).

Like that, I was out. For me, getting out, whenever I get vibes, is extremely easy. Though I feel blessed for that, I've NEVER been able to see once out (can anyone offer help?). Instead, I get weird visions and vivid imagery that confirms my projection.

Firstly, and on this I need opinions or explanations, I was taken what felt like trillions of light years away from Earth, to a very dark and blank part of space. There, I 'saw' a giant blue and white orb, many times larger than the sun, and even our own solar system. Around that orb were millions of blue streaks orbiting the orb, each one with a large bulb on the end of them, like a comet with a tail. I believe I was told that each 'comet' represented a soul that was currently projecting (or maybe sleeping). There were very many of them, and I felt myself getting closer to them. My perception flipped upside down, and I came into the orbit of the orb, and slowed naturally to flow with the other orbs.

At that time, I was transported to a different place, which was extremely vivid. This place had a completely water covered surface. Above the water were seven or so planets, all perfectly aligned, each planet slightly or vastly larger than the last (I believe this was a sign or symbolic of something. Any ideas?). The waters were calm below, and above it was overly clouded, or overcast, like a stormy afternoon, and extremely dark, not to mention. However, it wasn't raining or anything. Below the planets that hovered some distance over the water, were two or three sharks (?), slowly circling, going nowhere in particular (they were very weird looking sharks).

The clouds above parted slightly, and a very intense beam of light shone through and touched the third planet, which looked like Earth, and I believe it was Earth. The beam of light was illuminated the planet, and it illuminated the waters below, making a picturesque and eye catching scene that was not only awe inspiring, but also very peaceful and heartfelt. At that point, one of the sharks saw me, and started for me. I flew upward, to where the sky had a small hole in it to allow the light. Along the way, as I passed Earth, a voice told me to follow it, and a big, elegant being, akin to a graceful dragon, spiraled up into the light. Of course I followed it, noting the powerful mix of colors in the sky above the thick, dark clouds, and the extremely warm and vibrant heat of the light itself. Just before I entered the light and escaped the shark, I woke up (ever notice that when something good's about to happen, you always wake up?).

Upon waking, I found that it was 2:30. So I had previously turned off my music to go to bed, and then projected for what felt like hours, and woke up, and it turned out that only half an hour had passed. Go figure.

Of course, the projection brightened my day, and for once I was happy throughout the entire day. I found it hard to get back to sleep, but that didn't matter.

If you can, please offer some explanations or interpretations for me, as I'll also do. This was the best projection I've ever had :)

In my case, all I had to do to project was listen to music to the point of relaxation, then turn it off to go to bed. At that point, having not opened my eyes or moved too much, simply illustrating a story in my head lead me to having a projection. The aforementioned makes a lot of sense to me. Lay down--> Relax--> Music--> Deeper relaxation--> Remove distractions--> Visualize until you fall asleep. There's a good chance of getting vibrations then.

Alright, I enjoyed getting that out, and I hope you enjoyed reading it :)
Discuss if you'd like.