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Hand pulling me

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I was having a strange semi-lucid dream this morning that didnt really interest me.  It was basically one of those dreams you have after eating something that doesnt agree with you or drinking too much which I just so happened to have done both.  I swam back to consciousness and layed there silently for a couple seconds.  Then much to my surprise I realized a large warm hand was gripping mine.  I didnt open my eyes, I didnt really want to.  I gave it a squeeze and it suddenly pulled me strongly between my pillows down into my bed.  I was relatively calm until half my body seemed to be inside the bed and I seemed fully physical.  I panicked and forced myself awake.  What happened???  

I have had a few things like this happen before during projections but not like this.  I also seem to be being targeted by some local spirit of some kind.  I will be sleeping and having a horrible dream and upon awakening something will be in my room.  The first time it happened it was a bird.  The second time it was a swarm of black dots.  Last week it happened again and it was a man.  I can clearly see these things when I awaken and they fade out.  All of the "spirits" seem to be quietly watching me have a nightmare and feeding off the energy.  WHen I wake up they seem to not notice the fact I can see them and just walk away from me because I assume I am not supplying them with what they want anymore.  Anyone have any similar experience?
Profound Impatience makes the blind struggle in Stupidity.


whoah man, that sounds pretty trippy!
I've had some pretty messed up experiences too. When I was a kid after I woke up from a nightmare there would always be something in my room with me. I woke up one night turned on the light and my room was covered in spiders. That sort of thing.
Pretty messed up stuff. But my conclusion from it all that it was just the sudden transition from dreaming to being fully concious, and your imagination just keeps on going, and although it might seem very real, its just your imagination.

But in your case who knows, it may be real, I guess theres no real way to tell. I recall reading a post a while back about a guy meeting sinister people in the astral plane. One person who replied suggested that the person they saw might not have been real but a manifestation of their fear centered around an entity. In that persons case... a person. Maybe what your experiencing isnt too similar.
When there's no more room in the oven, the bread will walk the earth.


Well. There have been about two times that I've gone through something similar. One was while I was in a trance, feeling as if someone was lying in bed right beside me. That definitely creeped me out.

Another time I felt someone massaging my back while I felt the inner-workings of my brain (such a weird sensation I tell you...). Both times I felt "fully physical".

Eloquence, those spiders are freaky! Awhile ago I had a false awakening in which a spider was right above my bed. Then when I walked outside my bedroom I bumped into some person in all black. lol. Goodness that scared the crap out of me. Funny thing is, when I actually woke up I went into the kitchen and I found myself confronted by a HUGE cockroach.  :gone:
Leaning over
Crawling up
Stumbling all around
Losing my place
Only to find I've come full circle.


Yeah, those spiders were so damm scary. They were huge too. I had similar experiences with various forms of scary objects. Though bumping into a person made of black would have totally freaked me out! I would have had a heart failure right there and then!
When there's no more room in the oven, the bread will walk the earth.

The Present Moment

I sometimes get those overlays if I wake prematurely. I've found that the objects can be influenced if I alter my emotional disposition towards them.

The single time this happened, a menacing dream character standing near my bed did a couple of exaggerated kung-fu moves after I thought that seeing it was ridiculous.


Arn de Gothia

I have had some freaky experiences involving dark beings. sometimes i just wake up (astrally) finds a dark being trying to infiltrate me or something. Scares me beyond all, but the fear turns to anger and i manage to chase them off.


I almost wish that when I would wake and see these things it would be a shadow creature or something because atleast then I can look at it and go "Oh tinkle off!" and dispose of it.  A bird?????  Black dots?  Some random midget like guy that I could sort of half see?  I just dont get it.  When this happens I am mostly physical as well.  I am not in a strong enough overlay at that point to use any kind of astral "Powers" and the whole "thought = action" thing doesnt apply.  I just have to be forced to spring awake from a dream and stare at some random thing that changes every time I see it.  Maybe next time I will ask it to shove off or atleast explain its scattered appearances.  

I have come to the conclusion that they are all the same "entity" just changing forms.  That almost makes things more confusing.  What is its reasoning behind what it picks to appear as and what does it want?  Is it a part of my higher self trying to signal me?  Is it an experienced astral projecting neighbor?  Is it the president???  There really arent any limits to what it could be and who knows if it really has a true form to begin with.  Ahh hell.  Guess I will just have to stick it out and try to get to the bottom of it.

I hope it is my higher self, its been a while since we communicated face to face.  Last time my higher self didnt even say a word to me.   :gasp:
Profound Impatience makes the blind struggle in Stupidity.


I feeled sometime a person next to me while I was trying to project.

I stopped right away because it scared me. It was like someone was watching me project.