Feeling my head is spinning around

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When i get to the part where my body is relaxed almost num, it starts to tingle in my forehead and i feel my head is spinning or rotating around and around like when you are dizzy. In my mind i can sort of see and feel like i'm going further and further away or up into some other dimension or somthing, it also looks like everything is purple almost in color. It almost feels like i am going to faint, its scary and i always open my eyes and can't continue. When i open them everything is fine and my head is not spinning or rotating, but it feels so real. So it sounds like it is my Astral body doing the movement.

Have any of you experienced this? Or is this what people call the vibration feeling?


I've registered on this forum 5 minutes ago and first topic I read is same question that I wanted to ask :) Glad to see I'm not the only one
scared of this spinning feeling. I think it's not vibrations, because I sometimes (when trying to project) feel this spinning thing and sometimes
something diffrent, that is 100 % matching to how people describe virations. Vibrations don't make me afraid now though, I get used to them.
But this spinning feeling, today I felt like my all my muscles are rigid, and like something was near me  and of course the spinning feeling...
I was sure that few more seconds of this feeling and I will project into astral.
I got afraid and opened my eyes, though I regret it because that was propably some other kind of vibrations. None of my muscles
were rigid, in fact I was totally relaxed, but the feeling was "so real" just like urs experience.


You're probably disassociating from the physical in as much as your consciousness is what's doing the spinning.  I've had that happen before during some meditations.
To stop it I had to switch my focus back to stabilize myself before continuing on.  Basically, re-orient yourself... then go back to doing what you were doing.  :)


 I believe this is another one of the many "tests" we must overcome to truly reach our goals here. I have had so many strange sensations on the road to the Astral World. I believe these are obstacles set in front of us by our own Conscious mind to see how serious we are about what we are trying to achieve. The head spinning, nervous ticks, heavy breathing, phantom limbs etc. are all precursors to the beauty that awaits you in the Astral World. If getting there was easy, everyone would be Astral Traveling consciously aware!


I had this a couple times, I just tried to "restart" my focus like
Ryan said and it went away slowly.



Have you tried letting it happen instead of forcing yourself to wake up?

Ryan, just read your post on your site about your false awakening jotting down your nots, hilarious! Hahaha :P Badluck


LoL Yeah that was a frustrating morning... I thought I had everything written down.  >_<
My girlfriend laughed at me.  LoL



I just had this happen to myself about 50 mins ago. The best way I can explain it is it almost felt as if I was a clock. I was lying flat, and my body would just keep going clockwise at a pretty decent speed. I wasn't really in tune to my physical body. I held this feeling for about three minutes and I got nothing. So I opened my eyes to see how my body felt, and I felt extremely tired. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world when I opened my eyes! I am getting very close to getting out of body. I was very scared at first too. Don't give up though. Just try and observe your body and what it is doing at that moment.

PS: Even though I couldn't really feel my physical body I was no where near the astral I don't think... I was still extremely conscious and knew I could abort if needed. I am getting to the point where I don't want to abort. It's just I kept waiting for my sight to change to my astral body and I think thinking those thoughts are what is holding me back.

Anyway, good luck!!




Had this exact feeling while projecting. I think its a partial awareness problem. Like your there, but your not there at the same time, I felt like I was extremely dizzy and extremely disorientated, then I fell back into the dream state. Don't go based off my idea though. It could be just natural chemicals, such as melatonin pumping through your body, having this effect. I'm not certain for sure. The difference between my experience and yours is the fact it happened during projection.


I have something like this, but it's not the sensation of spinning, it's like the sensation of zooming in and out at dizzying speeds. Used to get it almost every time I laid down as a kid, but now only every once in a while. Quite distracting, makes daydreaming impossible, and nothing like projection vibrations, really.


Quote from: Dazino on September 18, 2011, 14:15:52
I have something like this, but it's not the sensation of spinning, it's like the sensation of zooming in and out at dizzying speeds. Used to get it almost every time I laid down as a kid, but now only every once in a while. Quite distracting, makes daydreaming impossible, and nothing like projection vibrations, really.

I also get this sometimes. Huh.  :|
"Practice yourself, for heaven's sake, in little things, and thence proceed to greater."


 When you get these sensation, try using them to your advantage. Zooming could be like warping to another dimension. See where that leads you. The spinning could be spinning in a vortex/portal, allow the sensations and wait to see what happens on the other side. As soon as I experience any spinning, zooming etc. I create a mental image that will fit with that sensation. It stops the questioning why this is happening and lets the experience blossom.