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My Higher Self

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For those who have contacted your Higher Self, what is he/she(it) like?  And is it possible through Lucid Dreaming or only when I am having an OBE?

Because I was lucid dreaming, and decided to ask for my Higher Self and this room appeared that was all white.  And this person appeared (he looked kinda like Harry Potter with blonde hair and without glasses, he even acted British).  I asked "are you my higher self"?  He said "yes I am".  I asked his name and he said Moss.  Then he said "why have you contacted me"?  I said "Just for some general advice and to see if there is anything I should be doing."  He said, "No."  I was kinda confused why he would say no, so I said, "why not?".  Then he started to saying something about animal scents and I couldn't maintain the lucid dream anymore because of wasting too much time beforehand(before I asked for my higher self).

I wouldn't see why my higher self couldn't contact me in a lucid dream.  But while this guy was confident and had a certain charisma, he seemed rather stuck up, which I really wouldn't envision my higher self to be.  So what are your guys' thoughts?


Okay I read that link.  I understand what your saying.  Because I have almost a set idea of what will happen in something that's beyond the physical reality of which I am used to, it kind of screws things up.

I will attempt to search for an emotion next time.  Or try to find "me" by feeling it not saying it.

Maybe it was my higher self.  But probably not.  My mind created that image because that's what I thought it would be.  Who knows!


Mine first contacted me by showing up in dreams and whatnot before I even knew anything about this whole higher self thing.

 Personality wise, he seem very playful, cheery, almost sneaky & mischievous, but good natured in general.

 Interesting thing about the communication process with him- He doesn't speak in words much unless I ask him a question.  When he chose to communicate with me on his own initiative, it's always non-verbal methods (up to this point anyway), like a smile, or the way his eyes glint, or by simply tugging me toward some place I should be.  I remember one instance when I asked him what exactly he was, and even though he started answering my questions in words, images simultaneous started showing up in my head to complement his verbal answer.  The images made perfect sense in the OBE (and were actually the more important parts of the answer), but I was not even able to remember most of them when I woke up, except for how they "felt", and that they were indeed, the answer to my question.



I'm not sure how you feel in any way lower than the self you are already. There is a mystical belief construct that would suggest you are just a lessor part of some kind of whole. But that's just a mystical belief construct. The people that thought up that nonsense also thought the sun revolved around the earth, that the world was flat, and if a person travelled at greater than 15mph their body would disintegrate. :)

People who "make contact" with their "higher self" usually contact an aspect of themselves they create in Focus 2 of consciousness to satisfy that purpose. Which is what you did by the sounds of it.



You're not clear about if you want a female take on this. A white dream is good. It like being given a blank page to create. White is reflective and contains no color. You are able to create.

A higher being is not "summoned", imo. If it is, you did create it or it is an aspect of yourself. The child-like/ boyish character suggests an intelligent youth. There is nothing wrong with intelligent youth. Ego is nicely used here.

The name Moss suggests color. The name can have many meanings. You write it out as Moss, so I think of growth as Moss does grow.

You write out animal scents. This is smell, in an intuitive sense.It can also mean intuitive (sense). Since can also hint of time.A stretch, but animal scents can be animal science and what this means to you.

Emotion vs intelligence?

In a white dream all you see is form. A good indication you are not so influenced and focused on material world objects and the connected thoughts and ideas.

It's just my opinion but I think a spirit guide works in disguise most of the time. They are what you don't ask for and what you don't expect. Your guide may be your higher self in some ways and in some occasions and in some of the time.

Hopefully more people will post about their white dreams. I've had several white dreams. I'll gladly post them in the dream section if you request.


Cool thanks you guys!

Yeah wisp I would love to hear about your white dreams.


Okay markulous.Now I must gather my dream records and put them in chronological order. This is quite a task. I was a little concerned about finding all my dreams (recorded). I've found all except for the first year.

I am hopeful. Oddly, one of the white dreams I especially wanted to find (because of the details in it) showed up on my dresser next to my bed yesterday. This is why it's quite a task getting these pages together. The pages come out of the notebooks and get displaced. I have learned to make sure the date including the year are on all my dream entries.


Well just do the best you can.  I really appreciate it.


The Higher Self is you.

Frank, they are only words to be used until the user obtains a more effective understanding of them-Self., a place to start from, a handle to use till it wears out from lack of need.

Higher Self is the Soul you are.

That Soul has a small portion of itself within the body of the human being.

You will KNOW when you emerge to the Higher Self, the FEELING is intense and incredibly powerful... not something that can be faked....  you will find it is the same feeling as you... because it is you...  which is why it is so intense... the recognition.

The art of communication with Higher Self is in merging with it, recovering all your memories, and then BEING THAT SPIRIT HERE AND NOW IN THIS WORLD.

Sorry bout yelling, LOL

Love Always,


Quote from: markulousFor those who have contacted your Higher Self, what is he/she(it) like?  

When you see the "higher self " of a sitter in a clairvoyant reading  they usually look just like the sitter  except that they are in prime health as a young adult about 28 to 36.They are usually the same gender and original hair colour . They don't usually wear glasses or canes or watches etc . No implements or tools ...They are often dressed in solid colours like a robe effect  . They are often found behind the sitter in a reading in an above  central rear position. When the seeker wants to make contact themselves they can build the antakarana back to the source to be able to ask in the head for advice . This allows one to know if the choice you want to make is for your greater good for example because the higher self has the whole game plan in front of them . Through spiritual development it is possible to elevate the consciousness of one self and one's higher self and to develop more than one conscious subtle body aspect . It is also possible to pass the higher self in consciousness and become the highest self . But since that higher self dwells in spirit that is hard to do and i feel it is a transitory stage . I feel the higher self moves along as we do and can if we pass them pass us again as we progress . We are all learning as we sleep in nighttime projections to teaching realms . The higher self is the part that is not physical and is usually most aware and closest to the Godhead .And is it possible through Lucid Dreaming or only when I am having an OBE?

QuoteBecause I was lucid dreaming, and decided to ask for my Higher Self and this room appeared that was all white.  And this person appeared (he looked kinda like Harry Potter with blonde hair and without glasses, he even acted British).  I asked "are you my higher self"?  He said "yes I am".  I asked his name and he said Moss.  Then he said "why have you contacted me"?  I said "Just for some general advice and to see if there is anything I should be doing."  He said, "No."  I was kinda confused why he would say no, so I said, "why not?".  Then he started to saying something about animal scents and I couldn't maintain the lucid dream anymore because of wasting too much time beforehand(before I asked for my higher self).

...this sounds like a guide instead .
Love . Light  and Laughter
Aunt Clair


Why do you think it was a guide? (Just curious)

BTW, I did see him again in another lucid dream.  I managed to talk with him a little longer.  And around us were a few people that were sick.  I asked him a few questions that he answered.  Then 2 other guys asked him something about me.  He said I(referring to me) can't get sick here or get hurt, that I am immortal.  I asked aren't you the same way?  He shook his head, no.  That's all I could remember.


Quote from: markulousWhy do you think it was a guide? (Just curious)

Markulous ,
I intuit that he is a guide due to your desciption of Moss .
He does not seem to mirror you in temperment or human attributes .
Does he look like you the same height hair colour face gender ?

I would be happy to give you a reading online in chat room if you like . I offer spiritual readings for free when i am available here is the addy :

Yahoo messenger is another place i offer free readings
under the  handle auntclair
on user created reading sites
under religion
and then under other beliefs .
Love . Light  and Laughter
Aunt Clair


Actually I have posted a couple of times on your board.  My name there is ChanandlerBong.  When do you think you will be available next?


Mark, don't worry too much about it.  If Moss is an important guy of some kind to you, be he a guide or a higher self or whatnot, you'll surely bump into him in future dreams/projections.  Try to remember to ask him some questions (open ended, preferably with answers that one can't infer from the question) to him.  A good one to try is "what are you?", or "how do you relate to me?".


About the higher self -  I've had only one experience with a higher self, but it has some strange relations to what you wrote.
        I opened my eyes and I was in a hallway with several doors that appeared much like a college dorm.  As I looked at the doors there appeared a young lady that directed me to the door with my higher self.  This was strange because I had not been seeking or even been thinking about this type of situation.  The door had a push button lock on it, and of course my pin number was just the thing to open it.  Inside, I found a lot of stuff, it was cramped but not messy.  At first I didn't see anything of interest, so I shut the door.  I went a door or so down the hall and opened it via the same manner as the first.  Inside this door was a bed with what I will call a primal scene.  When I shut the door, the young lady appeared again and said that this was my lower self and to go back to the first door.  Once back in the first room, I told her that I didn't see anything.  She replied that it was the bear in the corner I was looking for.  I walked up to the bear (which was like a grizzly standing upright) and said hello.  The bear responded "what do you want" with emphasis on the you.  I told the bear I didn't want anything and it was nice to meet him.

            Beside the structures, I believe this is a fairly good example of the separation of our emotions in respect to the different persona's we each have.  I would think that each room would hold a different and distinct characteristic of ones self.  The animal aspect is interesting and may have more to do with characteristics than actual animal ties.  I have considered "cleaning house" in this level of consciousness, but haven't found the time to decide what aspects I would get rid of and which will have value even if in a mundane way.


Yes, Tayesin is correct.  The spirit and body are too seperate things.

If you would like to get in touch with your higher self, I would recommend Zen Meditation (Moving Meditation).

It's easy for naysayers to tell you that something they haven't seen is "fictional" or "impossible."  Much like people gaining the ability to fly in huge chunks of metal was impossible before airplanes were invented.

I would recommend constant daily meditation for at the very least 2 months straight.  See for yourself and then decide rather then forming concrete beliefs that are unchangeable, which is a sure way to go absolutely nowhere in your life and spiritual developement.