The Astral’s Immense Feeling of Love

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I believe I had a spontaneous projection a few nights ago. I have them now and then. This woman approached me and instantly realized that she knew me with a very deep rooted bond. She jumped into my arms and the feeling of unconditional love can not be compared to anything in this realm. Had this feeling once before when passing through the tunnel of light. Not sure who she was, but the impact it had on me is quite overwhelming. I remember every single detail to the finest degree, and the images keep playing over in my head. Some are skeptical that the astral is not real. Normal dreams just don't have this level of impact, detail, feeling, and emotion that stays with you days and days after. The level of awareness and thought are the same as here, if not more elevated and peaceful. Feels a bit muted to be back here in comparison, now that there is a reference point of how things can/should be. Perhaps with the higher frequency of those realms positive feelings and perceptions are increased exponentially.
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


Quote from: Frostytraveler on December 02, 2023, 12:51:59The level of awareness and thought are the same as here, if not more elevated and peaceful.
This is the precise reason for that "more than real" feel so many people state in their projections.  :)
This is the "astral awareness" level of your awareness while projecting.  It's akin, as you suggested, to the same kind of awareness you have while awake - hence I call it your waking awareness.

QuotePerhaps with the higher frequency of those realms positive feelings and perceptions are increased exponentially.
I feel it's due to your experiencing the without a filter.  That filter being your physical body.  You're now experiencing reality purely using your full awareness - you don't get that while physically awake. 

Nice experience.  It really creates that motivation to live it again and again.  :)


I agree Xanth, it was like the physical form's filter was removed. Just not possible to feel that way here. I hope I see her and experience this again.
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


Quote from: Xanth on December 02, 2023, 16:19:26This is the precise reason for that "more than real" feel so many people state in their projections.  :)
Yes, and it is also why mere words alone, just can't be found to describe the "total awe" of it!  8-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Agreed with everything said. I would only add that this is one of the first of many filters that we move beyond. For me, there have been noticeable movements beyond filters, per se, that have led to increasingly clearer (and maybe higher?) levels of thinking...and then even that begins to change, adding in perspective changes of perceiving and understanding energies...and then perspectives beyond that. It moves beyond reporting in mere words alone. Just a suggestion to always remain open to the next level of experiencing.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde



In addition to the "total awe of it all" (elevated thought, feeling, emotion, detail etc...) as a sign for being in the astral, for me, is the spontaneous comparison of what is unfolding in the other realm with that which is in the physical realm. I.e comparing factual existence variations in the two realms, or the repercussions of choices in one realm, and how they may impact life in physical realm while still in the astral. When I start comparing the two while in the astral for me is the confirmation that I am not here anymore. When the elevated awareness comes down then making such comparisons becomes impossible, as we are just along for the ride at the low or no level of awareness.

Things are just dreamy and a bit surreal in the non-astral/OBE state. As others said (I believe Xanth) we are just an actor in a play of sorts in the non-astral/OBE state where we know the lines only when they spontaneously occur, as choice/free is absent. Projection can stay with you a long time, days, weeks, or forever, while dreamy non-awareness dreams quickly fade away.

As far as the filter goes, it appears all emotion love, happiness, even fear are elevated in the astral. The filter we "build-up" in this realm due to life's unavoidable challenges is removed and now with a direct feed we feel everything unchecked/unhindered, as it is meant to be.

"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


Interesting update: Shortly after the above projection for three consecutive nights, while in the hypnagogic state, I have heard a distinct soft spoken "Hey...Hey". Woke me up quick. Is this likely my brain playing tricks on me, or is there any meaning behind this? Now and then (as most experience) I have heard my name called out, even while fully awake. This happens maybe twice a year, but never this distinct and three nights in a row. It is interesting due to the timing. Any comments?
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


Quote from: Frostytraveler on December 07, 2023, 12:28:31Interesting update: Shortly after the above projection for three consecutive nights, while in the hypnagogic state, I have heard a distinct soft spoken "Hey...Hey". Woke me up quick. Is this likely my brain playing tricks on me, or is there any meaning behind this? Now and then (as most experience) I have heard my name called out, even while fully awake. This happens maybe twice a year, but never this distinct and three nights in a row. It is interesting due to the timing. Any comments?

Unconditional love is the strongest energy type that raises our vibration. Through it you have established a strong connection to your higher self and other dimensions, and you are experiencing the synchronicity and connections you have created. Great job!
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


LightBeam, thank you for your wondrously insightful comment.  :-)
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee