half asleep, body vibrating, bed shaking!

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Hi all

Very strange things are happening to me these days and I put it all down to the energy exercises I'm doing.

Last night I went to bed and did some exercises.  The deeper I fell asleep the more intense my vibrations got.  I was half asleep when I felt my bed shaking.  I continued to consciously send energy through my body and vibrate at the same time that I was sleeping, how strange is that?  Although I did not project it was a pretty interesting experience.  Just had to share it with you guys!

happy astralling everyone!

"This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet." Rumi

Alan McDougall

Venus Goddess,

You were experiencing the first phase of a conscious out-of-body, come astral projection. Next time lay there and try to leave you body by imagining you are floating  up into the ceiling or sky.

Take Care



Yippeeeeee!  That's the best news I've had today.  I will do what you suggested next time that happens, hopefully soon!

Thanks Alan.

a very happy venus
"This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet." Rumi


That happened to me before like 7 times in one night! I was doing energy work, every time I felt the vibrations I tried to project but the vibrations faded away and I was fully awake in my physical body. My subconscious mind kept waking me up right before projecting like I told it to but I kept ruining it. It got early in the morning so I just rolled over and said to myself, "I'm going to bed, don't wake me up this time" and I didn't wake up to the Vibrations. I think the problem was I kept thinking about my body and that stopped to vibrations.


Like Alan said, you're sooooo close! I've experienced the feeling that my bed was shaking as well (not violently however, just enough to notice)... I've always wondered if it was my imagination though. My heart chakra usually flutters rapidly right before an exit... may want to try focusing on that while imagining you're rising out?

Good luck...


Is it possible it wasn't reentry sensations?  Even though I don't get exit vibrations, when I come back I sometimes get vibes, especially if I was asleep and start to wake as I get back in.  Those are the most intense vibrations ever.
Just a thought.

Alan McDougall

Hi guys

You are all correct, I jerk when I return and vibrate on exit. Some advise  , if you reach the first vibratory hypnagogic stage, try to roll out of your body and think where you would like to go. If you perfect this the universe could become your backyard.

Take Care


Alan McDougall

Venus_Goddess of Love and others,

How about this technique for inducing astral travel

Here is a technique for astral travel. I bluntly call it the '4 in the morning technique' I have tried many methods over the past two years, and this one had the best results. I have written it out in steps. It involves getting up at 4 o'clock in the morning - a little extra effort, but it is by far worth it. The reasons for waking up at 4 in the morning are:

- You will be drowsy and it will be easier to clear your head.
- You will drift off to sleep much faster.
- You will have gotten up for a purpose; your body and mind will be tuned to what you are trying to achieve.

A note to those who are skeptical about astral travel but still wish to try it: You must keep an open mind while attempting to project. Any negative thoughts or feelings will certainly hold you back. Stay positive, open, and willing.

The technique is as follows:

Set your alarm for 4 o'clock in the morning.

Allow yourself to drift asleep.

At four in the morning, the alarm will wake you. Get out of bed turn on the light, and splash water on your face. Dry your face with a towell.

After about two minutes, get back in bed. Lie on your back.

You will most likely be feeling groggy and tired. Your mind will be eager to get back to sleep.

Close your eyes, and clear your mind. This should be easy because you are so tired.

Now, imagine you are standing somewhere in your room. Perhaps in the far corner. Vividly see yourself standing there. Know that you are standing there, and that your body is still lying on the bed. Focus your whole mind on this concept.

While working on that, begin a simple affirmation in your head. "I am going to astral travel. I am going to leave my body." Say it in your head, over and over, while imagining you are on the other side of the room.

While you are doing this, you will begin to drift back to sleep. Slowly, your mind will begin to cloud. Make sure that the concept of standing elsewhere in your room is the last thing that goes through your mind before you are asleep.

You may experience one or more of the following sensations:

- Floating
- Sinking
- Vibrations
- A bright white/blue light
- A rushing or popping sound
- Starnge noises; someone calling your name
- A jolt

If you experience one or more of these sensations for the first time, it may be frightening. But know that they are positive signs; signs that let you know you're about to project.
Almost always, apon feeling a strange sensation, the person trying to project gets such a fright that he/she is jolted back into their body. If this happens to you, allow yourself to fall asleep and try again the next night, knowing presently that there is nothing to fear.

If you find yourself outside your body, do not stay out for too long the first time. Float about your room, become used to the physics of the astral plane, and then will yourself back into your body. You can start exploring after a 24 hour break. There may be a guide waiting for you. This guide will watch over you and take you where you please. Talk briefly with the guide, and say you will project again in 24 hours.

When 24 hours pass, you will be ready to explore and venture further than your room. You may not even have to use drifting off to sleep as a medium for astral travel.

If, after several attempts, you still have not projected, do not be detered. It is likely you will have felt some of the sensations above while trying, and this is a positive sign. You must remember that it is a matter of willpower. You can't just casually attempt to project in a one-off scenario. Think about astral travel throughout the day. Buy a book on astral travel. Attempt to astral travel everynight. Eventually, I gurantee, you will get out.


Take Care



Thank you to everyone who replied with encouraging words.  Alan, I have read some of your posts and I think that you really are a blessing to us all on this forum.  Thank you for genuinely trying to help especially those of us who have just started the journey.

best wishes
"This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet." Rumi


I just want to thank Alan. It looked like a long post but I'm glad I read it. I never thought of doing that, 4 am, lights on, water on face thing. I have tried for ever to project, I'll use this technique with Adrian's mind techniques. My mind is just to unfocused when I tried to project before.