Dreaming OR Astral Projection?

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When I try these experiences, the easiest thing for me is to reach this state of weightlessness and then I feel that I am rising above my bed. In most cases, I feel myself pivoting and turn around to face the floor. However, I can't say that I see myself.

The first time I tried the experiment, I put the sleeve of a sweater over my eyes and that's not what I saw. I saw someone lying on the bed but I didn't recognize myself or see the sleeve of my sweater on my face. This morning, I saw children on my bed.

Am I astral traveling or dreaming?!

Note that I continue to hear what is happening around me such as the heating system so I imagine that I am not sleeping.

Your thoughts?


Hi acheo and welcome to the Pulse!
It appears that you are staying in a state of adjustment between physical and non-physical. Not quite projected, but not quite refocused from the physical senses. That may happen during deep meditation, phasing, any AP techniques, vibrational state, etc. When you are in the non-physical you are not observing the actual physical reality, that's why you are not seeing exactly the same things including your body. You are observing a duplicate energy version of reality but it is very fluid and your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, etc may influence it. If you are aware that you are projecting or dreaming then you are projecting and you can navigate the experience with your thoughts. If you are not aware then you are dreaming and your experiences are more symbolic, but both experiences take place in the non-physical.
You can read more about the vibrational state with its various sensations and visions in this link.

"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Hello acheo,

I agree with LightBeam's perspective on what you are experiencing; this is a very normal situation to encounter early on. Let me offer a slightly different perspective on what may be happening-

As you relax and move deeper into your meditation/visualization, the 'fixation point' of your awareness is moving from the purely Physical into the Non-Physical...and yes, that can be the dream world or the astral...or a combination of both. When this happens, your awareness is moving back and forth grasping for a 'fixation point' within one of these awareness areas...and that takes time and practice and adjustment.

One way to think of it is like a Venn Diagram where you have an arrangement of three circles of Awareness, where the bottom circle represents your normal Physical awareness, and the other two circles are arranged one to the upper left, the other to the upper right, and all three circles overlap by maybe 20-30% at their inner edges. The second circle represents your dreaming reality and the other, your astral reality. This is not exact but works for our discussion. Also, don't discount experiences in one area or another.

Once you are deep in your meditation/visualization, your awareness is bouncing around within that overlapping boundary area of the circles, experiencing confusing moments of one 'reality' and then another, or overlaps of two or three areas. Learning to operate within this new region takes time and repeated experience and a certain amount of confusion is normal. Part of the confusion is also due to the idea that you are rediscovering Non-Physical senses that you originally abandoned for this Physical incarnation. Realizing and developing those NP senses is part of the learning process. Eventually, you will learn to 'fix your attention/awareness' within a single area and then can go exploring.

The 2Dimensional 3 circle overlapping Venn Diagram is a simplified version of the truer nature of our experience- It is actually a much larger 7 or 10 or greater number of Venn circles, overlapping one another in a much more 3D, 4D and higher set of relationships, the complexity and beauty of which is left for us to discover. 

Continue your practice and don't change anything for now; you are doing fine. This is a very normal period of initial confusion and adjustment; you will make progress with each new experience. Don't push or expect too much, be patient and just go with the flow.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde