People are not real but are fine.

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I do not have experience with such entities but I would suggest teaching your daugther about astral projection and out of body experiences. Tell her that nothing can hurt her. That only fear can keep her down and once she over comes fear then she will be fine. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. I would not jump to saying it is a neg, maybe a spirit or something.

Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


Greetings all,

  [mkalomisis] It's heartning to read that you have not just put it down to imagination and keeping an open mind. Like Fallnangel177 I do not have the expierance with such things, but from your discription it sounds like what they call "elementals", or as Frank on this board aptly called them in a post "scamps". I've heard people discribe them as miscievous little things that can annoy or disturb you in the Astral.
Might sound strange, but when you say Mozart, it wouldn't be Mozarts "the magic flute" in particular .

Regards  Steve


In the course of my work, now and again I come across a case such as yours.
Firstly, it's not her imagination. Your daughter is simply in-tune with the Astral (or at least some part of it) but she doesn't have the requisite degree of conscious awareness necessary in order to make sense of it all. It is a fact that confusion and the Astral seem to go hand in hand.

"Hearing" loud pops and bangs, Velcro-like ripping noises, while undergoing initial stages of projection, and often during projection, is all VERY NORMAL.

To me, it is understandable how the image could have appeared to come out of the TV, as she says. Many children go off into a trance-like state when watching TV. As your daughter is so aware of the Astral, it is likely that when she goes into this state her sense of conscious awareness will automatically plug into the Astral. With the result that one moment she is viewing TV imagery and next moment she is viewing Astral imagery. However, because her infant mind does not have the capacity to differentiate the two, she concludes the image must have come out of the TV.

However, you say the TV can also prevent her from projecting. This could be due to her actually concentrating on the TV image, which stops her drifting off into a trance-like state thus preventing her sense of conscious awareness from plugging into the Astral.

The big problem in these kinds of cases, if I may respectfully point out, is normally caused by the parent's lack of understanding as to what is happening. First, the child displays behaviour that is in some way "odd". But to the child, initially, it all seems very natural. Typically the child begins talking to, or speaking about, or begins playing with, some kind of unseen friend. Or the child might start describing some event that entailed actions, such as, flying through the air.

At first, the parents dismiss it all as mumbo-jumbo and hope it will go away. The typical response goes something like, "She started this when she/he was x-years old and we just thought she'd grow out of it... but then the nightmares started... " And usually there then follows a tale of ever worsening situations.      

Initially, everything starts off fine. However, as the child gets older it begins to develop a sense of fear. And it is only a matter of time before the child visits the Astral and has a "scary moment". Typically, this results in a forced awakening coupled with events like: screaming for mummy, while complaining about having been chased by monsters and such like.

Problem is, the child will naturally look to the parents for reassurance. But because they have no understanding of Astral matters, the parents tend to be at a complete loss as to what to do. More often than not, they become fearful for the child which the child picks up. Then the "nightmares" get worse as the child becomes ever more fearful and the whole situation turns into a downward spiral.

I think, perhaps, as a start, what you need to do is read through some of my previous posts where I talk about the effects of releasing uncontrolled emotions when projecting within the Astral. Basically, what we humans call "thought" is, in fact, a primary energy. As a result, when you are projecting within the Astral, it is essential that you become emotionally closed. This is because any release of emotion will cause your circumstances to instantly change in order to match whatever it is you are being emotional about.

Fear is the most common emotion to have. Any release of fear will cause you to instantly find yourself in fearful circumstances. Which normally has the effect of making you ever more fearful, i.e. release more emotional energy, which merely has the effect of fuelling ever more fearful circumstances, and so on.

The longer it goes on, the more difficult it is to break the cycle. So the sooner you work out ways of teaching your daughter not to become fearful, the better. By the way, the "skill" your daughter has, in being able to step within the Astral SO easily, many of the adults on this BBS would give their right arms for.  :)    


James Davis

First off, I don't want to sound too alarmist.  Having said that, it strikes me that some of the experiences your daughter describes track Robert Bruce's descriptions of neg activities.  The classical music used as a countermeasure is one example.  It would probably be worthwhile to check out his new book "Practical Psychic Self Defense" -- at least to get an indepth treatise on the subject, and the available countermeasures.  I agree with Frank's comments about controlling one's fear.  However, there's a chance that entity in question may be more malicious, and willful, than a "typical" astral scamp.  Not showing fear may help, but if it wants to form attachments or gain greater control, it might resort to other methods.  It's possible all the talk about attachments and possession, etc, is hogwash, but it might be helpful to get PPSD and at least do a little scientific experimentation to see if the countermeasures are effective.  If music works, maybe running water, too?  It might be wise to couple the fear-based counseling with other countermeasures, to see what effect they may have.  I want to hasten to add that I haven't had much experience with really awful entities, but based on Robert's postings, it wouldn't hurt to get some 'insurance' in the form of PPSD.


So called "neg activities" are complete hogwash. I spent around 5-years "fighting" and "protecting" myself against such entities only to realise they were simply products of my own emotional interplay. At the time, when I realised the real truth of what I had been up to (for what I thought) were all those years, I felt completely and utterly stupid for having not realised sooner. Now, years later, I find out that in real terms, I was lucky to have ever realised at all.  



First of all thank you to all of you who have taken the time to offer your ideas.

I am acquainted with obe's and have been interested but not pursued it personally because the task seemed too daunting.  i was hoping that the doodle doo  was merely annoying and the fear was based on the unknowness of it all.  didn't want to give energy  to even the idea of a neg, that is until i wrote it yesterday on the forum. frank's comment about the loud noises is very interesting and provides additional support that these experiences could be obe's.

i don't want her to think what she sees and does during these times is odd.  i would much rather her to believe it to be her special time and adventurous.  without personal experience however, i am limited.  donni once recommended a children's meditation book suggesting a child have a garden in their mind where pretty much anything they want, goes.  we talk about things in her garden and if something seems dangerous or scarry, i tell her she has the power to turn it around and make it safe or just ignore it.   she intuitively knew this at age 2 1/2 when she came up with the idea to make the doodle doo turn into a soldier and march away.  i just keep reminding her, that she can do this.  i am hoping thru these discussions, she may learn to apply it to her astral experiences which up until now, refered to as her dreams.  i wasn't sure what it was she was experiencing.  based on all your comments, i think this might be the way to go.

thank you again.  

ATTN:  steveb  ----the mozart cd's she listens to has a variety of music but all of them do include the magic flute and this happens to be one of her favorites.  so why did you ask about the magic flute?



Allow me to offer my opinion- and it's only my opinion mind you!" border=0>  

Well, the best thing you can do (as somebody already mentioned) is to inform your daughter that these things can never hurt her.  When I was young I suffered because a lot of what I experienced, which I admit is similar in many ways to what your daughter is undergoing, was chalked up to imagination and dreams- which is true to a certain extent, but I also know that many times I was in the astral and was having OBE's and of course my parents had no idea about these things.  Therefore always be respectful of your daughter and believe her, and fortunately it sounds like you already are.

In regards to these entity being negative, I have a feeling it is because positive entities have a purpose for their visits and manifestations while negs tend to simply appear and scare people or decieve them.  I myself am a Chrisitan and therefore I obviously believe in the power and authority of Jesus Christ.  I don't expect you to, but I will tell you that I have never failed to banish a negative spirit entity when I do so in "the name of Jesus Christ"- the trick is that I have complete faith in Christ and that's why I believe it works.  Having faith in Christ is another topic in and of itself and I won't go into that.

Thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts and I hope something I have written can be of some help.  Once again I applaud you for being open minded and loving towards your daugher, she is obviously a special person.


fides quaerens intellectum
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


Greetings all,

mkalomisis wrote :      she tells me to play music at night (she favors lullabies or mozart)

steveb wrote :              Might sound strange, but when you say Mozart, it wouldn't be Mozarts "the magic flute" in particular .

mkalomisis wrote :               ATTN: steveb ----the mozart cd's she listens to has a variety of music but all of them do include the magic flute and this happens to be one of her favorites. so why did you ask about the magic flute?

             Most classical pieces come from the higher dimensions, they come from the divine you could say. Pop, Punk, Grundge, Country ect ect ect come from the physical and use the emotions in defeatist way.  Classical pieces from the higher realms can transend  the base physical emotions and allow us contact the true consiousness.
              You hear a lot of people talk of the beautiful music they hear whilst in the other dimensions. A lot seem to have trouble trying to describe it in physical terms. One thing you will not hear from people who have heard this music and sounds from the astral proper or above is, "ye ya know,it sounded like The rolling stones sort of " or  "yeh , it was just like Madona".
                The reason I asked in reference to "the magic flute" is that I've been told this particular piece has spiecal quality's.

Regards  Steve



On a slightly different note
I wouldn't want to teach my child stuff like this (obe and metiphysical stuff) at such a young age.  Id feel like I was the parent brainwashing the child into believing something they have never truely experienced (like many people who are "religious" these days.)
Should they get older and become interested by their own will......... thats another story

I know someone who's parents practice wicca (well i only know him online but Ive known him for a while) and he grew up pretty weird just because his lifestyle was so out of the norm and it kind of caused him problems.
But then I know someone else who's mom is wiccan and he's pretty normal... so I dunno
its a weird subject

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Grenade01, I do see your point. It would depend on how this is taught. Astral projection is something that you can do, not a religion. She should be given the basic knowledge of what is happening so she can be better prepared. If she is left in the dark then this experience can continue to be a fearful negative one. I have read many experiences from people who have had OBE when young and because they did not know what was going on saw them as bad. Looking back the people say they wish they knew what was going on so they could explore it more. People should not have to conform just to satisfy what is considered to be normal, especially in a situation such as this. If this were the case we would all be Christians (not saying there is anything wrong with Christianity) and no one would be exploring out of body experiences,  other such subjects, or any other diverse ideas.

Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


I believe that the more belief systems and cultures we are exposed to, the better.  Experiencing such a variety, finding more options, enables us to find which is the best fit for us personally.   I always make sure when sharing views with my children, to let them know that they are my views only and that there are many ways to look at things, to believe differently is not wrong.  I can tell already that my older daughter is more traditional, thinks I am a little wierd.  she has however, grown to accept the idea there could be more to this world than what mainstream america believes.

i could not teach my 5 year old how to project and about the astral.  goodness, she knows more about these things than i do.  i hope to support her journey.  if she runs into a ruff spot, i will try to to help her--maybe come back to this forum and get your opinions.  sometimes when we talk about her "dreams" she says "i cannot tell you about this one".  as much as i want to know more, i leave it at that.  that is the best i can do.

thanks again to all of you who offered your advice.  i am grateful.

best wishes, melody


I have a five year old daughter, who has a quite an imagination.  Way back when she was just 2, she told me she was afraid of a visitor who called him/herself a "doodle doo".  She described the being as a light that flies around and orginially came out of the tv.  6 months or so later at 2 1/2, she told me that she took her magic wand and turned it into a sword then turned the doodle doo into a soldier and commanded him to march away.  i thought that was the end of the doodle doo until it reappeared about 9 months ago when she was  4.  she is afraid of this being but sometimes tells me that he/she is friendly.  she told me one time the doodle do cut her skin open so she could come out.  once she said the walls bled.  she also said the doodle doo told her the "people are not real but are fine".  she tells me to play music at night (she favors lullabies or mozart) or wants the tv on with no sound.  this she says will keep the doodle doo away.  she is old enough now to draw a picture for me of this doodle doo which i asked her to do.  it is an elonglated diamond shape and is bright glowing golden light.  it flies around and sometimes makes extremely loud sounds that only my daughter can hear.  at these times day or night, she will plug her ears.  sometimes her fear is stronger than other times.   she seems to be less fearful lately.  i have many stories and shared only the gruesome ones.  and this is why i am concerned.  could these be negs?  she speaks of flying and seeing things i don't understand.  i wondered if she could be seeing these things during an obe.  any similar experience/knowledge would be most helpful.    

my daughter sometimes knows things before they happen.  she seems very wise about some things as well, which makes me wonder if there is more to the doodle doo than just her imagination.