My First Semi-Conscious Projection (at age 12)

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I was age 12 in middle school, and I was a very curious kid. I always asked questions about everything; why can't we fly? Why haven't we found life in space? Why are there different races? etc.. well one night I thought how do I fall asleep? like I never remembered falling asleep, I just remembered laying down and waking up not the process of my body shutting down. So I decided to watch myself falling asleep. Even though I had to be up for school at 6 am and it was already late, I decided to try it out anyways.

A r o u n d - 3 a. m.

I started drifting off to sleep, I fell asleep for probably 2 min the first time and woke up and prepared myself to try again. The 2nd time I caught myself falling asleep, my mind was fully prepared to stay up. I felt my body shutting down, it was like I had a numbing fluid going through my body (looking back now I know this was sleep paralysis) that shut it completely off. I was kind of scared when this happened because I couldn't move my body, I could however move my eyes for some reason (does this happen to anyone else during sleep paralysis? till this day I can move my eyes during sleep paralysis) so I decided to look around my room and I noticed everything had an orange glow over it.

T h i s   i s   w h e r e   i t   g e t s   i n t e r e s t i n g  . . .

As I laid there scared things got really scary, In my mind (simultaneously) I started seeing a birds eye view of blue-ish gray mountains that were snow covered. It was like i was flying over them or make things even more interesting I started hearing pieces of that hadaway song that was in night at the roxbury. The song was called 'what is love' by Hadaway. And it was at the part that the girl vocals come in singing. Now this was VERY tranquil and relaxing but I was TERRIFIED because I thought I was dying. I immediately started fighting the sleep paralysis as hard as i could and finally ended the experience. I got up breathing heavy and thankful to still be alive, from then on i decided i would never question the sleep cycle again.


There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Szaxx on January 25, 2016, 06:47:58
The fear needs to be removed to get further and an answer we have. That's if you've not already mastered the art.

Yes I have thanks Szaxx, but now interesting thing is my experiences are not visual as we see with our eyes. They are visual like visualizing with the mind, do you experience that? or do you actually see visually your experiences


My earliest experiences were as real as being awake. Things I saw existed in the physical, verified later by early hours storm damage.
Recent experiences are in alternate realities and as real as the physical, the actual physics is different in these environments.
Some are purely mental. There's no form, its thought like only.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


damn thats intense, hope I can get back into practice and experience alternate realities


Determination and desire will help greatly. These set intent and something will click into place and you'll be travelling again.
The intensity can be incredible, you are so occupied in some, you stay grounded. These last for many hours or days there. It's not a floaty pleasure trip, its more like being the main character in a really good movie and you are the one writing the storyline by your actions.
They take precedence over reading some cards left on a table lol.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Qess on January 28, 2016, 16:35:56
Yes I have thanks Szaxx, but now interesting thing is my experiences are not visual as we see with our eyes. They are visual like visualizing with the mind, do you experience that? or do you actually see visually your experiences

One of my first experience I can recall floating at my ceiling wondering when was the right time to open my eyes so I could see.  In actuality the entire time I was seeing with this ALL seeing kind of view.  Never thought of it as possibly being a visualization of the mind, I guess I have always considered it a 360 degree view or astral view.  This happens in all of my travels.  That one time where I was so focused on relying on my real eyes I woke up as soon as I opened them.  Sometimes in the OBE state I feel as if I need to open my eyes to see, which is strange because I am already seeing everything.  Maybe human conditioning?  (shrugs)  I hope this is what you were getting at and if it isn't I tried.   :|