Religion and Astral Projection.

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Killa Rican

If you believe in God you would assume he created 'EVERYTHING'. All Realitys, All Dimensions. Of course if your a religious person this means you would have to slightly change your belief on the traditional idea that we are God's only creation that we are alone in the universe ect.. I want to ask of your opinion because this has been bugging me for a long time after i had my first OBE.

I have been having trouble sleeping for nights so even though im tired i decide to stay awake. Being awake for 3 days one afternoon on the computer i decide to get up and walk to my bed and sleep face down. As i Drift off to sleep my imagination is running wild. Eventually my Imagination or my Dream(Starting point?) i am conscious im entering into the dream state so it quickly becomes lucid. Since im half awake half asleep,  i hear a faint voice as if my Grandfather was yelling at me to get up for school. Even though it was on a saturday. As i wake up to try to turn around to acknowledge him i feel a jolt throughout my body. Im Parayalzed, like anyone else would under sleep paralysis. But this was my first time so i was scared and confused. All of a sudden i hear voices in my head and i hear moaning and agony, people suffering, Not Only in my head but as if the sounds were real as if they were present in the room.
  At first it felt like such a hellish experience i was terrified. Since i believe in God I tried to shout out to him to help me. But i couldnt get my voice out. I couldnt move any muscle in my body. So i close my eyes in visualize Jesus Christ to save me because the voices were getting more demonic by the second. As i did that I felt like i was being lifted up from my body by a force and i drifted away. I had my eyes closed but i felt like my spirit was soaring. As i opened my eyes i was surprised to have an eagle perspective of my body looking down at myself. Then the voices dissapeared and i felt liberated. As i could feel myself waking into physical reality again i felt like that instant second i got knocked back down into my body and then i opened my eyes and got up from my bed.

My question is IF you believe in a God, Does he play a role in Astral Projection? And if so how does it work out for you.
For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice. ~Joseph Dunninger

Killa Rican

If you believe in God you would assume he created 'EVERYTHING'. All Realitys, All Dimensions. Of course if your a religious person this means you would have to slightly change your belief on the traditional idea that we are God's only creation that we are alone in the universe ect.. I want to ask of your opinion because this has been bugging me for a long time after i had my first OBE.

I have been having trouble sleeping for nights so even though im tired i decide to stay awake. Being awake for 3 days one afternoon on the computer i decide to get up and walk to my bed and sleep face down. As i Drift off to sleep my imagination is running wild. Eventually my Imagination or my Dream(Starting point?) i am conscious im entering into the dream state so it quickly becomes lucid. Since im half awake half asleep,  i hear a faint voice as if my Grandfather was yelling at me to get up for school. Even though it was on a saturday. As i wake up to try to turn around to acknowledge him i feel a jolt throughout my body. Im Parayalzed, like anyone else would under sleep paralysis. But this was my first time so i was scared and confused. All of a sudden i hear voices in my head and i hear moaning and agony, people suffering, Not Only in my head but as if the sounds were real as if they were present in the room.
  At first it felt like such a hellish experience i was terrified. Since i believe in God I tried to shout out to him to help me. But i couldnt get my voice out. I couldnt move any muscle in my body. So i close my eyes in visualize Jesus Christ to save me because the voices were getting more demonic by the second. As i did that I felt like i was being lifted up from my body by a force and i drifted away. I had my eyes closed but i felt like my spirit was soaring. As i opened my eyes i was surprised to have an eagle perspective of my body looking down at myself. Then the voices dissapeared and i felt liberated. As i could feel myself waking into physical reality again i felt like that instant second i got knocked back down into my body and then i opened my eyes and got up from my bed.

My question is IF you believe in a God, Does he play a role in Astral Projection? And if so how does it work out for you.
For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice. ~Joseph Dunninger

Steel Hawk

Why do you ask this question?

And yes, legions of demonic voices in your head can be a terrifying experience -- demons were the one thing that were always able to bring the fear of god in me for a very long time.

Killa Rican

Quote from: Steel Hawk on September 11, 2008, 20:26:09
Why do you ask this question?

And yes, legions of demonic voices in your head can be a terrifying experience -- demons were the one thing that were always able to bring the fear of god in me for a very long time.

I ask this question because i know people have many different opinions when it comes to God and the Paranormal. Or Supernatuaral. Im a very curious open minded person and i been looking for awnsers all my life. I just want to know if for other people can they connect those two beliefs to Co-exist and try to make sense of it or 1 cant exist if the other exists.
For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice. ~Joseph Dunninger


My limited concept of "God" as the source of all that we experience is now leaning towards this: an infinite, multidimensional, collective super consciousness.

Does the source of our reality play a role in a single human's astral projection experience? It depends on how one interprets the question.

Does God directly influence a single human's ability to project? I think not. I don't think "God" micromanages our reality. Reality takes care of itself, it's a perfect selfcontained system.


When you Astral Project for the first time (from my experience) all of your traditional beliefs are usually shattered because its such an amazing and profound experience that all of your preconceived notions of the Universe, God/Creator Type Figure, other Dimensions, are changed forever. God doesn't usually play a part for me in Astral Projection because its something you have to do all alone. I ask for guidance and patience and strength sometimes but the majority is your own willpower to succeed and deal with all of the negativity out there. You can usually pray for protection and that helps somewhat but the entire experience is up to you. The "demonic" voices can be REALLY scary but realize that as a projected human your abilities are immense compared to those of the negative entities. Divine energy can also strengthen anything so utilize it when you can. Hope this helps.

Steel Hawk

Quote from: interception on September 12, 2008, 03:03:55
My limited concept of "God" as the source of all that we experience is now leaning towards this: an infinite, multidimensional, collective super consciousness.

I had an experience not to long ago of this... Ever since then I've believed the above, and kept saying God looked like the Aurora Borealis, a rainbow of colors with many minds acting seperately and as one...

And I was raised in a hardcore fundamentalist Christian religion...


QuoteIf you believe in God you would assume he created 'EVERYTHING'. All Realitys, All Dimensions. Of course if your a religious person this means you would have to slightly change your belief on the traditional idea that we are God's only creation that we are alone in the universe ect..
Hey K.R.  What traditional idea is that we're God's only creation?  Because that's the first time I heard that one.

Killa Rican

Quote from: CFTraveler on September 14, 2008, 18:19:11
Hey K.R.  What traditional idea is that we're God's only creation?  Because that's the first time I heard that one.

Im talking about the Hardcore Fundamentalist Christian idea From the Church. You know the ones who refuse to believe anything outside from whats said in the Bible. Knowing how Vast the universe is and their can be Millions of civilizations out their some of them may be close minded and refuse such a thought.  I myself am a religious person and Believe in God But Ever since This happened to me the OBE I changed my view on the world ever since. I still hold on to God But i try to merge my Beliefs with my new understanding on life together. And want to know other peoples opinions on how they can have it make sense for them.
For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice. ~Joseph Dunninger


I believe God is an infinite energy of which our energies were once apart of.  When we accomplish what we were sent to Earth for in the physical may we be once again one with God.  Until we accomplish this we are continuously reborn, but not immediately, we do spend a significant time in the Astral when we pass.


Quote from: Killa Rican on September 14, 2008, 23:42:28
Im talking about the Hardcore Fundamentalist Christian idea From the Church. You know the ones who refuse to believe anything outside from whats said in the Bible. Knowing how Vast the universe is and their can be Millions of civilizations out their some of them may be close minded and refuse such a thought.  I myself am a religious person and Believe in God But Ever since This happened to me the OBE I changed my view on the world ever since. I still hold on to God But i try to merge my Beliefs with my new understanding on life together. And want to know other peoples opinions on how they can have it make sense for them.
I know some fundamentalists that refuse to believe anything that's not in the bible, bur my point is that that idea is not in the bible.  Genesis is all about the creation of everything on earth and the rest of the universe, so I don't understand where this idea even comes from.

Killa Rican

Quote from: CFTraveler on September 15, 2008, 18:39:57
I know some fundamentalists that refuse to believe anything that's not in the bible, bur my point is that that idea is not in the bible.  Genesis is all about the creation of everything on earth and the rest of the universe, so I don't understand where this idea even comes from.

Well i've attended church on several occasions (Evangelical) and im often judged for my own beliefs and opinions because i refuse to think or see that what is just said in the bible is all their is to it. Im not trying to offend if you may have misunderstood me in anyway,  but from my side trying to keep an open mind compared to my own comrades in the Church.

Like For Example:

Extraterrestrials: I choose to Believe in Aliens and i often get "How can you believe in Aliens when its clearly stated in the Bible that God Gave us Dominion over all his creation the animals, the angels the Cherubim, even demons. So Nowhere in the Bible does it say God Created life on other planets!" When i can easily counter that the Bible or any Religious text from any faith on earth may be  God's PERSONAL message to mankind.

Astral Projection: I tell them the lovely experiences i've had while outside my body and they accuse me of Witchcraft. To judge a person of what they know not of? As in just because they've never Astral Projected for themselves doesnt mean they should assume its Dark Magic or anything of the Devil. Astral Projection is Nataural therefore any and every single being in the universe can do it.

Ghosts: Believing in a Spirit realm because i know for myself i've been in contact with dead relatives. "You can only believe in a Heaven or Hell, no realm between. Supposed entities you see are only demons trying to trick you. Even considering the thought is showing your lack of faith in God's Word."

In these subjects i believe theirs nothing wrong in believing on how you yourself perceive the world to be, but like i said with my own experiences in the paranormal and my faith in christianity i tend to keep an open mind.
For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice. ~Joseph Dunninger


I'm not trying to offend you either, and I'm not disputing your beliefs, whatever they may be.  I'm just speaking to the notion that you just seemed to point out to me- that there is a notion in some churches that say we're god's only creation.  I'm trying to clarify what that means in terms of the bible, and don't get it.
That's all.
We can go into bible interpretation and religion bashing (I can do that as well as anyone else.) or religion defending also, as I have represented both parts of the coin.
My point is to get to the heart of the original statement, to get some clarity as to what you mean by that, and where it came from.


Quote from: Killa Rican on September 14, 2008, 23:42:28
Im talking about the Hardcore Fundamentalist Christian idea From the Church. You know the ones who refuse to believe anything outside from whats said in the Bible. Knowing how Vast the universe is and their can be Millions of civilizations out their some of them may be close minded and refuse such a thought.  I myself am a religious person and Believe in God But Ever since This happened to me the OBE I changed my view on the world ever since. I still hold on to God But i try to merge my Beliefs with my new understanding on life together. And want to know other peoples opinions on how they can have it make sense for them.

I also grew up in normal orthodox religion as well. Southern Baptist here. Although I didnt go to church much because I felt while I was there something didnt quite sit right with me. I have been to methodist churches, cathoilic, and presbyterian. Also Lutheran. That was long ago way before I decided I was agnostic. Every church service I attended, I didnt seem comfortable there. I looked and looked and looked, hell I even tried Eckankar (The religion of having OOBES for spiritual evolution and talking to God) and I never could seem to find any specific religion that seem to resonate within me. Honestly, I dont think there even is a religion I will fit in. I just go by the doctrine that I respect all religions and no specific religion is neither wrong nor right so long as they do not cause suffering of any kind with any other life form (within reason, as in I know some eastern religions believe in sacrifices to goats, hens, etc.). I have mixed feelings about the sacrificial part. I do believe in God. At the risk of sounding like a fundamentalist, I would have to say he talks to me every day. But the God I believe in is not the same God in the sense that fundamentalists talk about. I believe in the God that created everything and the universe and he made reality work in such a way that everything is as it should be. I know someone could arguably say what about the atrocities etc etc. Well I think those are placed there for us to learn and grow from them. I have heard many many accounts of people that have said that someone they loved died a tragic death and at the time they had thought God betrayed their faith and trust, but later they realized it was for a reason. Someone could say well this is the human mind just finding a reason to cope and using that coping mechanism as a crutch so they can deal with negative loss, so God has no hand in anything, but I guess thats their opinion. :) Anyways, I digress, back to topic. When you ask if these negative images and sounds are something that God put there, ask yourself this.. If you hadnt heard those sounds, or felt fear. If you had only just sat there paralyzed with no vision, do you think that you still would have had the experience happen in the way that it did? Cause and effect happened here. You heard sounds and felt sensations that scared you, so you turned inward to your faith and beliefs and it set you free. If I had to guess, I would say your subconscious or higher self conjured those sounds up for you to help you propel yourself into an OOBE. Maybe your higher self knew thats what it would take for this to happen. It could be that your higher self is what prompted you to have the idea of "...thinking about an image of Jesus..". Just some food for thought :)



Quote from: Killa Rican on September 15, 2008, 18:53:25
Well i've attended church on several occasions (Evangelical) and im often judged for my own beliefs and opinions because i refuse to think or see that what is just said in the bible is all their is to it. Im not trying to offend if you may have misunderstood me in anyway,  but from my side trying to keep an open mind compared to my own comrades in the Church.

Like For Example:

Extraterrestrials: I choose to Believe in Aliens and i often get "How can you believe in Aliens when its clearly stated in the Bible that God Gave us Dominion over all his creation the animals, the angels the Cherubim, even demons. So Nowhere in the Bible does it say God Created life on other planets!" When i can easily counter that the Bible or any Religious text from any faith on earth may be  God's PERSONAL message to mankind.

Astral Projection: I tell them the lovely experiences i've had while outside my body and they accuse me of Witchcraft. To judge a person of what they know not of? As in just because they've never Astral Projected for themselves doesnt mean they should assume its Dark Magic or anything of the Devil. Astral Projection is Nataural therefore any and every single being in the universe can do it.

Ghosts: Believing in a Spirit realm because i know for myself i've been in contact with dead relatives. "You can only believe in a Heaven or Hell, no realm between. Supposed entities you see are only demons trying to trick you. Even considering the thought is showing your lack of faith in God's Word."

In these subjects i believe theirs nothing wrong in believing on how you yourself perceive the world to be, but like i said with my own experiences in the paranormal and my faith in christianity i tend to keep an open mind.

Dont let them get to you man...

One day I made the mistake of telling a Penetcostal preacher about my OOBE's and the books I read and he accused me of devil worshipping!
I mean seriously, what kind of crap is that?? It was good that that happened because I learned a valuable lesson and I gained wisdom in it. The lesson was: Be wary of who you confide in, for they may judge you strongly. Also not only did his response annoy the crap out of me, it emboldened me further. It showed me how some people can be so close minded - so locked into their doctrines and their beliefs, that someone merely pointing out an experience they know they had to that person can enrage them. I respect everyones beliefs, but I hate when people done respect mine, and challnge them. That is a pet peeve of mine. So now the only people I tell about my experiences are you guys, my peers on the internet. Hell sometimes my sister even acts close-minded. She probably views me as the same LOL! Anyways, digressing again.. Yeah, about the aliens, there is literally no way in hell we are the only civilization in the physical universe. I mean not only that but I am sure there are other civilizations out there who mirror ours in that same belief. I am sure there is a planet somewhere with humanoids like us, and some of them are divided also. I try to not only have a global mind, but a universal one as well. And I mean that in both respects. The way I view the many different religions is this. We are all on a spiritual evolutionary path.. Every single one of us, whether we choose to acknowledge it, or not. And the differing religions were put there so that those at different levels of spiritual evolution have something they can resonate with. It seems to me, the ones that are more open minded to the multitude of different religions are farther along the path. Some people I tell get upset at me with this because they say "Oh so because your open minded about religion and everything else and I am not, that makes you better than me?". I tell them no, this doesnt mean I am better or worse than you. It just means I am at a different place than you on the evolutionary ladder. Humans seem to try to attribute and correlate so many things in physicality to so many expressions. The reason they make this correlation is they think that since I am saying they are less spiritually evolved that they are dumber or lesser than me, when, in fact, this is not so. It is possible they are even more evolved than me, but before they were born they chose to not know what they knew in their previous life. Maybe they are here to learn a specific lesson and they are holding themselves back spiritually to do so. So just remember, when someone treats you like you are a fool because they cant/wont accept your beliefs or ideas, dont worry about it. They have their own lessons to learn, so they choose to shut out everything else until they reach a point to where they can accept it. And CFTraveler, I dont see anyone religion or bible bashing, its just sharing ideas. No one is trying to offend. :)
