my astral experience

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god has been kind

so this was my astral experience for the last week and a half if anyone knows of any ideas of where i was or how to have more control or anything at all please let me know thanks

So about a week ago i went out for drinks with my neighbor and got really drunk well i came back home and passed out the next day i woke up feeling hung over and sick so i went back to sleep and while i was laying in bed i was flowing  my energy and pushing it to my head because it was helping with the hangover well when i fell back asleep i astral traveled but at the time of my travel i thought i was lucid dreaming.

I opened my eyes and I'm in this house that and the only way to describe the feeling was like home but one that i have had before anyways i open my eyes and there is a black man standing over me and he hits me with something soft and says get up so i do and he disappears  I start  walking around and i start to get excited because i still think I'm dreaming and can change anything at will I start  searching the house just looking around and i start to see crystals that i have never seen before and i saw two different pair of crystals that stood out the first set was quarts that were connected but were square shaped and had the American flag on the top side then i saw another pair that looked blue but again they were quarts so i left them there and got to a part of the house i felt that i had never been to before there were statues and all kinds of artifacts in cases and the statues were moving and i  bumped into one.

i see doors and i open them up and go outside and its a beautiful night with stars lighting up the sky so now that I'm put side i think to myself i want to create a thunderstorm so i put out my arm and try to shoot lightning but instead a ball of white light comes out and goes up into the sky and disappears and the thing about the ball of white light that stands out to me is it had a trail of light like it was a shooting star so once i see go up i start looking around and i see a gate and i run and jump up and push off of it and start flying and go up into the clouds, I don't remember what Happened  in the clouds just coming down from them and i land in what looks like a warehouse and its full of people and i start walking around them as they are all working and i try to change them and touch them to see what would happen but every time i did they would freeze and they had a look of just wanting me to leave them be so i start to wounder if I'm dreaming or not.

the last thing i remember is I go from the warehouse to an office and in the office is a white male standing there with slick back hair and he seems ticked and he is looking at me he starts to yell at me so i put out my hand and using my energy pick up everything around me and through it at him and it sticks to him then i could hear my phone running so things start to fade and go black and then i wake up.

so a few days pass and i have a feeling i should go to a crystal store to see if there is anything i like and i find a crystal quarts skull and it says  to me saying it could take me back there if i wanted to go so i end up getting it and as soon as i got home i took a nap with the crystal skull in my hand in. I open my eyes and I'm in my room but there is only my TV and the window to my room its day light out and i look at my TV an an outline of Jesus with the thorn crown is on my TV in a light black well out lines of hood figures start appearing on my TV screen and I'm yelling in the name of Jesus Christ i command you to leave i did this a few times and every time i did a outline would disappear and another would appear then i felt what can only be described as wind mixed with electricity hit my back i turn around and its all over me so i open up my hand and the crystal skull is in my hand and everything stops all the energy and the outlines and it feels clear and i wake up.

the next day i sitting on my bed with the skull and i tell it tonight i want you to take me up to the highest place you can and i hear in my head i will take you higher than you ever have been so that night i go to sleep and all i remember is I'm surrounded by white light and there is this energetic figure that is the color teal standing there and then i woke up

P.S. for anyone that knows how to use their energy i figured out the way i was able to travel was by putting  a good amount of energy inside my penial  gland