The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! => Topic started by: Patty on July 22, 2002, 14:10:01

Title: Some notes on recent progresss
Post by: Patty on July 22, 2002, 14:10:01

Those sound really neat.

I meant to ask about the church. DO you have a sense of where it might be? Is the water the ocean, or a bay, or a lake? If I can find a picture of a building that I have in minmd, I will post it. But I think it is a longshot.  Where do you think the locale was?

Your diligence really illustrates well how sticking with this pays off. I have a hard time finding time every day - I try my best, but you know kids and stuff -- You inspire me to really commit to daily projection attempts as soon as I am able. It won't be anytime soon but someday.

i guess I didi have a little different sense of paralysis last night. But really fleeting, I couldn't hold it. I think Ralph or Tom or kakkarot (I forget) is right when they talk about how maybe some of the symptoms cycle. I lay awake for three hours, and nothing but a few minutes of almost paralysis in my arms. I'm telling myself that the good thing was that I was able to wwait patiently; that the effort of laying there for three hours will impress upon my mind that this is important and that I wish to succeed.

Anyway, thanks for sharing!

Title: Some notes on recent progresss
Post by: jilola on July 22, 2002, 15:06:38
Hi Patty!

I've been getting an Irish vibe in relation to the church or maybe Scotland. Definitely the British Isles area. Regarding the surroundings there was green grass, rather wild growth and a bunch of stones right at the edge of the cliff. If you have a pic of something like this, I'd really appreciate seeing it.

Regarding sleep paralysis I think I've stumbled on something. I did an experiment sort of thing earlier (posted under Good Vibrations). It seems that the trick is not so much getting the mind absolutely still or anything like that but rather quiet dow and forget all about the end result. I found I can turn the vibes on pretty easy but once I try to get them or intentionally enhance them they elude me.
What inspired me to do the test was the fact that some many people who claim (not intending to dis anyone here mind you) that we do it eevery single night without thinking, without intending to do it and apparently go OB as well.
And also because of something I read at (Thanks Bhikku!!). There is a pdf file available with guidance for zazen. It discusses something called Makyo that is described to include anything from hypnagogic visions to experiencing something very similar to OBE. The document stated that makyo happens at some time during zen meditation (clear you mind, relax and focus on something. Bhikku, I know that's a gross simplification) ands that one is suppposed to ignore it.


Title: Some notes on recent progresss
Post by: Patty on July 22, 2002, 18:27:33
Ireland or scotland you say?

:) :) :) :) :)

I'll look for a pic, but it'll be a few days -

Title: Some notes on recent progresss
Post by: jilola on July 23, 2002, 02:09:31
Patty: Thanks, any and all help is always welcome. But don't spend too much time on it. I take it that you have something in mind what with half a dozen smileys and all...


Title: Some notes on recent progresss
Post by: jilola on July 22, 2002, 03:19:45
Hi all!
Just though to share some of the progress I believe I've made over the last 3 days.

It's getting much easier to reach sleep paralysis although it still tends to be short. The god bit is that the onset is more controlled so I can beging to work on extending the duration. The feeling is something ike a gentle continuous electric shock, kind of tingly and slightly feeling like being constricted all over the body. Nice though.

Had several visions (possibly remote viewing I don't know) and experiences.* A white church on a bluff overlooking the ocean.
* Sitting in a bus heading toward a bright sunset. Looking out th side the   world looks cardboardy and flat. Through the windshield just beautiful. There seemed to be others on the bus but now apparent driver.
* Yet another sleeping beauty. What's with that?
* At night while sleeping I for some reason thought I have to be dreamnig and asked a guy in the drem(?) to slap me to see if I'm awake. He did and I awoke with a start and feeling like someone actually slapped me ie. my head jerked from left to right just as his slap connected and I awoke.
* Saw the room & my legs as clear as day while meditating in a chair today. Left leg over the right knee but both physical feet were firmly on the ground.
* And the best yet. Saw a basket full of flowers and some piping and then awoke with a start. The interesting bit is that there is such a basket in another room full of dried roses. Before the experience I was definitely in the "mind awake, body asleep" state. The exit had a brief blank period between being paralyzed&tingly and seeing the basket. I'm taking this as the first full conscious OBE.

Just though you guys'd like to hear.

