something which creeped me out...

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Neighbour's cat?
Actually I once scared myself s***less with my kitchen rug. It was a bit crubmled so I straightened it. I walked out of the kitchen and return a moment later to find the rug messed up again. Yikes!
It turned out that I had kicked the rug when I left the room and hadn't noticed it at all. Mundane yes, but what an adrenaline rush.



I'm calling you crazy (just kidding!).  Ask yourself why you are scared, because the quilt is messed up?  Because you cant explain why it moved?  Stop worrying, all the time, things happen that we cant explain.  My stereo turned on one day by itself, twice the answerphone decided to make an anouncement - I couldn't explain it - so I dont think about it!  But dont get scared of thinking about it, that is being afraid of yourself...


maybe someone else from your family was doing the "nasty" on the bed  ;)
just kidding.


Secret of Secrets


LOL  kakkarot

heres some advice to you,If you dont really know do not assume the worst.Dont really assume anything.This will only affect your progress.Its ok though I think all our minds have a tendancy to do that.You have to know this to get away from it.



Well, RM, if it is a, "spirit or demon following your progress" trying to scare you, then they appear to be succeeding.  :)

You need to understand that what we call "thought" is a primary energy. In other words, what we concentrate our thoughts upon, tends to come true. However, on the Physical, the connection between your thoughts and the subsequent effects are not so obvious. Though, naturally, some Physical situations that are manifest can be more obvious, or more hard-hitting, than others.

On the Astral, however, the connection is always *instant*.

I read a recent post from a chap who said he had read about all the tremendous fears one can have at the onset of an obe. Now, as he is at the onset of an obe, he experiences a tremendous sense of fear.

Problem is, a person in that situation will think what he originally read in the book was correct. As such, it is only natural for a person to then try and seek a solution to what is viewed as a problem, or stumbling block, that he is facing which is outside of himself.

Like, this fear is not being reflected but actually being transmitted in a kind of pointed attack. It is only then natural to go one step further and think that there must be some "entity" that is the cause of this attack (as the energy must be eminating from somewhere).

The feeling they are experiencing is fear, which is very unpleasant. It is again only natural to assume the entity orchestrating this "pointed attack" is unpleasant also. Plus, as the action is perceived to be undertaken deliberately, then it is further assumed this entity must be "evil".

Problem is, the fear is being released from within himself and the Astral merely reflects it back.

Therein lies the humungous danger.

When a person feels the reflection, they tend to take it that the original fear was justified. Which naturally makes them even more fearful, which is merely reflected back at them, which makes them ever more fearful..............

So the downward spiral continues.

I have a regular guide I nicknamed Harry who takes me around the Astral and shows me interesting ex-Earth cases of people who are locked in various emotion-fuelled spirals and loops. I became fascinated by this topic after spending around 5-years locked in my own emotional interplay.

With many of them the emotional-lock could so very easily be undone: if they would just stop for a moment and observe just one little aspect about what they are doing. But they go on missing it by a whisker, each time. So the loop, or spiral, continues.

Another thing I discovered from Harry, which I think may be relevant, is about situations where Earth residents try and make contact with what they perceive as their guardian angels, and the like. Generally they ask for some kind of "sign" that they exist.

According to Harry, however, there is a delicate balance that needs to be maintained. On the one hand, the spirits they are communicating to would love to give them one big "sign" but that would merely scare the person sh*tless. What they have to do is try and give more subtle "signs" that they know the person in question can mentally withstand at their particular level of Spirit development.

The big problem is, says Harry, the signs of the like they can dish out, tend to be too subtle to be noticed in the hurly-burly of people's everyday Physical lives.  



Frank: That has to be by far the best post I've read here.



Jouni, that is a very kind comment to make. But, ultimately, I am merely trying to help in the only way I know how: by passing on the benefits of my experience. It's the only way we are ever going to solve the mystery.



Yes, to make progresss in our lives, both physical and spiritual, we need to learn to share the experiences and the lessons learned.
In sharing we gain new perpectives and thus help yourselves even as we're helping others. A nice win-win situation.
Of course, most of us still need to learn the lessons the hard way but it helps to have some sort of idea of the road ahead.
Please keep your posts coming. I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates the cllarity you manage to put into them.
And say Hi to Harry next time around" border=0>.
I for one am totally oblivious to subtle hints so maybe one fine day my guide'll get fed up, pin the message to a shovel and slap me silly.




I too always  like your posts Frank.They always have something I can relate too.With my experiences,they make complete sense.Especially the latter.

Ive got caught up in downward spiral.Its not really an easy thing to get out of.You know Jounni knows.Especially if you cant see whats going on.They're are very  few people who we can help.So for those few it makes it all worth it.

Im learning how to control my urges to help.They were driving me up a wall at one point.Now I know I cant really do much at all.All I can do is what you are doing.This is not only about obe  stuff.In the real world its the same.

Experience really is the best teacher,But there are times when you can give someone  a shortcut.Whether they take or not is up to them." border=0>



hello to the people :D

the room where i  practise and train myself to OBE is the spare room in our house,  I can say with  ultimate conviction that i am the only person in my family that ever goes in or uses the room......  
I usually lie above the quilt to train, but i have just gone in and the quilt is messed up as if someone has woken up and not made the bed.  Even when i finish my training  the quilt is slightly ruffled and i straghten it again,  but this i cannot explain,  by any chance could it be a spirit or demon  following my progress, trying to scare me from acheiving an OBE???  

the thing is i cant use my own bed to project because it  isnt comfortable enough to relax completely.  
Call  me crazy, but even a simple thing like me writing this topic implies i am dwelling on the matter, and that it is an obvious concern/fear of mine and that the only reason im scared IS because im dwelling on it.......
guess its all part of the experience huh