There, then what???

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Don't leave me hangin'...

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Celestial Sounds. [:)]


Hello All!

This post is to share techniques on how we separate after already achieving trance, or the vibrations, or whatever state we project from.

First to share my way:

I got into a trance and the imagery started coming. I focused on the imagery until they engulfed me. I fell into a dream for a while but came to. Then I was able to move in my astral body as if I would physically, or continue into the imagery and visions and end up on the astral plane. I had to like 'come back' a bit from the astral to do the real-time movement thing. I was about inside the astral and when focusing on my astral body for real time the imagery kind of moved away, or I from it. I had no sense of movement.

Please share your way of separation into real-time. [:)]



Celestial Sounds