Post links to your OBE journals here.

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Iv'e just started mine on blogspot :)

Feel free to follow my travels.
Visit my journal :)


Life after death or life after a work week?


hai my self vipin kumar srivastava new here I want to know more but about it.  how please reply me some one                                                                       
thanks in advance 


Hi, Bryant here.  New to this forum.  Here is a link to an astral experience I had in the early hours this morning:


That link lead to the Homepage of Sawlogs, I couldn't find your article. 


I've been keeping an journal on an other form this is the link:
take a look and enjoy


Just loaded up my site, which is under construction, for the first time Feel free to check it out. All my recent obe's have been uploaded into the journal section  :-)


Please visit my blog and read my OBE Journal at  Thank you



My journal is relatively new. It is not just limited to OBE's though that is what i have been focusing in on the holistic sense lately.


Happy to share my 'Travels of a DreamWalker' blog with everyone!  Always available for questions and comments, here or via email!  -Karen
The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!


I am behind with copying most of the stuff over to the 'independent' blog, so here is the one which is always up-to-date on RB's forum:

Here's the one that "will" be up-to-date when I finally caught up. When that is the case, I might double-post then for every entry. So it won't matter where one reads it.

On this blog I also link some relevant information to interesting websites and vids. I also might post links of some of the blogs of other OBErs if you like, just give me a message.


Hi, my name is Philip Adams and I have devoted each year of my life to writing a book researching a different area of astral projection. I make multistep plans while awake and perform them within the astral to discover exactly what is it and how it works. My current books are:

Entering The Phase - A 17-Year-Old's Journey: Exploring a variety of different techniques to enter a non-physical world and confirm its existence.
Phase Acquaintances - An 18-Year-Old's Non-Physical Social Life: Meeting nonphysical people that I have never seen in real life to analyse their behaviour and discover just how "real" they are. (currently being written).
Beyond The Phase - A 19-Year-Old's Unlimited World: Leaving the real time zone/etheric plane to enter higher dimensions such as the astral, mental, buddic, atmic and beyond. (possibly my next book yet not confirmed).

Teenage Phase Adventures: My first 3 books include absolutely everything I experience as well as my simulated projections (dreams of astral projecting) and normal dreams. This book only includes my projections that have consciousness and follow a multistep plan (inserted before each experience). All my fully conscious astral experiences from my first 3 books are included in this one.

Here's a link to where you can download whichever books you're most interested in absolutely free:


Just started mine today:

I was out of it for quite some time.  I wasn't really keeping up with practicing and trying.  I was too young and worried about other things when I first found AP.

Anyways recently I read that if you keep a journal it should make things easier to AP so I've decided to record my progress daily.



First of all, I want to thanks the people behind this forum, I was able to read Frank Keeple's work on it and became a bible to me about AP.

My name is Roland, and I'm working everyday on AP and lucid dreamings... My interest came from a trip in Peru where I went through Ayahuasca sessions... That's how it changed my view of life and since my return I think that one of the way to achieve what I've experienced in Peru whithout the use of any psychedelics is through AP.

I've decided recently to record my progress on a journal, feel free to check it out.



Quote from: aries78 on October 08, 2012, 12:01:34

First of all, I want to thanks the people behind this forum, I was able to read Frank Keeple's work on it and became a bible to me about AP.

My name is Roland, and I'm working everyday on AP and lucid dreamings... My interest came from a trip in Peru where I went through Ayahuasca sessions... That's how it changed my view of life and since my return I think that one of the way to achieve what I've experienced in Peru whithout the use of any psychedelics is through AP.

I've decided recently to record my progress on a journal, feel free to check it out.


Just want to let people know that I've changed site for my journal, the live journal one didn't work the way I wanted, I am now on blogger which I think is a lot more convenient.

Here is the link:


Little Bibble

interesting OBE experiences but mainly interesting because he documents the many TMI programs he attended


Last year I made a lot of progress on lucid dreaming/OBE. I stopped having frequent dreams or other experiences for over six months, then started to become very serious about it and practice on a regular basis a few months ago. My blog tracks my progress and addresses topics of related interest.


I've been posting for a couple months to a semi-private Dreamwidth account about my lucid dreaming/astral projection experiences, but today I saw this thread and decided I'd open a more public blog on Wordpress to share things as they happen.  I just copy/pasted all my LD/AP experience posts to the new blog and dated them in the titles.


my dream/ap blog for anyone thats interested
not had much to add recently hopefully can get motivated again


Quote from: fowlskins on March 21, 2021, 15:25:57
my dream/ap blog for anyone thats interested
not had much to add recently hopefully can get motivated again
As I was reading your blog, I came across this that you said and see that it would be more beneficial to you to change your wording up a bit.
Your quote:
"i will be aware in my dreamscapes
i will achieve lucidity
i will learn the lessons that i need to be learn"

change to

I am aware in my Dreamscapes
I am fully Lucid during them
I learn from and enjoy my experiences there".

Why the change? Because my words show that it is  "already done". I am not asking for anything. I  am affirming and re-affirming what is already known.

My nightly affirmation that I use "every single" night is:
By my act of will I release my focus over my physical body. I am consciously aware in sleep, "KNOWING" I am sleeping. I learn from and enjoy them and have full recall of them when I awaken for the day".

Once in awhile I also add "Please TAKE ME to your DESIRED DESTINATION. SHOW ME what I NEED TO SEE and TEACH ME what I NEED TO LEARN". I actually visualize those capitalized words as I am mentally voicing them.

Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed your Blog and enjoyed seeing your progression within it!  :-) 8-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


thanks very much for the feedback lumaza
i will take on board your advice about the affirmations

it was mainly a place for me to store my dream journals in a digital format fleshed out from my paper notes so its a bit rough around the edges
i struggle to articulate myself aswell as some people do but i enjoy adding to it when i have any ap breakthroughs or standout lucid dreams 


Quote from: fowlskins on March 21, 2021, 16:03:40
it was mainly a place for me to store my dream journals in a digital format fleshed out from my paper notes so its a bit rough around the edges
i struggle to articulate myself aswell as some people do but i enjoy adding to it when i have any ap breakthroughs or standout lucid dreams  
Dream Journals are fantastic. They constantly affirm to your "higher self" that you are serious about this and because of that they continue to occur!  :-)

The problem is maintaining them through the years. I personally have 4 Journals filled with years of LDs. After about the 4th year, laziness kicked in and I stopped journaling in them  Nowadays, I only journal like you said the "breakthrough" or "standout" ones. I never wanted to write a book. I just kept the logs to "observe" my own personal "evolution" in this practice and they are still doing just that!  :-)

I wanted to explain a bit further on my earlier post here about affirming. The words "I am" show "absolutes". They also show "faith". Both are very important for continued success in the practice of non-physical exploration.
I used the word "enjoy" there because that shows that they are "always" welcomed, even though not everyone of them has a positive outcome. There is always something to be learned from them.

I too have a problem "articulating" my thoughts here. Many times my answers to people here will be brief. But they will still have substance. I really do hate typing, lol. So I normally type as little as I can, lol!  :-D
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla