OBE that turned into a dream?

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This typically happens to most people starting out.  Due to lack of energy, focus, or a plethora of other factors, you weren't able to completely separate, but this is still a good bench mark of progress!  Keep it up!  

What happens is the body sleeps into the dream state, hell this can even happen once you COMPLETELY separate, getting sucked into a 'dream pool' of sorts.  Just focus focus FOCUS!!



Jeni, if you are having a true Out of Body Experience you will not have to try and work out whether it was some kind of dream or not. You will automatically know, trust me. A true obe is *totally* different to any kind of dreaming.

However, what your experience tells me is that you have successfully got your sub-conscious on the right track. Which is an essential part of the process.



Thank you for your responses, guys, they were really helpful! I appreciate it! :)


Edited by - Kodemaster on 14 April 2002  17:02:53
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Two nights ago, I had this experience.

I don't remember what came before, but I felt myself lifting up. I held onto it for a moment, but then I finally let go. After I let go, I lifted up out of my body and did a flip. I sorta felt like I was dreaming, but it was hard to tell. I definitely had the floating and separation sensations.

At this point, it became a definite dream and I was lying on my bed, flipped over. I remember reporting to somebody that this experience "happens a lot" and discussed it with a bunch of people that were having the same experience.


Choose empathy. It costs nothing.
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