Astral Projection possibility question on Quora

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Guys this will shock some.. I rarely encounter this level of human thinking. And I used kind words. Not the question is the interesting here, but the first two sudden answers. No wonder why people still don't get the idea about NP stuff. A good lesson. I don't know people reading this should facepalm or cry or whatever. I accept that it is for the tiny majority but this is beyond comprehension. I didn't even reply to the question on Quora because it was dropped up for me but I tend to avoid it.

1. "answer":

To be honest There is no scientific evidence that there is a consciousness or soul which is separate from normal human neural activity or that one can consciously leave the body and make observation trials, and astral projection has been characterized as a pseudoscience or if it's even a fakeass myth.

2. "answer":

Astral Projection is hippie nonsense with absolute no basis in fact. If you know anybody who claims to have done it, they are either lying, on drugs or are mentally deluded. Or all three.
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These question-answer sites are full of materialist 'skeptics' who actually have to always butt in on EVERYthing, mostly about things they don't know anything about. I also noted this about other topics on these kind of sites.

Those 'skeptics' love writing their opinion over and over again (another example: Wackypedia). It makes them feel secure. So they can finally believe it. If it is written down then it must be true (which makes them ironically very similar to the scripture-dependent religionists).

:evil: :wink: