The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! => Topic started by: Astraldude on November 22, 2006, 11:11:01

Title: What am i doing wrong?
Post by: Astraldude on November 22, 2006, 11:11:01
Ok well after researching astral projection for some time now i am still yet to project..A few of you here on the forum will remember me whereas others wont.I started reading things about astral projection that suggested it was just an illusion in the mind and that speaking to a loved one etc.. would just end in the person you are talking to speaking of things only because you think of what they would say these things put me off the whole idea but i just cant seem to get away from astral projection its something thats always at the back of my mind that i need to accomplish.Anyway i have being having dreams only the odd one where i am in the dream aware but in an unaware state if you get me.. In the dreams i say to my self "This is a dream" yet nothing happens.In the dream itself i have astral projections but it is as thought i am taking a back seat lol..

I have heard that just telling yourself that it is "Just a dream" will enable you to gain controll but not for me.What am i doing wrong?
Title: Re: What am i doing wrong?
Post by: Mydral on November 22, 2006, 12:14:27
If you can say to yourself that your experiencing a dream while your inside the dream you have taken control, but its just a lucid dream not an Astral projection.

I don't see you doing anything wrong. Just try to conciously move in your dreams. It seems to me that you are just not doing anything conciously although you have the option since you already know your dreaming. There is still a part of your mind you have to get over. I know this sounds stupid, but only you can figure out how to do that..... most techniques are designed to help you realize that your dreaming. Your already past this stage but not really at the lucid stage.
Title: Re: What am i doing wrong?
Post by: Astraldude on November 22, 2006, 12:17:59
Thanks for the reply dude.What do you think in conjunction with the "People only say what you want/expect them to say" quote in relation to loved ones who have passed on??
Title: Re: What am i doing wrong?
Post by: Mydral on November 22, 2006, 12:39:18
Quote from: Astraldude on November 22, 2006, 12:17:59
Thanks for the reply dude.What do you think in conjunction with the "People only say what you want/expect them to say" quote in relation to loved ones who have passed on??

Everyone will say that they mourn over the loss although some might not really feel that way. If that happens you should not be mad at them for doing that.... they are beeing considerate of everyone around them who are sad about the loss. You can't love everyone... although when its in the family everyone normally is sad that the person died.
Title: Re: What am i doing wrong?
Post by: Astraldude on November 22, 2006, 12:46:49
No dude i dont think you understand me : Sadly i lost my mum at christmas last year and i would really like to go and see her and talk to her in the astral but i read somewhere that when you meet someone in the astral they say what you expect them to and that it is not acctually them speaking to you from the other side..

Is this true?
Title: Re: What am i doing wrong?
Post by: Skippy on November 22, 2006, 13:51:42
Quote from: Astraldude on November 22, 2006, 12:46:49
No dude i dont think you understand me : Sadly i lost my mum at christmas last year and i would really like to go and see her and talk to her in the astral but i read somewhere that when you meet someone in the astral they say what you expect them to and that it is not acctually them speaking to you from the other side..

Is this true?

I think that would only be true if what you really saw wasn't your mother, but rather a vision of your mother that your imagination had conjured up.

I've read that it is possible to meet real people in the astral, either living ones or dead ones. If you met your mother, but she was only a figment of your imagination, then she probably would only say what you expect her to say.

If, however, you actually met your real mother, and she wasn't something you imagined, she was the real thing (I'm sorry to call her a "thing", I couldn't think of what else to put) then it would really be her you're speaking to, and she should be entirely in control of what she can do and say.

Good luck, Astraldude! I hope you succeed!  :-)
Title: Re: What am i doing wrong?
Post by: Astraldude on November 22, 2006, 14:51:40
Thanks skippy .. So it really is posible to see a REAL person there eh thats good.I was under the impressin that everything you see there was unreal due to what i have read..
Title: Re: What am i doing wrong?
Post by: FrostyRose on November 22, 2006, 15:14:21
Hello Astraldude,

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my parents some years ago, and sadly I haven't been able to meet them in the astral. I only heard my dad call my name once. The only way for you to know if you can see your mom in the astral, is to meet her yourself. It's a wonderful goal to have.

But it takes practice. Practice astral projection as often as you can. It is worth it!

Perhaps when you tell yourself you're dreaming, you're not really questioning it? There are ways to check if you're in the astral, such as pulling your finger to see if it stretches, jumping to see if you float, or see if you can put your hand through the wall. Most likely none of these will work though, if you don't question if you're dreaming, if you're not really wondering. You can also ask yourself if you're in the astral during the day, and perhaps pull your finger to see if it stretches. This way you will start to ask the same question in your dreams.

The astral is not an illusion. It is real :)

Title: Re: What am i doing wrong?
Post by: leaf on November 23, 2006, 01:45:40
The theory is that the astral is not the afterlife, and unless their spirit is earthbound, they have to "come down" to the astral. That's my elementary understanding of it anyway -- can someone else confirm, deny, elaborate on this please?
Title: Re: What am i doing wrong?
Post by: iNNERvOYAGER on November 23, 2006, 12:55:40
Quote from: leaf on November 23, 2006, 01:45:40
The theory is that the astral is not the afterlife, and unless their spirit is earthbound, they have to "come down" to the astral. That's my elementary understanding of it anyway -- can someone else confirm, deny, elaborate on this please?
If you get a chance, have a look at Adrian's weekly news letters.

In a recent letter, he gives a very interesting account of levels of the astral, and how people can be attracted to specific levels of the astral after discarnation depending on their desires or attachments. He also explains how after negotiating with the material desires that the person can then move to the spiritual realms/levels. Also that the astral can be a place to rest after a physical incarnation.

This concept is very much like the Theosophical ideas that I grew up with and feel comfortable with. There are other ways that people explain the relationship of the various levels of conscousness and it's all facinating.

Astraldude, like the sig, looks like you've been there. Take care, iN vO
Title: Re: What am i doing wrong?
Post by: Astraldude on November 23, 2006, 13:43:13
Thank you for your insight everyone you have all been a great help :)
Title: Re: What am i doing wrong?
Post by: Novice on November 23, 2006, 13:54:49
I have done a LOT of reading on the astral -- what it is and what it isn't. Reading is great, but never let it cloud your judgement. In other words, always be open to what is, and not limit yourself to what you expect.

The only thing I can offer is my own experience and interpretation for you. But each person will have different views, so take what resonates and ignore what doesn't.

I do believe that you are very capable of meeting people in the astral -- whether incarnate (living on earth now) or not (either deceased or some non-earth being). I have succeeded (with physical verification) of connecting to my best friend in the astral almost 20 times. I say its verifiable, because we NEVER plan it, but when I'm able to project and visit her, the next day she remembers every detail just as I do: setting, discussion, series of events, etc. They match identical -- she got a bit freaked out at first! I have also succeeded in doing this with my sister. So I can tell the difference between conversing with an entity versus a dream character (saying what you want them to say). Its a very noticable difference to me -- but only because I've experienced and verified the experiences.

I have also spoken with my guide many times as well as my deceased father. My father had been dead for about 12 years when he contacted me -- yes, he wanted to talk to me. Another spirit brought him to me and we had a very long conversation. I believe I've posted details on this elsewhere, but I can't remember where or when. The point is, that the conversation was nothing that I had in mind, and yet was real as if I were converseing with him in the physical. There isn't a doubt in my mind that the being I spoke with was my father from this lifetime. I have posted numerous times in the past that experiences in the astral have been as real as the physical for me (as in this experience). And some have been more real than anything I've ever experienced -- physical or non-physical.

Bottom line, reading and trying to grasp a concept is great and highly recommended. But always keep your mind open to new possibilities or new interpretations that go against what you currently believe or understand. I think you'll be surprised at how different things can seem. Its a wonderful learning experience all the way around.

As for becoming lucid and not having anything happen, I think Mydral hit it on the head (at least I think it was them that said it) -- basically just saying your dreaming doesn't 'do' anything. Once you become lucid, then reinforce it: walk through a wall, float in the air, morph the dream, do something to 'prove' that you are dreaming. This increases your clarity/consciousness. Then, if you want to visit your mother, its simple, just imagine her. Focus on her and her alone; her feeling, face, etc. When you do this you may notice that the surroundings seem to blur and change -- appearing like they are zipping past you really fast. Hold on to her thought/feeling and do NOT look at the surroundings or in any way shift your focus of attention. In what feels like moments, the surroundings will 'slow down' and become stable. Look around and you should see your mother nearby!

This is the method I use to visit either my friends, family, guides, or a place. Its all mental -- focus and concentrate and you'll be taken where it is that matches the feeling/thought on which you are focusing.

Hope this helps!
Title: Re: What am i doing wrong?
Post by: Astraldude on November 23, 2006, 14:43:48
Very interesting thanks for sharing that with me