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API Experiment

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I'll definitely give it a second, more productive shot.  LoL


I see Timandra was quite near...we will see if it was luck.

Why don't we all place something in the island "astrally" so everybody can play, otherwise graytraveller will lose again the oportunity to play.

tonight I will put something...


The item wasn't on Astral Pulse Island.
This was a real, physical, tangible item that Greytraveler had in his house.  :)



I think it would be the most ideal if there were 2 hosts, so that also the hosts have the chance to participate in at least one of the experiments. :)
Some things have to be believed to be seen ~ Ralph Hodgson


Quote from: Xanth on May 11, 2010, 11:27:57
The item wasn't on Astral Pulse Island.
This was a real, physical, tangible item that Greytraveler had in his house.  :)


yes I know, but it would be better to use an astral place instead of a room...if you want to try remote viewing there are some places in the web where you can practice using codes related with certain places.


Quote from: Timandra on May 11, 2010, 13:00:25
I think it would be the most ideal if there were 2 hosts, so that also the hosts have the chance to participate in at least one of the experiments. :)

I can put something in the island tonight when I practice with Hemi-sync. When I attended TMI's gateway one participant saw something a friend put in a certain focus level for her. It is an interesting thing.

I will put this picture:

I`ll give the password once we finish the experiment.


I havent actually tried going to the island yet but I just closed my eyes and thought about it for a second and saw a blue transparent cd case with a cd in it sitting on a beach.


Quote from: blis on May 12, 2010, 11:02:53
I havent actually tried going to the island yet but I just closed my eyes and thought about it for a second and saw a blue transparent cd case with a cd in it sitting on a beach.

I dind't place it.

The "thing" I placed there is sitting on the beach...tonight I will have a look if is still there!


lol I just realised a cd in its case is a circle within a square. I had just read the previous posts. I guess I'm pretty susceptible to the power of suggestion.

I wont make any more guesses unless I think I've actually gotten to the island and seen something.


I know I can't go to API, it just doesn't happen, so I don't think I can "see" the image there.

I just would like to know what Grey says about it and if he really wants to host another experiment.
And I say "thank you Grey" for the first experiment.  :-)
Some things have to be believed to be seen ~ Ralph Hodgson


Quote from: Timandra on May 13, 2010, 06:04:11
I know I can't go to API, it just doesn't happen, so I don't think I can "see" the image there.

I just would like to know what Grey says about it and if he really wants to host another experiment.
And I say "thank you Grey" for the first experiment.  :-)

If you say you can't you will not is not necessary be there in 3D stereo. Just relax, let your surface thoughts go and pretend you go there...imagine it, walk the beach and feel the sand, touch a palm tree, listen the surf...let the scenary to absorb you...and maybe you see something it is not supposed to be there. I can tell you it your mind and be confident.


Greetings to Everyone.
Your interest in our experiments Is most heartening.

I have decided to 'volunteer' and place a selected image both in a room in my residence And to mentally transmit that image to API during daily meditation sessions. However, please make NO attempts tonight as I have Not yet selected an image.

Xanth I agrree with your statement that

Quoteit would be better to use an astral place instead of a room..

And that it why I will mentally imprint the image onto the API pyramid during a daily 15 to 30 minute meditation session. Th meditation sessions will allow me to work on and improve my visualizations skills which are, quite frankly, not the best.

You possess more skills at going out of body and in remote viewing than you realize. I agree with Bacterio's assertion that most of the obstacles that you face are self imposed and can be overcome. Also remember that you do Not necessarily need to OBE to API to see the image as that image is also available in a physical location. Also, you are welcome.  :-)

Are you also selecting an image to use for the experiment ? If so that would be good as 2 possibilities are better than just one.
I like your suggestions about the look, sound and feel of API. I will try to keep them in mind when attempting to go there OOB in the coming days.

Again, please check back in this thread tomorrow evening (Eastern time US). By that time I can get another image up and the new experiment can begin.

Regards  8-)


I will try to find the image in both experiments.

QuoteI know I can't go to API, it just doesn't happen, so I don't think I can "see" the image there.
I said the above because for some reason I 'haven't had an OBE, a phasing or a LD for almost 2 months, and I really miss it. :-(  
And it made me doubt that I can see images like I used to because I didn't see anything anymore the last week of Grey's experiment.
But I won't give up, so hopefully I can give some answers here soon.  :-) 
Some things have to be believed to be seen ~ Ralph Hodgson


Quote from: Greytraveller on May 14, 2010, 20:50:31

Are you also selecting an image to use for the experiment ? If so that would be good as 2 possibilities are better than just one.
I like your suggestions about the look, sound and feel of API. I will try to keep them in mind when attempting to go there OOB in the coming days.

Yep...I placed it tuesday night. There is a link above to download a rar file with the picture. It's only in API. I hope it works.


Hallo All
A day later than I said BUT I Did select an image last night so this new experiment is on for anyone who is interested.

Outstanding. Participants now have 2 choices. People can either choose to try to view either your image or mine.. I, for example will try view your image. And Bacterio you can also be an active participant by trying to either go OOB or RV to view my selected image. This should keep everyone busy and interested for at least a week or two.

Regards  8-)


I have many doubts if anything is correct but I had the same with the first experiment so here it goes.

-Bacterio, is it an animal in a cage?

-Grey, is it an image of a baby?

Some things have to be believed to be seen ~ Ralph Hodgson


Again you're efforts are impressive!!  :-o Just one small detail, however, and that is you probably inadvertently switched bacterio's image with my image. You see, my selected image includes an animal. Now maybe Bacterio's image Also includes an animal? Possible, but unlikely.
Anyway try again and focus on the details of the image. A couple hints. First there Is a dominant color. Second, there is also motion.

Good work, keep trying you Are getting close And Good Luck.
Grey  8-)


I am in bed with flu so I am not traveling to API  :-D

Mine is not an animal...I don't want to give more clues because the less information the less you guess...

Timandra, you are always near.


Quote from: Greytraveller on May 19, 2010, 23:41:03
Again you're efforts are impressive!!  :-o Just one small detail, however, and that is you probably inadvertently switched bacterio's image with my image. You see, my selected image includes an animal. Now maybe Bacterio's image Also includes an animal? Possible, but unlikely.
Anyway try again and focus on the details of the image. A couple hints. First there Is a dominant color. Second, there is also motion.

Good work, keep trying you Are getting close And Good Luck.
Grey  8-)

Good to hear, I will keep trying.

QuoteMine is not an animal...I don't want to give more clues because the less information the less you guess...
Timandra, you are always near.

Hmm, you make it difficult, now I don't know if the baby or the cage was correct...
And get well soon!
Some things have to be believed to be seen ~ Ralph Hodgson


Quote from: Timandra on May 23, 2010, 06:27:10
Good to hear, I will keep trying.

Hmm, you make it difficult, now I don't know if the baby or the cage was correct...
And get well soon!

In my opinion it looks like you can perceive what is there, but is the interpretation your mind does what is not accurate...I think you are good at this, keep trying!!!


QuoteIn my opinion it looks like you can perceive what is there, but is the interpretation your mind does what is not accurate...

You could very well be right. Now I have to find the right interpretation of the things I see...
I wish I just could see the image like it is, but okay, I'm just a beginner.

Some things have to be believed to be seen ~ Ralph Hodgson


Grey, I have seen an image of a squirrel. Not a grey one, but of that beautiful reddish brown, like a fox.
Could it be your image??
Haven't seen "movement" yet.  :-)
Some things have to be believed to be seen ~ Ralph Hodgson


Hi Timandra

The animal in my image is not a squirrel. Keep trying. If you feel "blocked" and unable to see anything more of my image then I suggest you switch over to bacterio's image.

btw I feel it only fair to tell everyone that so far I have Not mentally imprinted my image on to API. You see I was out of town over the weekend and have yet to do a meditation with the image and API. So far the only way anyone could have seen my image was to either go OOB or remote view my physical residence.

Regards  8-)


QuoteHi Timandra

The animal in my image is not a squirrel. Keep trying. If you feel "blocked" and unable to see anything more of my image then I suggest you switch over to bacterio's image.

Okay I am going to have one more try, if that one is not correct I will switch over to Bacterio's image. Also because I have the feeling that I am creating images of all sorts of animals because I now know that it's an animal.
So is it a cheetah? I saw an image of one running fast.

And where are the other participants?....
Some things have to be believed to be seen ~ Ralph Hodgson


A giant brown bear?
JK, I had a dream about it a few days ago.