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Astral Locale

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great [:)] Let's go !

Links Shadow

I also have been using the image of the island for about a week now and I hope I will get there soon.  Can't wait to see all of you there.

Link's Shadow


by the way, it's a good idea to put it as a wall paper on your computer screen...a lot of you are spending so much time on the computer that it will helps you a lot to visualise Api !


gandolf's suggestion... i looked at the pics and think the one of the inner cathedral style halls is a great one.  by starting with a contained local, not too many details, it will be easier to concentrate on something simple like this, and there's room to expand to the outdoors and halls windows and doors as we create. but getting "there" to begin with should be a focal point that is less complicated. The "meeting hall" or inner sanctum...whatever. A.

p.s. why didn't we think of this sooner? with a committed concious effort, I believe i will be seeing you all real soon!


I`ve started using that photo too... at night before i sleep..

Or sometimes when i try to AP.. i visualize it :)

Hope Nick will teach more about Astral Phasing and I`ll be able to go there and meet you all :)

I wonder what RB thinks of all this Astral Locale :)




Originally posted by LA FORET MAUVE

Originally posted by Adrian

LA FORET MAUVE: how are you fixed for enhancing Astral Pulse Island?

? What do you mean ??!(sorry for my poor english) [B)]
I think that to draw a map could be interesting but...anyway , the locale will be different for everypeople, everytime we make a visit...this is inevitable...i think it may gains more "solidity" if visited frequently and it's the only way in my opinion...
What i suggest is to simply meditate/visualise/enterwhenprojecting/whatever on the pic to GO there...and report to make the other members motivation to arise. As the picture is pretty simple it is easier to visualise than a whole thing with too much details...
I'll try to visualise it, promise...but i still can't project yet, so...[:(]
To the other members who can project (OMWCP[|)])...GO TO API NOW [:)]

I agree we need to make a start on this with as many people as possible. What I intend to do is to make a web page just for this API project with the final picture and the objectives, instructions etc..

Regarding my comments, I was suggesting we could do with a closer view so we can see more detail to focus on. As it is, people will try to add their own details which might conflict. Once the basic locale is in place, the portals can be added in the Astral.

Is it possible to do a closer view with more details?

Thanks for all your excellent work on this!

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


I think in the pyramid (if API ends up being the locale, which I think would be as good as any other whatever else you want is in the pyramid) there should be an area for people to practice defence against negative entities and an area for pool[8].


Lets keep it simple...NO POOL!


Hi There,

Yesterday i projected to the Astral Pulse Island. Island was quite bigger than i expected. I was flying over the sea and getting closer to the island every second. Finally when i arrived i landed on the shore and looked for someone on the island. But nobody was there...

I tried to go to the pyramid and i just couldnt find a way. Because the trees were blocking my way. I tried to fly over the trees but I couldnt land on the pyramid. It was boring and there was nothing more to do. So i projected somewhere else....
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


Yahoooo !!! You did it !!! Congratulations !
Why didn't you started to build the path to the pyramid for us ? [;)]
I am glad that someone at last could go there, even if it was boring to be alone ! The problem is that it will be difficult for us to be here in the same time (for example when you, europeans are sleeping, i am awake in Japan, etc. But it is worth the try, i think that there will be the "americans time", then the "europeans time", etc...[|)]
For the closier vew of the Island, i will see what i can do, but i think that others could attempt to draw maps or is a team's work after all, our creation !
Good luck all...
Oh, just an idea: why not to write your name on the rootbark of a coconut tree when you visit the island...just a little experimental thing...
Adrian: I'm all for the web page ! Good idea !


Why didn't you started to build the path to the pyramid for us ?

Well, actually i was wandering around... I just wanted to see how the island looks like... Next time i will try to chop the trees, i promise... [8D]
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


I havent been there yet, but if you find nobody there, realize that they could be invisible to you because they are projecting from a different earth time, but if you look for time travelers you might find them.

Is this the final picture? I like it. It would be very hard to mistake it for some other place. I set it as my computer background.


Hey there! This is a great opportunity to meet each other. I would like to suggest that maybe a little magickal coe-operation could help stabilize the astral locale.


Greetings everyone,

Congratulations Birm on your trip to Astral Pulse Island!

I think it is time we started to finalise things and start to move things forward.

Once more people are focussed on API, and are visualising, meditating on the image etc., things will start to really move. Some people will have a purely mental presence to start with and progress to an Astral presence, while others will Astral project there straightway. It will soon all come together.

I think the best place to modify the locale is from the Astral, we can discuss it as we go along.

I will start to put a web page together when I get the time, and we can then decide on a launch date as it were. The sooner the better.

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


Greetings everyone,

Originally posted by Tao

I wonder what RB thinks of all this Astral Locale :)


Robert is all for it [:)] He says he will visit there himself soon.

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


What I've done is to incorporate the mental picture of API in my astral phasing. Still working on getting there, however I have it as a definite part of my astral work. I've also set it as background on my computer.

Looking forward meeting others at API (and to the web page as well Adrian!)

Very best,
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Originally posted by Adrian

Congratulations Birm on your trip to Astral Pulse Island!

Thanks Adrian,

But i am curious about a few things.

I projected to the Astral Pulse Island a few times just to see if i can meet some others there. But i never had an experience on meeting with someone also projecting at the same time. So i dont know if it is going to work. Once i saw two people on the island. They were just standing there. They were doing nothing. They seemed like frozen to me. They were also looking like shadows. Everything around was perfectly clear and colorful but they were just gray. I tried to  communicate with one of them. But they just didnt answer me.

I dont know if i am doing something wrong...
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


Greetings Birm,

Originally posted by Birm

Originally posted by Adrian

Congratulations Birm on your trip to Astral Pulse Island!

Thanks Adrian,

But i am curious about a few things.

I projected to the Astral Pulse Island a few times just to see if i can meet some others there. But i never had an experience on meeting with someone also projecting at the same time. So i dont know if it is going to work. Once i saw two people on the island. They were just standing there. They were doing nothing. They seemed like frozen to me. They were also looking like shadows. Everything around was perfectly clear and colorful but they were just gray. I tried to  communicate with one of them. But they just didnt answer me.

I dont know if i am doing something wrong...

Thank you very much indeed for describing your experiences.

No, I am sure you are doing nothing wrong at all. The project has not been officially launched, and not many people will be trying to get to the Astral locale, at least not on an oganised basis. The people you saw there were probably Astral Pulse members who were visualising the image, but there a mental presence, or semi-Astral presence. Once things get moving we will have both Astral and Mental levels of presence, with the people who start off with a Mental presence progressing to full Astral; which is one of the objectives.

I am just putting a web page together for the project as a basis for getting this project launched, at which point I will make an announcement to all members, and we wil have another topic in the forums for it.

It would be useful if you could tell everyone here what method you use to project as it seems very effective in getting to API.

Thanks again.

With best results,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


Brim you rule.

Note: I'm no expert in projection but I'm willing to bet those were newbies like me. Did you try to talk to them? Just say, "Hey! This is Brim!" or something like that. It'll freak us out but we'll *KNOW* we were there. Then we can post and you can confirm and then there's a confirmation and everyone's happy. That kind of thing is *exactly* what you guys want with this island isn't it?

Also, if you're dealing with someone like me, I'm probably not going to be able to see you or do anything anyways 'cause I can't see Astrally yet. The best I've ever been able to do is a regular blue light/fog of varying size. So, if I move there, being able to hear comments encouragement would be great! It would be best if messages to newbs were very specific though. So we can differentiate between the voices we hear "on the threshold" and... actual... useful... feedback... (MAJOR SARCASM inherent with that comment but that's personal).  

I think it's time we blow this scene
Get everybody & the stuff together
Ok 3_2_1
Let's Jam!



It would be useful if you could tell everyone here what method you use to project as it seems very effective in getting to API.

Well, I actually start with meditating first. While breath meditation goes on i try to relax as i can. After a while i stop breath meditation and try to hear and see with my astral senses. At that point i may see various images and visions. If the visions are not clear enough to me. I start trying the triangle method in order to get to a higher level of conciousness. I try to look deeper to the visions next time. If the vision is clear enough i start to watch the visions. At that point i may loose my conciousness in the visions. (Sometimes i feel the seperation here, sometimes i dont) Then i realize that i am in a lucid dream at that point. (Focus 22) I start flying over an ocean. The ocean has deep blue colors. I look at the ocean while flying. Then i arrive at the Astral Pulse Island. I land on the sands first and walk around the island if i can meet someone.

Also i have to tell you that there is a small boat on the shore. But i didnt put it there. I can always find it anyway.
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!



Note: I'm no expert in projection but I'm willing to bet those were newbies like me. Did you try to talk to them? Just say, "Hey! This is Brim!" or something like that. It'll freak us out but we'll *KNOW* we were there. Then we can post and you can confirm and then there's a confirmation and everyone's happy. That kind of thing is *exactly* what you guys want with this island isn't it?

Well i tried to talk to them of course. But they just didnt answer. As Adrian said, I think they were people asleep or people trying to project. I read about this on Robert Bruce's articles too. But they were not at my conciousness level so we couldnt communicate.

Anyway, I will try to wake you up when i see you there next time. [:)]

That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


I haven't tried to visit the API yet. But regarding your experience with others there, I've had something similar happen to me. I actually saw someone I knew from waking life in some place in the astral (was 'blown' to this place by a wind of some sort -- very strange). Anyways everyone there was a light grey color, almost like cigarette smoke. I recognized her and went up to her. But she looked really 'dull', not as bright a grey as others around there. And she seemed dazed or 'out of it'.

She was conversing with someone in Spanish (she's hispanic). I said hello to her. She looked at me strangely, then she seemed to recognize me. I think she got a little 'brighter' when she made the connection. She said hello back, but quickly went 'dim' again and began talking to the other person with her.

My immediate thought was that she's dreaming and isn't conscious of what was going on. I told her the next day that I had a dream about her (she doesn't believe and/or undestand astral travel so I didn't use that word). I was hoping she'd make a connection, but she didn't say anything other than "what was it about?".

All of that to say, that either they were asleep or were not consciously aware of where they were and what they were doing.
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


i feel strange about the little boat...
i never been to Api yet, but when creating the image, i couldn't help thinking about a little boat to make the connection with the little...i can't say it in know the thing in wood at the right of the see ?
Birm, can you describe the boat ? [:O]


i finally found the english word (thanks Nay !) a DOCK...
So, at the right of the island, there is a dock...i would not be surprised if many of us did unconsciously the link with a boat...



I am still laughing about the word "DOCK" [:)]

Well yes there is a small boat near the dock. But it is not tied to the dock. It stays on the sands. Only two people can fit in it. One on the back and one on the front. There is no boat in the picture though. I dont know who put it there...


light grey color, almost like cigarette smoke.

This color was exactly what i was talking about.
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!