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Hiya people [:D]
i ve read every thing about astral projection and done all the research!
i just need a answer for one question to which i cannot find the answer for!
I am 15yrs old and im just wondering if it is dangerous for me to do it at this age! They say that astral projection is not dangerous and that there is no age limit but i just wanted to put my mind at rest1
If you can help me out by answering my question i would be very grateful!


No it isn't there is no danger.  I am 17 and got into this at 15 with no succuss and then found this site.  I can almost AP now and I am more aware of my dreams.  Hope you have a great time.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison


Originally posted by Skudgett

Hiya people [:D]
i ve read every thing about astral projection and done all the research!
i just need a answer for one question to which i cannot find the answer for!
I am 15yrs old and im just wondering if it is dangerous for me to do it at this age! They say that astral projection is not dangerous and that there is no age limit but i just wanted to put my mind at rest1
If you can help me out by answering my question i would be very grateful!

Just make sure there're people you trust and can talk to in your life -- parents, teachers, a counselor, etc. You don't have to tell them what you're doing, but people like that can help you stay grounded and healthy while you're exploring yourself and beyond yourself. You might get more than you bargained for if you keep at it. But it's worth it, and lots of fun too. :)



[|)]I just want to say first, thank you to Van-Stolin and Kifyre for replying to my message and helping me out!
I just wanted to ask if anyone has any good tips about projecting?


There are lots of topics on the board, just go to the search feature and type it in.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison


Hi everyone i just got a concern because my form tutor today in school is a christian and he said that astral projection is bad as it isnt featured in the bible! is this true?


Originally posted by Skudgett

Hi everyone i just got a concern because my form tutor today in school is a christian and he said that astral projection is bad as it isnt featured in the bible! is this true?

No its not true, I cant believe you were gullible enough to even have to ask the question.


im not guable its just that hes a very intelligent teacher and is well respective and usually everything he says is the truth so i wasnt sure! i thought it wasnt bad tho i just needed reasurance![|)]


Then he hasn't read the bible fully or something.  I don't remember who in the bible had a OBE, but it is in there.  Astral Projection is a great tool to strenghten your spirituallity as well, so don't listen to him.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison


Hi Van-Stolin[|)] i was just wondering how did you get into astral projection and how many years have you been doing it? becuase you seem really experienced. I dont mean to be nosey you dont have to answer if you dont want to.


Originally posted by Skudgett

Hi everyone i just got a concern because my form tutor today in school is a christian and he said that astral projection is bad as it isnt featured in the bible! is this true?

I'm sure your tutor would say the same thing about reincarnation and near death experiences.  Well, check out this link to read all kinds of Biblical support for paranormal experiences:
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


I recently remembered when i had my top ear pierced and i fainted due to having no food that day! Appartly my dad said that i hit my head when i fell! Anyway next thing i knew i was looking at me and my dad walking down a road that was the road outside i cant remember more on it i just remember looking down! Next thing i know the people that done the piercing and my dad are asking me if im ok! i didnt know where i was or anything when i woke up and it took me a while to remember!

I just was wondering what this would be classed under because it couldnt have been astral projection or OBE because i was looking at my self somewhere in the future not at the present time!

Please could some one help me out with this because i dont know what its classified as!

Thanks [|)]


Thanks for the web page addy jeff i'll show it to my tutor tomorrow! [:D]sorry for not relying eariler just that i ve only just seen your post!


Originally posted by Skudgett

I just was wondering what this would be classed under because it couldnt have been astral projection or OBE because i was looking at my self somewhere in the future not at the present time!

Sometimes during an oobe/Astral projection it is possible for your consciousness to experience premenitions/witness possible future events or your astral self to even traverse time itself but it is also possible to have these occurences when in deep meditation (except the actually visiting the future part) - if you passed out your brainwaves may have altered to the state similar to that of someone in a deep trance allowing for your experience.


[|)]Hi Hephaestus! thanks for your post! Does my experience which i had mean that i would have a greater chance of achieveing AP through deep trance more than any other techniques such as the ones where you have to imagine climbing a rope?


Originally posted by Skudgett

[|)]Hi Hephaestus! thanks for your post! Does my experience which i had mean that i would have a greater chance of achieveing AP through deep trance more than any other techniques such as the ones where you have to imagine climbing a rope?

It doesnt really mean anything in regards to how is your best way to AP. Id strongly suggest you attempt all techniques available until you find one which best suits you and which you feel you are getting more from. Once you feel you've found your best technique continue trying from there.
Personally the rope technique for me doesnt do anything whatsoever but there are many who managed to have their first ever AP by using that method.
My advice to you would be to experiment with as many different techniques as you can.


I would just like to add one note to Hephaestus' recommendation about trying as many techniques as you can. Don't just try each one only once or twice. I would pick one and use it consistently for at least 30 days and see what results, if any, you obtain. If you feel opimistic with that, then continue. If not, then switch to another technique.

I only say this because I've seen some people post about getting frustrated after only a few days. You can't gauge something after that short a period of time.

Good luck.
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


thank you Hephaestus and Novice for your help [|)]!


Can people start posting API expieriences again. I havent heard any storiees for a while and I am ready for some more. So Birm and all others please enlighten me and everybody on whats goin on at the Island, and help this thread get back on track. Thanx



Can we make waterfalls please. I like waterfalls!!![8D]
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Last Saturday afternoon I had an unexpected trip to the Astral Island Local. When I lucid dream I usually cannot control where I go or what I do. This particular time I swam to shore. It was dark. I thought I had arrived on the island. I climbed a rock to come to shore. I looked at the rock backing up from it, seeing it as the observer . It was two large wet boulders. It must have been the wrong place.
Later I'm flying, my hair is wet. I sighted the astral local below. I recognized the vivid color of the pyramid. I landed. Now I'm watching myself walk up to the pyramid. I was in my mental body (vivid skin tone), had sandles and a short white sandstone colored skirt or wrap. I wasn't able to see above my waist. Approaching the pyramid taking a couple steps upward is all I can remember. I was standing by one of the corners.


Anything that you create with your imagination in the Astral is an illusion.  Just like you can't create an island in RL, nor can you in the Astral.  It only clouds your vision of what is really there, and clouds your true purpose -- to progress along the Spiritual Path.  Visit, and enroll in their free courses if you want to find out more of what I am talking about.

veliki grizli

Anything that you create with your imagination in the Astral is an illusion. Just like you can't create an island in RL, nor can you in the Astral. It only clouds your vision of what is really there, and clouds your true purpose -- to progress along the Spiritual Path. Visit, and enroll in their free courses if you want to find out more of what I am talking about

In contrario!

This what you said is not true, everything what you create in astral is real, if creation is strong enough created thing there in astral remain. Like temple:  Malkuth-- Quabalists have created this temple and it still remains there


Originally posted by TheWanderer

Anything that you create with your imagination in the Astral is an illusion.  Just like you can't create an island in RL, nor can you in the Astral.  It only clouds your vision of what is really there, and clouds your true purpose -- to progress along the Spiritual Path.  Visit, and enroll in their free courses if you want to find out more of what I am talking about.

If you can't create things in the astral, then how do you think astral things got to be there in the first place?  In other words, if I astral project into a garden, then where did all the astral plants come from?

I agree with veliki.  If you create something in the astral, it's every bit as "real" as you make it.  In my opinion, there is no such thing as something with isn't real, because if it can be imagined, then it already has some sort of realness to it.  As an example, the monster under the bed may not be "Real" to an adult, but it's certainly "real" to the child.

From my own experiences, I look at astral creations in this aspect.  If I create, say, a chair with my mind, and then I sit on it, it's real.  Does that mean that everyone else may see that chair?  Well, if they are in the same room, then the answer is quite possible yes.

Now, if I told them to project to that chair from another location, they may not find it, because it is something I just created, with no connection to anything else.

Now take the Astral Pulse Island, for example.  This is a place, concentrated on by HUNDREDS of people, fixating on it in their minds, imagining all the details of this island.  As it is thought, so it is created.  The more people who believe in it, the more "real" it becomes, and the more permanent it will last.  This is how belief system terrorites are created (pearly gates, hell, etc).  

This is all my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt.  It's just what I've come to believe based on my experiences.
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash

veliki grizli

Astral realm is one higher way of existance, higher than physical, create things in astral is easier than in physical world, (just with thoughts) but this does not mean that created things are not real. They are not only real for me who was a creator, they are real for every man who is projected to astral, but what is imagination of creation stronger things in astral remais longer!  Oh its a rhyme!