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Astral Locale

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Greetings to all,

A little idea here based on the thought that people often find it easier to realise what they don't like, rather than what they do.
Would it be possible for the artists among us to come up with several different scenarios as Clandestino suggested? Instead of picking a favourite though, having these preliminary designs would allow us to see what we definately don't like. We can eliminate what we don't see fitting, and combine elements of the designs that we do like to give us a blueprint for the perfect locale.

My own idea's for the locale can be summed up in two words ~  "Magnificantly simplistic"

Take care



Maybe it would be helpful if everyone interested puts one feature they really really want and limit it to one?  That way its not overly complex?

Personally I think having a fountain or even better a pond would be great.  There's something about water, especially in the astral that is really interesting to me.


I think it is more important that there is something there than that there is everything there that everyone agrees on. I like the idea of symbols, and the idea of a central statue. I would suggest that someone invent a unique symbol, one that is fairly simple and easy to visualize, but that you won't find anywhere else. this can be the symbol of the locale. This would then be made into a statue at the centre of the locale. it gives people something to focus on, and then other things can be added surrounding it. Think of it as a work in progress. it doesn't have to be finished BEFORE people start meeting there.



I vaguely remember reading a description of a meeting place.  The idea was to read this big descriptive paragraph about the location, then try to go there.  I wish I still had it, it created a powerful vivid image in my mind that I still remember.  The details are lost, but basically:
It incorporates three types of landmasses, like a pie graph.  Imagine one third being ocean, one third plains, and one third mountainous.  The ridge between the two lands merge softly, not sharply.  At the very center are some small cliffs, 12 ft at most, and a waterfall cascades down into a small pool in the rocks.  This pool drains out to the ocean.  The pool is about the size of a regular inground pool, with ledges for sitting, etc.  Plants and flowers wrap around the edges.  
The area far from the pool really isnt important, it just gives a sense of depth.  I guess I like the feeling of seclusion it gives, like a private meeting place near the ocean among friends instead of an empty open field.  
Whatever we pick, a 3d computer image of it would be great.  The computer isnt quite photo-realistic and not cartoony either.  The main advantage over paintings would be the ability to have multiple perspectives of the place, to give it a sense of depth.  We wouldnt need to actually see it in 3d, just have maybe 3 different angles.
Also, adding senses other than just sight might help.  Like the sound of the waterfall or a certain smell of flowers.
That's my 2 cents :)


Greetings everyone,

Thanks very much to each and every one of you for your comments, observations and offers of contributions so far. I am considering everything in order that we can all discuss the best way forward soon.

For those that wish to participate, I would suggest that you might like to take some time to practice enhancing your imagination/visualisation abilities. High abilities in these are not at all vital to success in this project, because participation alone will provide ongoing practice, but imagination is one of the most powerful Spirtual forces, and well worth the time spent in enhancing your abilities in this area. Incidentally, imagination and visualisation are almost identical, with the latter usually, but not necessarily focussed on the visual aspect of the senses.

Thanks again everyone - this is looking extremely promising [:)]

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


I can't wait for this to get started. I have unfortunately reached a point where I am low on motivation...for everything. Hopefully this will get me and others like me back on track.

lucid dancer

hey, sorry I haven't replied in a while. My life has been a rollercoaster lately. I honestly thought there were other artists willing to get involved with this project. I know that's still a possibility, but I'll come up with some sketchings anyway.

one idea: A tall waterfountain structure as a centerpeice, the water flows into a pool, the water from the pool folds over the cliff into the ocean. People can sit in and around the pool. There's grass all around. ....

Alright, I was gonna go into detail with all of my ideas to give you something to look forward to, but it's not turning out right. I guess I should get on the drawings and get back to you. ...Then if we come upon a decision, I'll paint the final piece.


One suggestion is to place a (relatively) small pyramid at the center of the locale. This pyramid could be about 100 feet across and 30 to 40 feet high. A pyramid could serve as a mental link between the astral locale and the focus of the group effort at Giza.


Not too sure about the cliffs and the ocean. Maybe thats a little too grande?



I really like the idea of the water thing.. but Im a sucker for water scenes.  Would be kinda fun to dive in with other people.

lucid dancer

how about this:

a stone sidewalk leads up to a huge building. There are rose bushes (or any other kind of flower) hugging the edges of the sidewalk. The building holds a library and numerous doorways to other worlds. It has pillars, like a Roman style building. When you're standing on the stone sidewalk, you could explore the areas to the left or to the right. One area is very plain. It's all grass with a lot of stones set in a circular pattern, like stonehenge. On the other side is a water fountain, the water falls into the pool right beside it. They are so close, that it's almost one piece.

ok, so there are three areas to gather: a stonehenge, a building and a pool. If we choose something like this and it's drawn up, just use one of your favorite parts to focus on. Even though the place is full of stuff, you don't have to make it complicated. For example, you could just focus on the water fountain to get there.


I like the way your thinking Lucid dancer, sounds good to me.

Take care



I second Parmenion's choice of lucid dancer's ideas.


I second greytravelers choice of parmenians choice of lucid dancers idea.

Hmm i guess it would make more sense to second lucid dancers second idea?


Alright then, I'll second lucid dancer's second idea.
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

lucid dancer

are you guys serious?
any elements you'd like to add or subtract?
I really don't know how many doors/portals it should have.
The drawing won't show them, being inside the building. They'll materialize through time, just like everything else.

Maybe Adrian can shed some light on that for us.


Lucid Dancer. Your ideas are good. Go with them. We support you and were only having some fun. [:)]
It is important to include at least one or two portals. Simply make them stylized open arches that symbolize passage to another place.

lucid dancer

Hi everybody,
I did draw up my plan of the Astral Locale, but I'm not good with this digital stuff. I don't have any programs available to deliver the image for now. I feel very bad about that.
I know that Lucid Traveller is a good artist, and he may help.


I would love to help you in any way possible.. but I can`t AP (yet) so if there is anything I cand do.. just tell me :)


I have been reading these forums for ages without registering but this topic has inspired me to post. Just an idea for the centre-piece: a stream running off into the distance with a white stone archway straddling it. On the front and back of the archway is engraved the symbol that we come up with. Hopefully this would give us something unique to focus on whilst the stream would provide  context for the scene.


Guess what guys, you just got another artist if you want one, I have nothing to do seriously, e-mail=


Adrian, I doubt you are more than a magician's apprentice playing with fire, to propose so innocently what has been done before (for thousands of years) with tragic results. I sincerely recommend my fellow 'Astrapulsers' to avoid this like the plague. This is very dangerous and is the doorway to psychic manipulation, unless of course you want to be a slave.



(scrunch's face up like gary coleman)
"what you talkin bout Mirador?"


Hi Mirador. I am new to all of this and would appreciate it if you would explain your statement against the idea of an astral locale for meeting.  You seem to very strongly suggest against such an idea and I think as many people here, including myself are interested in working on this project that you should speak up and explain what you mean for those of us who don't understand. I wouldn't want people to do something that could possibly endanger them somewho......

I myself would be interested in helping out as I am quite proficient and particularly my brother (an IT uni student) at working with pictures and surroundings in 2D and 3D on the computer to generate or manipulate the design of the astral locale.....


hey wait a whole minute, I remeber reading this thing about astral projection, where you were supposed to create your own little astral locale thing, but you weren't supposed to tell anyone about it or draw a picture or anything...It really stressed that part for some reason...somebody please explain....