can experienced astral p's meet up on the astral

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Hello i'm Katie
i only joined this forum a few days ago,after a very real but short obe.I have been exploring the site and reading peoples posts and reply's very interesting.
i'm just getting more curious.
              One question i have,as it's obvious there are many people here that are extremely experienced in a/p is it possible to meet friends or people that you know who can also a/p, and meet up with them on the  Astral plane and communicate,and can you meet dark forces with ill intend.
              Also could anyone recommend a good self/hypnosis astral projection cd,there are so many on the market it's difficult to choose.Hope i have put this in the right category.
                              Love and Light Katie


I can't say much about meeting friends, i've never done it.

Though that was the original intent of Astral Pulse Island.

As for "dark forces" with ill intent, you will only meet what you create (imo naturally.  there isn't really anything definitive on that point because of the disagreements on what APing actually is). 

Nevertheless, even if you do meet something like that, you have the power to 'do away with them'.  There are plenty of posts here about astral defense.  In particular I recommend searching for posts by a member named NoY.  He's got some posts about astral battling and what not.  Bottom line, you are a powerful being and you can easily defeat anything you find threatening with the proper focus.  You can also always call upon any kind of deity or whatever you want.  Some people call archangel michael or something similar.

What I can give good advice on is the hypnosis bit.  Self-hypnosis is certainly the best option because you have control over what you're programming yourself with.  What I do is use one of the Monroe Institute's Hemi-Sync tracks (specifically Condition D from the Journeys Out of the Body Hemi-Sync series) and throw it into some basic audio editing software and record hypnosis scripts that I've written.  The hemi-sync in the background helps entrain your brain to a brainwave frequency that is conducive to hypnosis and the script can then be absorbed more effectively.
be awesome.


It's a big plane, and I usually go months without seeing people who I think are other projectors.

The astral plane is absolutely full of native people there, though. A lot of them can provide very fulfilling relationships.


its a great experience if things are going right.


It's very difficult to meet friends on the astral plane. I've been trying for years without success. If one focuses on a specific person they should be able to enter the locality of them.


can experienced astral p's meet up on the astral

Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Yes they can and that is a very good question!  :-)

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The only way i think it would work is if you are both sleeping at the same time then when one of you wakes up in a dream aka ap then they go wake the other person up.  NICELY though for it is common for astral sleep walkers to be put into a night mare if you mess with them while they are sleeping out in the land of the dead.  And wake up frusterated with a headache.