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haha i doubt this would work

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if whoever thought up this idea thought that if people just imagined astral pulse island they would all go to the same place and meet up then thats wrong haha.
Each person would just go to their own seperately created astral pool and would never meet anyone else who tried to visualise it.

if you wanted to create a place where people can meet you would need enough energy to create and sustain the astral pool permanently with it's own energy signature that people can feel out and travel to instead of just going to a place that looks like it that they created.

Ahs well...points for the original thinking i guess
for what shall it profit a man if he is to gain the world and lose his own soul?


thts not how it works. its not just imignination its astral projection as well and people have a basic idea of what it it looks like. i understand what your saying we could use a stonger person to create a base for this but if we all focused on it i think its reasonable that we could create an astral plane. just thought id say :P


yeah i understand its astral projection but its still people just imagining something once they astral project.
doesnt matter how many people imagine it...
if we all focused on it we'd all create seperate ones for ourselves, it's not as simple to do as is desired haha. the biggest reason its so hard to transport urself to a meeting point in the astral. also the main reason people think meeting others is not possible...
for what shall it profit a man if he is to gain the world and lose his own soul?


If you were to print out the picture of Astral Island and place it on a wall you can simply phase into Astral Island by going into the picture.  There's no need to imagine it perfectly.


phasing into it would still mean your just creating your own place....!
has anyone actually created a permanent astral pool of this place? or has someone just made a picture and told people to go there? coz if an original astral pool does not exist, then how can people meet up in it? if everyone phased into the picture or whatever they do, they would not go to the same place! they would go to individual places that their minds created through whatever technique they used

well ok if by doing it any of those ways people manage to meet up then let me know and i would have been proven wrong
but at this point i don't think you understand what it takes to actually create an astral pool that others can travel to without accidentally making a seperate place of their own.
for what shall it profit a man if he is to gain the world and lose his own soul?


I havent projected yet so i dont know if i can say but...Would it be possible for you to all meet up in a famous place like the eiffel tower ?
Do by not Doing.


There have been people who have gone to the island and noticed specific differences only to come back here later reading the threads and find out someone actually projected to the island and altered the exact same things they saw. These occurrences happened a lot when this project was first started.