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DMT, The Spirit Molecule

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This seems feasible. Prolonged darkness could elevate melatonin levels and would automatically increase the amount of endogenous DMT.


Fascinating stuff and I love hearing the possible scientific explanations behind our experiences.

I've never experienced drugs other than pot a few times but am fascinated with magic mushrooms and hope someone (come on Amsterdam) makes it legal and synthesizes the drug down into pill form so it's regulated/predictable. My friends who do shrooms often feel sick to their stomachs so I haven't tried them but feel I could totally handle whatever comes up emotionally because of all my OOBEs.


Mushrooms are great! :-P

I'm on the penultimate chapter of Strassman's book. I know, it's taking me a while. I've got kids. :-D

Strassman just got permission to do a study on psilocybin. The trip lasts longer as you know. Let's see how it goes. The book is a thrill! 8-)


In regards to what I said to Rudolph in his thread...

Quote from: Summerlander on June 07, 2011, 14:03:42
It's funny you mention that because I've just finished Rick Strassman's DMT: The Spirit Molecule and such creatures (gnomes, fairies) were mentioned. Strong electromagnetic fields in certain locations seem to also increase the chances of spiritual and alien encounters as "power spots" may suppress melatonin formation and get the pineal to make DMT instead.

More interestingly, Strassman also explores the possibility that the pineal DMT mechanism may allow our consciousness to tune into dark matter beings and parallel universes. It is truly fascinating stuff.

I'd encourage people to try to project from different locations and see if there is a difference in what is experienced. Dark matter could be going through our bodies as we speak and somehow act as a medium for contact with creatures from "unseen worlds". The Phase state may allow us to perceive and interpret these worlds in our own way. On the other hand, during the waking state, our brain is not designed to perceive these frequencies of reality and "Channel Normal" is on most of the time.

I will post some of Rick Strassman's notes in my DMT thread which you might find interesting.

Here's excerpts from Strassman's DMT book notes:

"The pineal gland becomes full of calcium as we age. The calcified gland is an excellent marker for the mid-line of the brain in skull X-rays and CAT scans. However, little of this calcium collects in the melatonin-producing cells. While melatonin levels do drop as we age, this is independent of the level of pineal calcification.

Early morning also is when we are most likely to be in dream sleep, and some studies suggested that large doses of melatonin enhanced dreaming. We were unable to examine this in our experiments because subjects needed to stay awake with eyes open for light to suppress melatonin. If melatonin did stimulate dream sleep, we would have expected less vivid dreams in volunteers whose melatonin production was inhibited. Interestingly, drugs that suppress nighttime melatonin formation increase, rather than decrease, dreams.

Magnetic fields also may affect consciousness, as in the shifts of awareness one notices in particular geological sites or formations, so-called "power spots". Recent studies describe magnetic fields affecting pineal function, in particular suppressing melatonin formation. These effects may redirect pineal energy and raw materials to make DMT instead.

I propose a relationship between DMT and alien encounters in another chapter. However, this is a good time to note that these experiences sometimes take place near high-intensity power lines, which produce powerful magnetic fields. In addition, alien encounters often occur at particular land locations, also suggesting magnetic field effects.

Btw, if anyone is interested, here's Rick Strassman's website:

Rick Strassman also co-authored Inner Paths To Outer Space:


DMT: The Spirit Molecule (2010)


The Spirit Molecule investigates dimethyltryptamine (DMT), an endogenous psychoactive compound, which exists in humans and numerous species of plants and animals. The documentary traces Dr. Rick Strassman's government-sanctioned, human DMT research and its many trials, tribulations, and inconceivable realizations. A closer examination of DMT's effects through the lens of two traditionally opposed concepts, science and spirituality, The Spirit Molecule explores the connections between cutting-edge neuroscience, quantum physics, and human spirituality. Strassman's research, and the experiences of the human test subjects before, during, and after the intense clinical trials, raises many intriguing questions. A variety of experts voice their unique thoughts and experiences with DMT within their respective fields. As Strassman's story unfolds, the contributors weigh in on his remarkable theories, including the synthesis of DMT in our brain's pineal gland, and its link to near-death experiences.

The real reason why DMT is banned - The Spirit Molecule | Graham Hancock


Our society is absolutely designed to shut down 90% of the potential of the human creature. Why should it be the case that society is afraid of realising human potential and what it comes down to is special interests, that there are those who run things in society and that there are those who are there to kind of serve them and serve their ends and serve their needs.

And so, what our society has created is a realm of unquestioning meat robots who will perform their daily tasks without complaining and without causing any trouble, and that may be very useful to certain small interest groups but it's extremely damaging to the rest of humanity,

Once we realise our potential we don't need elites anymore, who needs elites - who needs to be led. This is another revelation that comes from working with psychedelics is that we do not need leaders, they are not over us telling us what to do, they may imagine that that's what their doing but they have no right to do that.

And the moment we begin to wake up and start asking really profound questions about the nature of reality and about the society that we live in, their power is instantly diminished and I think that's why we've seen such vigour and real nasty unpleasantness put into this horrible wicked thing called the war on drugs which is being used as an excuse to enter the inner sanctum of peoples lives.

See, if i'm not sovereign over my own consciousness, if I can't make free choices about my own consciousness, if I can't make those free choices while doing no harm to others then I am not free, in any useful or meaningful sense.

And, the moment that I free myself then I become a danger to those who run things in the world, anybody who has seen led to question the nature of things profoundly as a result of psychedelics is a danger to the status QUO.

We risk being thrown in prison, we risk having our reputations destroyed - if the powers that be enter our home and find that we're using psychedelics, I mean this is really Orwellian World that we've created,

how dare some guy in a suit sitting in government tell me to what to do with my consciousnesses - while at the same time, they're allowing the glorification and glamorisation of alcohol which is one of the most dangerous drugs on the planet.

I mean alcohol is a seriously dangerous drug, whether you're talking about cirrhosis of the liver, or whether you're talking about traffic accidents or whether you're talking about violence - alcohol, there's no doubt about it nobody can dispute, is an extremely dangerous drug.

So a society that says alcohol's okay and you can even advertise it, but psilocybin or DMT are not okay and if you use them you'll be sent to prison, that society is just riddled through and through with unbelievable hypocrisy.

And we have to bring that out, we have to show people this is the case because what's going on here is a fundamental abuse of human rights, we must be free to make decisions over our own consciousness always with the proviso that we do no harm to others and any government any state agency that attempts to limit our freedom over our own consciousness - is itself an agency of darkness and control.

Graham Hancock
