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1st semi lucid dream

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this afternoon after work i went straight to my bed and tried to LD. didnt have a lot of success until my 3rd and last try.

i felt kinda sleepy and found myself in the backside of a dark theater. i was walking down an aisle but there were some seats in my way, so i just moved them. funny thing was that the movie was a simpsons movie. anyway, there were a bunch of kids that sat at the left side (side i was on) that already knew all the words.  and there was another group of kids making fun of the other kids who already knew the words calling them "nerds".  then i realized that i was dreaming and i started to slip away and i felt something like goosebumps goin thru my whole body.  i tried to hold onto the dream but next thing i knew it, i was awake on my bed.

i believe this was my first lucid dream! it was the coolest thing, except the fact that i slipped away from it! strangely, later that day i saw a movie...maybe it was a future dream? and maybe simpsons are planning on making a movie?!
