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Does anyone have a good link for methods on how to have a lucid dream?

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Does anyone have a good link for methods on how to have a lucid dream?  It seems like my best bet to AP is to do it through a lucid dream,  but first I need to learn how to do that. lol.  And if its not my best bet then I may as well try it anywayz.  :-)


I don't have any links but I would suggest doing reality checks through out you entire day. I would suggest a reality check every fifteen to thirty minutes or so. For a reality check question your surroundings and make sure you take in EVERY little detail and look for irregularities. Then after that I would suggest pulling your finger to see if it stretheches or jump to see if you'll fly. I would suggest jumping if your alone though that way you won't look like an idiot trying to fly. That should help you realise that your in a dream and if it works either you'll continue have images from the dream that you can explore to reveal who you really are or the images will melt away into whats really there. Hope that helps you, Okoklo.



try flying like how duglas adams says in one of his books from the hichickers gide to the galaxy  :-D