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Please help me with flying

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I have only had a lucid dream once ([:(]) but I have had several...semi-lucid dreams, I guess you could call them, where I sort of remeber and then forget that I'm dreaming. Anyway, in one of the semi-lucid ones, I was trying to fly and kept being dragged down. I finally got the hang of it by sort of picturing myself rolling horizontally up an invisible incline. It worked really well for me.

Sorry I can't be of more help!


Ello. Even though I've never projected, I've had a few semi-lucid dreams like panabelle has had, and I've seem to have come across 2 kindof ways of flying, or hovering...

1) try to will yourself to move upward, or in a certain direction while trying to make it feel as if something is pulling you upward... kindof like imagining invisible wires or something tugging at your entire body toward the direction you would like to go..

2) the other way is kindof odd, but it seemed to have work with progressivly flying.. lift your foot up, and make yourself feel as if your takeing a step, like walking up stairs.... kindof like the air beneath your foot is solid [ or mooshy enough for you to step on] then from there, make it feel as if there it some sort of pressure pushing off of the bottom of your foot thats in the air, and continue takeing steps, with each step haveing that pressure pusshing you away from the ground, or pushing you in the direction you want to go..... i think the closest feeling to this, if you can't really imagine there being ground or something solid under your foot, as its in the air....  the closest feeling would be of roller bladeing/skateing. Where you push off the ground with your feet to cause momentum with the wheels to push yourself foward. except in this case, haveing no wheels, and moveing in an upward type direction....[8D]

and when it comes to landing.... just feel yourself slowly cascadeing through the air, until you made a willed soft landing. [or for those of you who enjoy a fast fall, remember to keep youself ready to land accordingly.]

Best of luck.
If someone has the knowledge, and wants to do something, how far do you think they can go, if they lack the experience, and are unable to sustain the amount of effort needed to succeed?  ~ Self 2/25/2003


Why does it matter how you land? You can't get hurt anyway. <Panabelle crashes into ground screaming, "WHEEEEE!>[:D]


Thanks panabelle and tarconiss for answering..

Ill really try to remember that next time i Obe.. both the rolling and picturing walking on something.. i normally remember things i've read during lucid dreams and this will really help with my options..

Sometimes i just dont know how to fly higher except to look up and kind of think i want to be there.. i dont know why i haven't done the arms flapping thing.. i think the swimming movement i've tried and its worked.

i always feel so rushed though anything i remember will help.

thanks again for your responses


Hey! I just posted something about flying...and look what this is?!

Well I wanted to say that I have been having flying dreams for a long time now. I've had them since I was a kid. And Just recently those flying dreams I've been able to go lucid with those..

My flying is always something like mentioned above. I move my feet, and in my mind there is no gravity and air is being shifted below me, and so that I can actually 'step' into the air. And sometimes I can simply glide from a higher place to a lower place. The feeling is INCREDIBLE and it feels SO real. Because in all my dreams I KNOW I can fly.

The big thing I can say is this.
1) I watch WAY too many chinese-ku-fu movies where people defy gravity
2) you have to KNOW you can fly. Just know. Without a doubt, and without question. You KNOW you have the ability to fly. Just keep that in mind. you can you can you can. It's an ability you've always had, so of course you can fly!!!

I know that sounds a bit funny, but keep that in mind,and keep that mindset.

Hope to hear about you flying over treetops. ((step on the STRONG branches though...))



Astral delight, i have found out the best way to have lucid dreams is remember something that happens all the time in your dreams and its a trigger.  I first started by using waking paralysis as a trigger to realize im dreaming and peel myself off the bed and fly around.

The kung fu idea isn't a bad one at all.. i've found anything you believe would make you fly works.  I realy need a variety of techniques though cus often in a LD i go blank.

tarconiss, i had a LD about 3 days ago and i tried your method during it.  I get so much of what i do in LD's from this board and the great ideas in it.  It worked really really well.. at one point i was getting pulled down but i rubbed my "leg" while pretending i was holding an energy blade (didnt actually rub my leg but tried to "cut" what was holding me down) it was weird cus when i looked down it was a car attached (dreams can be weird!)

I hope to try all the techniques I can find.. I think in a lot of ways its just making the movement something we can relate to.  Since most of us cant fly on the physical [|)]


I just posted something about this on the OBE discussion forum.

Basically, I have the same "can't stay up" problem, but I've found that a helpful intermediate is to go underwater.

Because you're used to the idea of floating in water, the gravity habit is much reduced (though not removed completely) so you can float all around an underwater scene, and that gets you used to being able to stay off the ground. Which hopefully will then transfer to being able to do the same thing without needing to imagine you're underwater.


Hi, Silva & all,
I have had flying dreams all my life and often have similar problems of being unable to get off the ground or above about head height. I seem to have two or three ways of flying/levitating the best is a little like sitting on a float in the swimming pool, so you can do that to get an idea of how it feels. I create a large about 1m diameter ball of energy below the base of my spine and basically sit on top, balancing with my arms stretched out. I can then direct the ball of enegy to float in whatever direction I want. Pretty cool when I remember to do it!
Love and Light,


Im so excited because i've had a lucid dream four nights in a row.. and great ones.  For some reason though when im in them i try to go to the astral but i think i get a little mixed up at that point.

But they would be so incredibly pleasurable (they already are amazing dont get me wrong) if i didnt have problems flying.. I always try to fly somewhere when i realize im LD'ing.. but at some point i always get pulled to the ground.  I try to look up and say i want to be there.. but it works sometimes but its so limited.

Is it because i fear i wont be able to fly? i have to admit its always a big worry for me each time i try to fly.. like i worry someone will hold me down.  Thats one recurrent semi-unpleasurable recurring LD i have.. im trying to fly out of my house or wherever i am and someone can reach me and pull me down.  NO matter how high i get i cant get any higher and they can reach me.

Please give me pointers on this if you have any experience flying for great heights.  One time I did fly straight up into the "stars" and try to go as far as i can.. i have to admit it was kinda far.  I was amazed because i actually felt.. a certain type of cold.. nothing like it actually is outside. but it was colder than normal..

anyway i'd appreciate any and all advice.