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Common entities in dreams with my friend.

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maybe your spirit guides are best friends too?  :)

helpful entities of some sort, or maybe you just dream the same way  ;) .

i had a fighting dream last night too, but it wasn't against a demon. i was fighting what i felt was a 'master' martial artist, and then a street fighter type who used a variety of hidden bladed weapons. and i whooped both their butts, even though i didn't feel as strong or skilled as they felt to be. i guess the weirdest thing about it was that i actually thought about ways to defeat them, rather than just fighting them like in a normal dream.

i woke up just as i was about to deliver the coup-de-grace on the second guy. oh well  ;)


Secret of Secrets


So me and my friend who are both pretty "aware" (can't think of a way to define it) Have recently experienced similar characters in our dreams..

In my experience, I was quite lucid but ended up at the end of the dream, having to fight a demon, this demon looked like a normal human just had silver reflective iris/pupils .. whats interesitng is, I had a pair of dudes.. one kinda fat and big, the other smaller, and shorter... they helped me defeat him and then helped me exit the dream once that was taken care of..

My friend's dream.. he was dreaming, not lucid, and in the middle of his dream he ended up in an office building type place, where there were other people whom he engaged in small talk, from what I recall of him telling me, he wanted to get back to his dream.. so two very similar dudes showed him a door to walk though.. one bigger fatter, the other smaller shorter, and once he popped through the door he went back to his normal dream...

any dieas?