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Connecting to crystal consciousness

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I think last night's dream was influenced by our discussion with Tides about everything being alive and everything being consciousness. It proves again that what we focus on with intent shifts us to corresponding experiences.

This dream was borderline lucid, but I have to note that the colors were even beyond anything I have observed so far in APs. A LOT more vivid and glowing. I had no idea there could be even more vivid colors than what I have observed during APs. It just goes to show you that there is so much more out there we have no idea of.

I was standing next to a huge rock somewhere in the wilderness. I kept pulling smaller stones out, as the inside had a different texture and color. I knew there was something inside the rock I wanted to uncover. I kept pulling smaller stones, carving deeper and deeper within the rock. At some point I saw the outlines of an elephant head. Next to it I saw the outlines of a mushroom head, both with eyes. The heads started changing colors, they became so vibrant and started glowing. They became crystals with deep blue and purple colors. I was taken a back and I said "What are you?". The elephant head said "I am a rock, a crystal and an elephant". The mushroom head said "and I am a crystal mushroom". I thought they were absolutely cute and adorable. I could sense their friendliness and soft, gentle nature. We connected instantly. The elephant said "We know you are looking for the precious stone. We can show it to you" But before they could show me, all of a sudden behind me a number of creatures appeared. They seemed to be made out of crystals, but with sort of humanoid forms. I could sense they wanted to steal the precious stone, because they have been looking for it to enhance their own powers. The elephant and mushroom heads sunk inside the rock, disappeared and the rock became whole again as it was before I started pulling the stones. Then I started yelling at the top of my lungs to the creatures "How dare you coming here to steal something that belongs to this rock. Go back and leave them alone". Now, I have to note that if I had a full awareness and lucidity I would never yell at anyone. I have never experienced conflict and aggression in any of my APs, but I guess at the moment my awareness was low and I reacted this way to protect the rock. The creatures did not expect this from me. They understood that I would not allow it and disappeared.

When I woke up, I still felt the energy of the elephant and mushroom creatures. They knew I would not steal their precious stone and were willing to show it to me. Even now, I still feel like we are communicating telepathically. I just feel their gentle energy and friendliness. I hope that feeling lasts for a while, it's very heart warming.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on February 19, 2024, 11:44:18This dream was borderline lucid, but I have to note that the colors were even beyond anything I have observed so far in APs. A LOT more vivid and glowing. I had no idea there could be even more vivid colors than what I have observed during APs. It just goes to show you that there is so much more out there we have no idea of.

THAT'S what I'm talking about. So So glad you had this exp and shared it with us. The composition of many beings is crystalline. I smiled all the way through your post, how could I not!

It's okay to express a range of emotions, love and light alone pale beside each other. You are a warrior and a warrior needs a healthy dose of outrage. Love
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Wow, when I read this experience- I was blown away. And tonight, I find my self looking at the bowl that holds my soup- and thanking consciousness for its expression. Earlier, I held my mason jar to my forehead and smiled. I knew I was holding consciousness.

How easy do I forget all is consciousness? Perhaps it's better to say this elevated expression is more of the rarity. Probably, for good reason. But when I feel that sincere gratitude and love, I hope to experience it more and more. 


Quote from: tides2dust on February 19, 2024, 20:15:12I find my self looking at the bowl that holds my soup- and thanking consciousness for its expression. Earlier, I held my mason jar to my forehead and smiled. I knew I was holding consciousness.

I was doing the same today when the rain was falling on my face. I sensed the little drops' consciousness. I smiled and gave thanks. It's wonderful being in a state of grace at all time. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


The realm of crystals is truly extraordinary. No going back!


I work with crystals. It is a consciousness practice, I combine my consciousness with that of crystals in a way that allows the crystal(s) to act as an extension of my consciousness. - through them I am able to visibly show others who is connecting with me from the withinness of my own mind. It is the OBE, the reworking of my mind-energy-body system that took place through the OBE that allowed all this to begin to happen. I now work with the crystals AS communication devices ( data transferring devices ) -not wholly unlike your idea of approaching our beds as a spirit teleporter. Brilliant, by the way.

So.....all this just to say I now have my own way of showing others that crystals actually do have consciousness.

I have brought roughly 500 discrete beings through the crystal so far to-date.

This adorable little fellow just came through the other day.

Look at those eyes!!

A little closer and I would have had him more real to life. I just could not catch the angle. ( next time ).

Light transmission forming through a mildly citrine quartz cut crystal
Location and time: 7:14:49 PM, Lakeside, CA
Original image captured February 18, 2024


"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow