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i've tried it a couple of times (three actually). not sure if the results are at all good, but the experiences were still worth the time i spent trying. (and as you may know, i can't oobp [;)])

i just don't try anymore because the three times i did it, i felt guilty about invading someone else's privacy. so until i get a practice partner, i won't really try again. *shrugs* oh well. [|)]

try it on your gf turkey, and let us know what happens. [:)]



Hahaha I will, but then again there are kids on this forum[:P][:P][:P]!

Just jokin. But hey I'll try some dreamwalking as soon as I can go out of body properly, which I'm still working on clearing my mind - 3 whole seconds! YEAH!

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.


The only problem is they need to remember their dream. Most people don't remember dream that well.

Maybe you're too interested to stay in your body? Much excitement in the physical? Too much magnetic energy?

[|)]This one so mangaeusque..[|)][|)]


I'm sorry to ask but....mangaeusque?? Is that like the situation is from a manga or something??


Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.


It's not the situation that is mangaeusque, it's the [|)] symbol that is. In manga, there is an unexplainable tendency for the character to smile with closed eyes. [|)]

Now this has turned into a worthless post.
Doubly sorry.[B)]


Yeah I know! I love manga but I haven't read many, so I watch anime instead. I got started with anime with Neon Genesis Evangelion, which I recently bought the boxed set of all 8 DVDs and I also got The End of Evangelion for my birthday at the end of last year! YEAH! Am I happy or what?!

I've been trying to learn how to draw manga but my resources for learning are insufficient and I'm starting to give up until I go to proper manga school in Japan when I'm older.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.


"[|)]This one so mangaeusque". yeah i know, that's why i love it [:D].

" The only problem is they need to remember their dream. Most people don't remember dream that well." well i'm sure if you make their dream memorable enough, they'll have an easier time remembering it. (like making them fight a dragon, or telling them about your interest in dreamwalking WHILE you are dreamwalking, etc)

Maybe you're too interested to stay in your body? Much excitement in the physical? Too much magnetic energy?" heck, i'd love to oobp, but i haven't developed the ability yet. just need to give it time and keep trying [:)].

not much excitement in the physical though. quite boring actually *rolls eyes* Insert. oh well [|)].

and what do YOU mean by "magnetic" energy?[:)]



If they are trained in dream remembering we'll have greater chance. Maybe if you become a demon/dragon or a ghost. Most people dream of being scared by a ghost but I dream of being a ghost (one of the dream I still remember when I'm about 5-7 is becoming a ghost in the desert and scaring a girl). Definitely a potential for ghosting. [:D].

I suppose we need to bother with symbolism too. Maybe they could remember us in their dream doing other thing while we dream about doing other thing. For example, we can take a walk in the forest in the dream while they remember us ballroom dancing with them...

Maybe your trying to hard? For me I just get very very relaxed and then just stay on the awake/asleep line (I'm going to sleep, I'm not going to sleep yet). Also as yo're very aware in your dream you can try to become aware of your body on your bed and take it from there. I have.

Magnetic energy pull is a theory that I found on

Actually it's about loose or tight hold on your astral body.


Actually I don't know how to keep myself awake like that yet - my mind can't clear itself very well. I asked about this for theories, but practical approaches are appreciated. I've never had a lucid dream and I don't know how to do it...I'm too busy practicing clearing my mind (which I'm not having much success with, I assure you[:(])

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.


Actually, most of the OBE technique are useful for one purpose, to keep you aware while your body come to sleep which is easier said than done. What you need to do is keep your body asleep/mind awake OR 'sleep lightly' enough so you'll be waking and sleeping for a  while. Then you might be aware of the hypnogogic image/sound which will turn into dream if you're not careful. If I can get super relaxed (your body seem like they are very numb or sluggish when you get up) after sometime I found that my body will become loose (I rarely feel vibe) and an astral limb or two will rise.  

Although technique are good, I find myself keep changing technique in the middle of OBE projection so the only thing I do now is gentle focusing on the forehead region and/or staring for the darkness behind my closed eye. (The silly thing I do with rope is I keep climbing eventhough I'm already seperated. IMHO the rope is to kickstart the projection, when it's started, you shouldn't bother about climbing anymore)

It is important to sleep lightly. Some people just put their head into pillow and conk into sleep and this is not very productive. That's why it's better to try projection after your mind sleeping need are satisfied otherwise you will just sleep (I've been guilty of trying on bed time).

If it's so hard to do this, sleep deprivation might help (not to be done often as you might get cranky). At one time, I slept very late (about 7 a.m and wake up at 8.30 a.m). I keep awake until 1 p.m. Then I decide to rest a little bit and not to sleep as I was waiting for my friend to come.  I was holding off sleep for a while then I see hypnogogic image and come close to projection.

I'm sure many people here can give the tip on how to achieve lucid dream. However I could suggest 2 thing that is becoming really lucid in your real life and keeping a dream journal. When you can remember your dream well, you're one step closer to have a lucid dream(that you remember). However most of the time I'm just too interested to play with my dream instead of converting it to AP my dream become an adventure in the dreamland.[:)]



I am Gabriel I am new to Astral Pulse and I just found a little information recently about Dreamwalking but it was not very informative, and I am now doing research on it. I was wondering if anyone knows any books with some good information about Dreamwalking, or maybe some web URLs to some good sites that have information on Dreamwalking? I would be greatful for any help.

Thank You!
Gabriel WindSong [;)]


Fat Turkey "Of course that person has to be dreaming at the time"

Have you tried when they werent dreaming? Time is distorted or nonexistant depending on what part of astral you're in.

"I wonder, is this sort of thing possible? Could it be another type of OBE?"

Sounds like a normal OBE. Did you think you were alone out there?



I recently heard of something you can do possibly while lucid dreaming called dreamwalking - the ability to "walk" into another person's dreams. Of course that person has to be dreaming at the time [:P].

I wonder, is this sort of thing possible? Could it be another type of OBE?


Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.