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dream of a strange animal & a climb

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This dream wasn't really too eventful, but it was so vivid & enjoyable at the time, I thought I'd recount it here.

Having left some friends, I found myself in a country park. At this point my dream became quite lucid. Walking through this park, with the sun shining, I noticed a nearby picnic table. Underneath it was a fox, I thought. On closer examination I realised it was too big to be a fox. Its body was elongated & muscular, covered with short fur like a lioness'. Its mouth was fox-like, but the jaws were longer. Its teeth were large. The rich brown colours on the animal's head contrasted with the tanned, golden colour of its torso.

As it lay under the bench, it was giving me friendly vibes (!). I approached and held out my hand/ fist, lowered, so that it could see I posed no threat. It nodded a couple of times and allowed me to come closer. So I knelt alongside the animal which must have been 6 or 7feet long, & stroked its back.

I immediately sensed that something was wrong, so I began to back away slowly. It bared its teeth, & I noticed that all 4 fangs were worn down to stumps. I instantly realised, that this had been done on purpose to the animal, to prevent it from hurting people. I realised that the animal was an "ornament" of sorts belonging to this park, much in the same way that peacocks are used as ornaments on earth.

Backing away more quickly now, I found that the only way to escape was to climb a vertical black rock face. It was an easy climb, & after 5 minutes I was 30metres up. I could see the animal staring up at me, from below. I sensed that it had chosen not to bother following me. My way on up the rock face was now too difficult as a large overhang lay above me. However just a few feet away was a cave. Sunlight shone from the back of the cave, & I saw that a pathway had been cut from the cave, through to the back of the cliff. Unfortunately it was padlocked shut, so after a few moments I began the descent back down the rock face & woke up.

Not very eventful, but enjoyable nonetheless!

I'll Name You The Flame That Cries


Thanks for sharing your dream!
I've read somewhere, that there was an animal very similar to what you describe. It was some kind of prehistoric animal, but I don't remember the name....


Thanks for sharing your dream, I've had one or two dreams similar to yours.

CaCoDeMoN, I thought I recognised the animal in the dream too, I racked my brain for a while and although the colourings and markings are not the same as described in the dream the animal that sprang to my mind was the now extinct Tasmanian wolf or tiger (Thylacine).

You can see some black and white pictures of it at the link below:


'To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.'

William Blake ('Auguries of Innocence')


No, there was an wolf-like animal much bigger than this, and it's known only from skeletons found by sciencists...


Perhaps you were thinking of something more along these lines:

I remember seeing a documentary on television not so long ago where they recreated such a beast and animated it using computer graphics, to see how it moved at speed and attacked it's prey.

It was a strange creature and seemed to share the characteristics of both large cats and wild dogs.
'To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.'

William Blake ('Auguries of Innocence')