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Extremely Violent Dreams! why??

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Hey everyone, lately i've been having extremely violent dreams, and i cant understand why, its bugging me, like last night, i had a dream where i killed my childhood friend, and also killed my sister, ( i love my sister, why the hell did i dream that i killed her), nights before, i dreamt that i killed some random guy, and then cooked his meat, and ate him ( WTF), couple nights before that, i dreamt that i was in some house, and it was like a family party of someone, and then this man who's face i could never see, comes in and starts literally massacring people, beheading, and putting their heads on sticks.. he was not after me, at the end of the massacre he just came to me and said a couple words i dont remember, and left...

Why am i having this crazy bloody dreams? its tinkling me off.


What sort of media have you been watching or reading?

Perhaps you are also subconsciously frightened of what you might do at some point if you lost control.

Or perhaps you are frightened by the cruelty of the world, and find yourself acting out scenes that depict that cruelty, mainly for the reason that you normally have your own perspective in dreams.

It could be many things. But no one can interpret your dreams as well you can.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


 Maybe it's showing you in an extreme way that you harboring a lot of negativity and that you need to become conscious of this. Now that you know, what are you going to do to change it?


if you was around the age of 20 i would say its normal, your energy body matures and you become aware of the greater reality, it will settle down  after you become used it



Quote from: Lionheart on March 24, 2012, 17:22:17
Maybe it's showing you in an extreme way that you harboring a lot of negativity and that you need to become conscious of this. Now that you know, what are you going to do to change it?

How can i be sure if i am harboring negativity? im not a bad person, so what type of things could i change?? i have no idea..

Quote from: NoY on March 24, 2012, 17:45:52
if you was around the age of 20 i would say its normal, your energy body matures and you become aware of the greater reality, it will settle down  after you become used it


Im actually 19   o:  can you elaborate more? how is the greater reality related to massacres ??


well up to this point you have been a child and everything is rainbows and Bunny's but when you become a man, life says hey guess what a large part of life is like this

how you judge and deal with the darker side of life will shape your character

once you decide to be right you see the wrong, once you see the light you notice the darkness

its normall and it will pass but only when you choose where your going to put this new information and
you understand how you deal with it and "choose" what you really want



hi rem.
Usually death in dreams mean an end to things (not necessarily literally) so I would interpret this as an indication that you want to end a relationship that is not working for you any more.

From dreammoods:

"To dream that you have committed a murder indicates that you are putting an end to an old habit and a former way of thinking. This could also refer to an end to an addiction. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you have some repressed aggression or rage at yourself or at someone. Note also that dreams of murder occur frequently during periods of depression."

"To see cannibalism in your dream symbolizes a destructive and forbidden desire or obsession. In a literal sense, cannibals consume people's lives, along with their energy. Thus, this dream may then denote an aspect of your life (career, relationship, children, etc ), which is consistently draining your enthusiasm and vitality."

So since IMO the first part of it has to do with breaking ties to old relationships (your friends, etc.) and then there is the cannibalism, I would interpret it as that you are not happy with the relationship between you and the people represented by your dream, because you are too dependent on them-
Or so it seems that way to me .


 Wow CF Traveller, I'm impressed. Very good post there. Do you have any answer to why a person would always save people in their dreams? As in hero dreams? Well, hero without recognition.  :-)


Maybe you're just nice.  But I'll think about this.


Quote from: NoY on March 24, 2012, 17:45:52
if you was around the age of 20 i would say its normal, your energy body matures and you become aware of the greater reality, it will settle down  after you become used it


EXcellent feedback!, NoY.

These dreams are common among young men just entering the world on their own and they actually indicate the actions being taken and choices being made are proactive, creative, and most importantly very successful.

These are great dreams for a young man to have.
Beware the fake "seeker" who finds Truth to be abusive.


Quotei dreamt that i killed some random guy, and then cooked his meat, and ate him


QuoteThese are great dreams for a young man to have.

Lol... maybe   :roll:

"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: Lionheart on March 24, 2012, 21:16:01
Wow CF Traveller, I'm impressed. Very good post there. Do you have any answer to why a person would always save people in their dreams? As in hero dreams? Well, hero without recognition.  :-)
It was easier than I thought:
From dreammoods again (please see my previous posts for links, I didn't save it this time)
"To dream that you are a hero signifies your inner strength and weaknesses. The dream refers to your ability, determination and level of confidence. You have the power to bravely face the secrets of your unconscious and confront life's challenges. "

So I would say that you are very capable, brave, and determined; but modest at the same time- you know that you can do a lot of stuff (or know a lot) but are modest about it, and don't even recognize your worth sometimes- you know you can do much, but don't know how much, or don't believe it.

Sorry for my grammar, I'm not with-it today. 


Quote from: rem92 on March 24, 2012, 15:51:29
I dreamt that i killed some random guy, and then cooked his meat, and ate him ( WTF)
That's really weird dream.  It's a normal dream, according to your age.


CFT hits the nail on the head.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: rem92 on March 24, 2012, 15:51:29
nights before, i dreamt that i killed some random guy, and then cooked his meat, and ate him ( WTF),

Why am i having this crazy bloody dreams?

I am sorry you're dreams are disturbing you......but this one made me laugh so hard I snorted. 
Maybe it was the way you worded it.  I feel like I should thank you for cracking me up.  I don't laugh often...dark sense of humor.

They say a certain amount of visual input throughout the day affects the texture of your dreams.  Try watching some funny movies or TV shows before bed, avoid video games and stay away from sleep aids.  I don't know if you're old enough, but simply one alcoholic drink stops me from remembering anything while I sleep.


Okay, as someone who has dealt with dreams like this for many years, here's what I can tell you.

1. Dont try to analyze why you had such dreams. It's not that you're so sick or anything. I know it weighs on you and probably bothers you throughout the day. It's not YOUR fault. You aren't willing these dreams into your consciousness despite what anyone says/thinks.

2. Find someone you can discuss these dreams with. Mine are vividly detailed, and I generally remember every graphic detail of it. BE CAREFUL WHO YOU TELL! My wife eventually got to the point where she was so disturbed by my nightmares that she asked me to stop telling her them! Find a friend, a therapist, or just write them anonymously on a blog or something. It absolutely helps to tell other people. Just be careful who you tell.

3. What you are experiencing sounds IDENTICAL to what I had diagnosed as "nightmare disorder" or "sleep anxiety disorder". Here's a wiki on it:

4. *removed by Xanth*

5. Lastly, I did find a cure. Sort of. I've found that when I meditate (and i mean really get into a deep meditative state), I generally dont have any nightmares for at least 3-5 days following. I dont know why this is, but it is.

If you read about causes of the disorder, it's basically believed that you go into REM and begin dreaming, but you don't gracefully come back out. You literally go from 0-awake in a second. This causes you to skip the part of the sleep when your brain erases your memory of your dreams. It is thought that most people have 1-2 BAD dreams a night, but most people are in such a deep sleep they never remember them.

One warning about taking pravigil- It may take away your ability to REMEMBER DREAMS (as it is SUPPOSED to do) and in such, may also affect your ability to project. I actually told my psychologist about projecting before taking the medication, and he basically said 'you have to decide if that's something you want to risk losing'. Ultimately, the medication didn't work for me anyway, but still, you might want to be sure the nightmares are bad enough that you need medication first. And then, you may want to try meditation too :)

Hope this helps!
I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious.   -Albert Einstein


Quote from: 3toedsloth on April 07, 2012, 02:29:13
4. There is medication you can take for this. 

This is such bad advice that if I were a mod I might delete it.

For a young man to have violent dreams of conquest, vanquishing enemies, and yes, even cannibalism, etc. is a display of Jungian Archetypes of a very positive sort.

It is not a nightmare if it is not terrifying to the dreamer *during* the dream. To be disturbed by the imagery after waking up is another matter (also indicating a healthy psyche). A good thing to do is ask questions among people who know what they are talking about.
Beware the fake "seeker" who finds Truth to be abusive.


Quote from: Rudolph on April 07, 2012, 12:02:01
This is such bad advice that if I were a mod I might delete it.
I have to agree with Rudy here.

Let's try to not give advice to people to take certain medications/prescriptions here, it's not exactly appropriate.  Nobody here is a doctor, so nobody should be giving this kind of advice.

It's bad enough that we get people here who give advice to use certain drugs/herbs... but I think we really need to draw the line somewhere and Rudy is most definitely correct.

Thank you for pointing that out Rudy.  :)


Agreed with above on using drugs as a tool for the first trip 'out'.
For research purposes by an 'advanced projectionist' their assessment would be worth reading. Im sure the assessment would be how useless the effectiveness of them is compared to the age old practice makes perfect.
Nightmares are not a problem now..... Agreed with point 1.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


None of us should be concerned with regard to that specific medication.  It is extremely difficult to get even a legitimate prescription now days.

Here's a little background that should dispel some concern...without mentioning the name.
That medication is not one that anybody could easily sell or buy on the street.  Not simply because no one could make any money off of it, Doctors usually have to see you three times before deciding you need it...and then it's over $17 per pill if you do not have insurance that will cover it (many providers won't, it's too new).  The FDA did not approve of it for use in children and no doctor under any circumstance will prescribe it to anyone under 18.  It's becoming increasingly more and more difficult to get a prescription.  

It does have the longest list of side effects I've ever seen, with a high rate of people experiencing one or more.  Kind of outweighs it's own benefits, it appears to be more dangerous than amphetamine based prescription drugs.  

I do have Narcolepsy, and was able to afford it for a time.  If you actually have Narcolepsy, of course it is beneficial.  They are getting to a point where they will only give it to you if you have classic Narcolepsy, a rare condition.  Also, no one who really needs it would be inclined to share it  :-P

It is not a drug that will make you "trip" or feel high... case anyone was wondering.


Maybe I should refer everyone to this part of my post...

QuoteOne warning about taking pravigil- It may take away your ability to REMEMBER DREAMS (as it is SUPPOSED to do) and in such, may also affect your ability to project. I actually told my psychologist about projecting before taking the medication, and he basically said 'you have to decide if that's something you want to risk losing'. Ultimately, the medication didn't work for me anyway, but still, you might want to be sure the nightmares are bad enough that you need medication first. And then, you may want to try meditation too Smiley

I'm not RECOMMENDING anything- simply relaying my experience and knowledge on the subject. That is the purpose of the boards, right? I personally decided the medication route wasn't for me- but I don't expect that everyone comes to the same conclusion. If someone has not had experiences associated with Sleep Anxiety Disorder, I find it borderline offensive to describe the experience as 'positive'.

If it was interpreted as 'HEY YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS MEDICATION' than I'm sorry, that was not my intention. What WAS my intention is to explain what I know and have experienced. If anything, I state pretty clearly that the 'CURE' i found was not medication, but rather meditation.

Generally speaking if the whole of the board agrees that something is offensive or not adding to the conversation, I understand why someone would remove it. But to censor a post because I speak of a medication I took seems completely irrational. I was of the belief that the people on these boards were of higher minds than that. Regardless, I apologize for giving you any reason to feel the need to censor the post to begin with.
I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious.   -Albert Einstein

Lucid Pirate

Okay, don't worry about this. I'm not saying you're crazy, but try telling yourself regularly that these dreams have no significance and they will eventually go away. If you do reality checks throughout the day, tell yourself then. Trust me, the more you worry, the more you will dream about this.

See my post from another topic:
Quote from: Lucid Pirate on April 19, 2012, 19:22:16
Good post...

About how you said that you've had multiple dreams on the topic: Sometimes when you dream something and think it has significance, you may trick your subconscious into thinking that it actually does. Then, you start having more dreams on the topic. Taken from personal experience.

Self fulfilling prophecy. Check it out.

If you have any need of a dream interpreter or anything similar, PM me. I'll try to help you out.
And if there's something strange in the neighborhood, don't call Ghostbusters. PM me and I'll attempt to guide you through your problem.