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For the past few weeks the grays have been paying me a visit on the weekends. I was awoken from sleep last night at about 3:00 AM. It sounded as if there was a tapping on my metal bed frame, so I sat up and looked around then closed my eyes and laid back down. As soon as I closed my eyes there was an after image of a little gray guy with a big head and big black eyes standing there. I said, 'Oh brother... I'm trying to get some sleep gray, can you come back later in the afternoon?' The outline of his head was very clear and I could hear him speaking to me telepathically.

It is usually pretty easy for me to 'hear' these guys because they say things that I would never think to say. So, I usually don't get my thoughts confused with what they're saying. We talked for about a minute and then I told him that I was very tired and needed to get some sleep if we were to talk later this afternoon. He then left and told me he would be back in the late afternoon to discuss what he was talking about further.


Care to share what it was about?


He was talking about one of the new devices I am working on. He said something about using steel wiring around the center of the bismuth cylinder. Then he went on about anti gravity and stressed the importance of iron at the core. I thanked him for the advice and told him that we could discuss it later today. If you're interested I will post the communication with him later tonight, if I do see him that is.


I always wondered why they prefer to show up at night. Obviously there are many possible reasons (they're nocturnal, they don't want to be seen, and I once heard the moon has something to do with it). Could you ask him about it if you get time?


Quote from: zareste on February 06, 2010, 18:00:06
they're nocturnal, they don't want to be seen, and I once heard the moon has something to do with it). Could you ask him about it if you get time?

All of the above, there appearance frightens most people.

They are funny guys but I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them! Which is probably pretty far though...  :lol:

- - -

Just got done talking with an 'elder' of the grays. He was explaining to me how to control the mind / body.

By exciting impulses in the optic nerve, they are able to 'travel' along the optic neural pathways through the optical chiasma, into the lateral geniculate body, and then into the primary visual cortex in the back of the brain.

Then they are able to 'inject' images into the cortex bypassing the retina. The alien has absolute power over the abductee's mind and body.


So it really is a physical attack on the brain. Like, telekinetic? I've wondered about that too. Once in a trance I got an image of two humanoids psychically 'fighting' by projecting into each other's brain and trying to screw it up.

I always assumed they were toying with a person's ethereal mind, not physical


It may start out as a mental attack on the individual's mind but then it moves into the physical in order to take total control of the individual.


I'm just curious, what would they do once they take control of the individual?




Kurt, can you ask Mr. Gray :-D,why their eyes are so large? I'm curious about it, why they need to be that large.
And what does it mean when you see greys with your third eye, are they around you then or is it imagination?  :-)
Some things have to be believed to be seen ~ Ralph Hodgson


I asked him about his eyes and he said something about them acting as high tech sunglasses. They act as infrared / ultra violet filters to see into the various density levels / planes. Therefore you can be in the 4th density but easily see into any of the other frequency spectrums.

When you see them with your third eye, you'll usually find them in the 4th density level / Real Time Zone (RTZ). The majority of grays are low level beings with only a small percentage of them living on the Spiritual planes / 5th density and higher.

When you see several of these guys standing around near you, all different shapes and sizes, and you begin thinking strange thoughts and hearing entire sentences in seconds, there is NO way your imagination could make that up!


Thanks. I don't remember thinking strange thoughts or hearing sentences, but I saw a whole group staring at me, twice. Before you started mentioning them in your posts.
Some things have to be believed to be seen ~ Ralph Hodgson


Yea, they tend to be in groups of 3+, except for the elders who are usually alone.


Hey, congrats on your 1000! You're a 5-star man now.  :wink:
Some things have to be believed to be seen ~ Ralph Hodgson


They like to drink you, by the way, blent nicely and smoothly as protein shakes unlike their big, scaly friends who much prefer live youngsters prepared similarly to the way the chinese prepare dogs for consumption.
"He never speaks but he understands thinks higher than a manHes living in The northern lights In winter everlasting He travels around Big drum in his hand And he knows what you have in your mind Theres always wolf within That leads him down And back home"



Grays blending humans into protein shakes?
Thats a new one.


Not a bad idea, they need to get some meat on their bones.  :lol:


The idea of grays kinda scares me yet intrigues me they really look like the stereotypical picture we all have of them? haha


The ones I have seen all look pretty unique but for the most part they are pretty short, have big eyes and heads and no hair.


Hi there, hi Kurt... I´ve seen them 3 times; first time was when I start to explore the OBE´s, I just saw a little gray pop in my windows beside my bed I woke up all freaked haha.

Second time was when I started to see numbers secuences on watches, tickets, computer files, etc, etc, most of it 1111 or 4444, with incredible coincidences, and one night I had a OBE, I was disposed to fly and explore but as you say, they limited my will mentally, some kind of disturbing intense vibration in my brain lay me down, I couldn´t defeat the attack and I don´t know why they attack me, that was the most scary OBE I ever had, I didn´t see them, but I mentally know they were doing that. When I look to the window I saw the sky in red and the classic space ships like flying discs, my bed was full of flies instead my body.

The third time was last week, I was in the vibration part when I noticed a flashing green image of a gray face, like a hologram.

I think they are bad guys, but I´m not pretty sure, just one to know what you think of them, what is them purpose or what they do to humans?

I would thank your help.
The more you know, you'll know more about you know nothing.


KurtyKurt or anyone else know if the Grays understand the Karmic Laws of the Universe?

From my understanding is that every thought, action, idea, carries a certain frequency of energy.  The perception of this energy is a degree of positive or negative and is relative since the scale of energy is infinite.  Example a person may think it is cold outside but another person thinks its hot.  When a person thinks or performs an action the energy is recorded and either it decreases the person's karma or increases the person's karma.  Karma is credited or debited throughout a person's many life times based on the universal law of free will.  We all have the free will to choose to manifest thoughts or actions with a degree of positive or negative energy. The karmic system keeps the universe in a state of balance.  It is the judicial system of the universe so that everyone is accountable for there thoughts and actions.  If you commit a horrible crime like killing someone for their money then you except the responsibility of carrying that karma with you for many lifetimes to come and must clear it to advance yourself to higher spiritual realms.   The person that killed for money will now have to experience the hell of being a victim of murder in another lifetime.  Some of the sayings like an "Eye for an Eye" or "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" or "we should treat people as we would like to be treated". Higher spiritual realms are less dense or have less duality of the material sense. For some people it is a spiritual goal to rid ourselves of the karma they have collected from millions of lifetimes so they don't have to reincarnate on low frequency astral planes. 

Do the Grays understand that if they hurt or kill that they are generating lots of karma?  For example the smiley face killings that took place in the North USA as you mentioned on your website.


I'm sure the gray's know all about karma. Many of them are actually pretty nice folks.

I met an artist that communicates with grays and depicts them in a way that others usually don't normally see them. As with humans, there are a small few of them which give all the others a bad name. If you're interested you can check out her gallery here:


Quote from: Myxo on March 13, 2010, 13:57:07
Hi there, hi Kurt... I´ve seen them 3 times; first time was when I start to explore the OBE´s, I just saw a little gray pop in my windows beside my bed I woke up all freaked haha.

Second time was when I started to see numbers secuences on watches, tickets, computer files, etc, etc, most of it 1111 or 4444, with incredible coincidences, and one night I had a OBE, I was disposed to fly and explore but as you say, they limited my will mentally, some kind of disturbing intense vibration in my brain lay me down, I couldn´t defeat the attack and I don´t know why they attack me, that was the most scary OBE I ever had, I didn´t see them, but I mentally know they were doing that. When I look to the window I saw the sky in red and the classic space ships like flying discs, my bed was full of flies instead my body.

The third time was last week, I was in the vibration part when I noticed a flashing green image of a gray face, like a hologram.

I think they are bad guys, but I´m not pretty sure, just one to know what you think of them, what is them purpose or what they do to humans?

I would thank your help.
A lot of grey-types see themselves as the victims, like the rest of us. There have been plenty of instances where they were victimized by humans or one of our off-world cousins. They are not always that rational, and not always beyond racism.

If you know how to go into a trance or lucid dream, you might want to find the source of these happenings. It might not be a grey at all, but someone trying to give them a bad reputation (or possibly giving a valid warning about certain grey types)