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Personal Observation

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I've noticed in the weeks since my opiate replacement medication detox that while I'm still unable to project (anxiety, high heart rate, and restless legs) I have been dreaming like crazy.

This is odd for me because since I was like 13 I rarely remember dreams.  Lately though I've been remembering dreams like crazy, any time I sleep.  What's cooler, in the morning I will wake up like 6 times before I actually get up (when I can sleep in) and everytime I go back to sleep I am back in my dream and I can keep doing this over and over and until I finish the dream.  I've been reaching a degree of lucidity as well, which I've never really done.

It's like my energy is charged and trying to get out and is being expressed as dreams since I haven't projected in like a month.

Just thought it was interesting.
be awesome.