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Just how powerful the brain really is

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I had a very weird thing happen last night. Normally I get lucid dreams quite a bit, but when I try to have them I dont. A lot of the times also when I am lucid I dont get all that creative, I just wake in the dream and then follow the same mundane story line just to go along with it.

Sometimes I will be flying along between sky scrapers and find myself asking if I am dreaming, Immediately I think that I am not dreaming because I am flying around... and thats so normal right.... Well anyway I had a dream and I was at a family reunion, and my entire family was getting along, and I immediatley snapped into lucidity, because I knew there was no other possible explanation. Then for some reason I remembered some posts about "is the matrix real" , and how I just heard the theme song that evening and all of a sudden found myself in the lobby scene in the first matrix movie fighting from Neo's perspective. It was by far the most vivid lucid dream I have ever had, and was a truly amazing experience. Its mind boggling to imagine just how powerful the brain really is, that it can imagine and create any world in breathtaking detail and 'real time' effects that super computers couldnt even start to do.

When you stop and think about it, after experiencing OBE's, psychic / precog phenomina, and lucid dreaming, you really have to stop and think about wether being "awake" is anywhere near the mental ability we have while we sleep. In many ways we are far less aware while awake. Hope this will stimulate some interesting discussion.


i have "matrix" dreams quite often, the other day i dreamed i was in the street and the world was "ending" lol, there was a big earthquake, people running etc... a friend of mine had gone crazy and was going to shoot me, at that point i became lucid, i saw the bullet aproaching in slow motion and i slowed it down(great view), didn't slowed it 100% because it hitted my face, but was too slow to cause any damage :lol:


QuoteIts mind boggling to imagine just how powerful the brain really is, that it can imagine and create any world in breathtaking detail and 'real time' effects that super computers couldn't even start to do.

Amazing, isn't it?  I still believe that if you have never experienced the situation that you are in the brain kind of makes up physical feelings as it goes along.  I was wondering... Have you ever fired a gun in real life?  If not, how did it feel in your dream?  I'm wondering if it would be similar.

Quoteyou really have to stop and think about whether being "awake" is anywhere near the mental ability we have while we sleep. In many ways we are far less aware while awake.

If you talk to many of the people here, you feel far more "awake" or alert/aware while either Astral projecting or lucid dreaming than you feel when you are actually awake.  I believe the mind can experience things in these situations that would blow your normal mindset away.  This is why I think everyone describes these as "so real."   Just my two cents...
It is foolish to fear what you cannot avoid.


Yes, I have fired many different types of weapons, including most that are used in the matrix, although the desert eagle didnt have as much kick in my dream its probably because I was in "bullet time" the bullets all had the little shockwave trails just like the movie too. It was quite real even down to the sound and all the bullet casings hitting the floor and walls.


there is a lot of stuff i did when dreaming that i never experienced in the "real" life


Quotethere is a lot of stuff i did when dreaming that i never experienced in the "real" life

But, have you gone on to do some of those things later?  If so, how did what you did in the dream compare to real life?  What I'm interested in, is how the sub-conscious deals with dream situations it had never come into contact with in "Real" life.  The only thing I've done in my lucid dreams that I haven't done in real life is to fly... And, well kind of hard to test my theory out with that one.  I'm not saying it's impossible to do things in dreams you haven't done in life, I'm just wondering how they compare.  I've had a sparse stretch of LDs lately, although with the full moon coming soon usually have more.  Maybe I'll try to do something I've not done in real life...  Just have to figure something I haven't already done that I could do afterward!
It is foolish to fear what you cannot avoid.