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certain lucid dreams in stable astral locals?

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When I sleep, where I go frequently feels as solid as here.


usually though, when you stare at an object in a lucid dream,it changes into something else.that didn't happen...
The musical conciousness is mind beneath the sun.


Have you read Carlos Castaneda's book "The Art of Dreaming".  However subjective you may find the information in this book, you will certainly find it interesting and similar to what you are describing.  Maybe you've read it and I shouldn't say too much.



Kozzi-I've read it, but I need to read it again- Castanedas writing is like that...

I've read all of his books, but I need to read them all again before I can really put anything into action.there's A LOT  of information in those books-most of which isn't for everyone.[:O]
The musical conciousness is mind beneath the sun.


Well, they talk about places that are more solid.  They say that these are actual locations.  I don't really know what to believe about that kind of stuff.  I haven't been able to experience LD or AP regularly enough to have any greater understanding of what it is that I'm actually seeing.  

I get the impression that the spread of experience here is quite large.  There are some that experience LD and AP at much higher frequency than the majority.  Unfortunately, I'm not one of the more experienced.  However, the experiences that I have had have been very strong and wonderful.  When I was reading "The Art of Dreaming" and came across the part about the solid worlds, one thing in particular stuck out to me and that's when he said that in these solid worlds you can actually become tired.  I've actually experienced that, but I wouldn't have called it a lucid dream or astral projection at the time.  Let's put it this way:  I guess I'm starting to realize that if you remember a dream at all, that's because it was actually lucid, and however much you remember is directly proportional to how lucid you actually were.  This sounds like a common sense thing, but it took me a while to realize this.  Having lucid dreams, then, is entirely based on your amount of dream recall.  I know that's a little off the subject, but there you go....



Is this possible?
I ask this because I recently had a lucid dream that was WAY to solid! and when I stared at things...THEY STAYED THE SAME![:O]

it was a place for initiates of some kind.

I'll have to ask for the names of these places...

does anyone ever have these kinds of experiences?!
The musical conciousness is mind beneath the sun.