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Negative Dream Themes Arising

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My recent dreams have been becoming pretty disturbing. I haven't posted the latest that I had, just because of how much it disturbed me, made me feel sick to my stomach kind of dream. Other than that one dream I had the other ones generally put me in situations where I become afraid. I don't understand why I am having these dreams. I don't have any negative feelings awake, except for anxiety about everything, but that's pretty normal. I want cool interesting story dreams! Not these creepy weird disturbing ones.


Anxiety is pretty much originated in fear so you may have a cause there.

Unfortunately (in a way) regular dreams seem to be mostly related with things that are on your mind at the moment, even if you do not realize their presence on a conscious level. A specific issue may also be acted out in your dreams in a symbolic way which you might not immediatly relate to anything relevant to you.

You could try to incubate your dreams in many ways and of course try to gain lucidity as much as you can but this probably won't deal with the problem completely. Trying to get to the root of your nightmares in order to heal and make the necessary changes in your state of mind is really your best shot. Still... once in a while these less pleasent experiences are bound to happen so ultimately do your best to accept them as they are, do not feed too much emotion into them - once you're awake, you're done. If you can learn anything from them, better still.
Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


It's just so hard for me to understand these types of dreams, except from on a surface. I've been dreaming about about a person who terrified me, he's either yelling at me in my dreams, trying to hit me or I'm so afraid that he'll hit me if I don't answer him correctly. Like in my last dream, I was dreaming that I was going to take a hand held game system to school and my sister told on me. I was begging her not too and was terrified. So I hid the game system in my moms purse, trying to get rid of the evidence. Then my moms deceased husband comes into the picture yelling at me. I knew no matter what answer I gave him, Id get hit and yelled at...

I mean out of the all the things I'm afraid of, nothing affects me as much as him, and hes not even alive anymore and I'm still dealing with all the crap ive been through with him. When I start to try and make and effort to get over it and try to make some progress in my life, It just seem to come back and remind me. It's this huge obstacle that I can't over come and it's holding me back. It's the root of my anxiety.


Hi Ellury,

I understand what you mean in your post! I've had those kinds of dreams too where in the dream you do things you'd never do in real life! I've woken disgusted and absolutely sick in the stomach from those dreams. Pretty much I had to 'educate' my dream self by using affirmations about how I would act and respond in different situations.Pretty similar to what Micael said about incubating what you want your response to be and what you want to happen.

Try to really develop your lucid dream skills, when you become lucid you have so much power in your dreams to deal positively with negative situations. Well it works that way for me anyhow. You know, you could use negative dream scenarios as your lucidity trigger, for example, "When I am.....( eg. killing someone ( just an example )......I will realise that I'm dreaming." You have to really mean it for it to work.
A fool always loses his temper, But a wise man holds it back.

Don't run too far, you will have to return the same distance!


 These Dreams are indeed teaching you to become Lucid and to "control" your situation. I always say we learn more from the bad and ugly things in our lives than we do the good (the good we normally take for granted) and this goes to show this learning continues in the NPR (Non Physical Realms/Realities) as well.

Become Lucid and offer him a "peace treaty".


So, I should try and turn his appearance in my dreams as a trigger to lucid dream? That'll be tricky, my dream self is usually so accepting of weird and out of place things being completely normal and not out of the ordinary. I've had a few rare lucid dreams. My first was when I was still in high school and I thought I had woken up for school, but when I went to catch the bus. I realized I wasn't awake. Then one of my more recent ones, I realized I was sleeping, but couldn't figure out how to control anything in my dream. Like I really wanted to fly, but that didn't work at all. Basically, am I suppose to just tell myself through out the day "If i see such and such I'm dreaming"


Quote from: Ellury on June 09, 2014, 22:31:06
It's just so hard for me to understand these types of dreams, except from on a surface. I've been dreaming about about a person who terrified me, he's either yelling at me in my dreams, trying to hit me or I'm so afraid that he'll hit me if I don't answer him correctly. Like in my last dream, I was dreaming that I was going to take a hand held game system to school and my sister told on me. I was begging her not too and was terrified. So I hid the game system in my moms purse, trying to get rid of the evidence. Then my moms deceased husband comes into the picture yelling at me. I knew no matter what answer I gave him, Id get hit and yelled at...

I mean out of the all the things I'm afraid of, nothing affects me as much as him, and hes not even alive anymore and I'm still dealing with all the crap ive been through with him. When I start to try and make and effort to get over it and try to make some progress in my life, It just seem to come back and remind me. It's this huge obstacle that I can't over come and it's holding me back. It's the root of my anxiety.

It's an issue that runs deep I see... I won't pretend to be able to tell you how you should go about healing a scar that big in your life. I would however recommend that you do not simply try to overcome or overpower your pain but also try to find as much space as you can for forgiveness and compassion for all parts involved, yourself included. This is essential to release some of the negative emotion that ties you to your past, of course it is often not an easy task at all but that's also part of our growth - to deal with our personal pains and traumas in the best way that we can and trust that time will bring results, because it will. Everything changes Ellury, some things play a bigger part and last longer than others but there's nothing permanent about life, you can do this. Perhaps now in your spiritual path you see that reality has a lot more to do with growth for all of us than most people assume, because of this you'll find more space to progessively let go of the wrongs that have been done to you, you know they came from a limited place of learning. On a different level but just like yours.

Also as Raymond said you can also use dream incubation to make an intent to interact with your deceased stepfather in a way that can bring some healing and resolution to this issue.

All in all don't be scared, you'll see you'll get through this and grow as a person.  :-)
Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


A way to look at anxiety or stress is a simple detachment from the current moment. So when the feelings arise, if you can breathe deeply three times and come "back" to the present momen,t if you keep doing it, the anxiety and stress tends to dissipate :)

Just like AP it takes perseverance though!