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Hi Donut.

I just want to say you are entirely loved.

You are a blessing.

May great peace wash over you and carry you onward.


The Adventure Continues...


Dude!!  You've got this. 

You, also, always have a home here.  :)


From here I send you Strength and Light brother! Maybe you should try alternative medicine, some energy work, if medication isn't working. I have chronic gastritis and it was a horrible experience, I have had a super strict diet for two years, I never eat anything that is not homemade, I always carry my tupperware everywhere and I am afraid to eat anything. It affected me a lot psychologically but over time you get used to living with it. Don't give up, never!
Thank you for sharing your dreams and experiences, our valuable treasures, hope you come back soon.
A fraternal hug,
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


I am sorry to hear that, Donut! Sending healing energy your way! As Tak mentioned you can try something else if you haven't, but check with your doctor first. There is a huge positive input for the Keto diet in conjunction with intermittent fasting greatly improves overall health and in particular all kind of digestive, autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. I follow several pages on FB about intermittent fasting so I can collect data from people who practice it and analyze health impact. There have been so may comments by people with digestive issues that completely go away. I myself have been doing intermittent fasting for about 2 years and I have never felt better. I typically eat between 9am and 1 PM, then I only drink water until next day 9am. Twice per month I do 48 hr water fast and that ahs some major antiaging effects and cells rejuvenation. Sometimes on weekends I extend my feeding window and allow more indulgences. I also limit my carbs to no more than 60 grams per day. I drink freshly made juice of kale, bokchoi, carrots and red cabbage. It tastes nasty but it provides so many vitamins and minerals. The red cabbage juice in particular heals any internal ulcers and thickens the lining of the intestines which improves gut health. There is a lot of information out there of alternative treatments, and it may be worth to give a try.

On the other hand, during meditation, ask your higher self what is the lesson behind this condition, what is it teaching you. And see what first thoughts pop up in your mind. Often when we understand the reason behind a challenge, the need for it being present disappears.

I would also suggest to read Dolores Cannon's books. She developed a hypnosis technique that puts the client under and guides them through other lives to understand current live challenges, calls their higher self forth to heal their bodies, etc. Dolores has passed away, but she has the hypnosis courses available for anyone to learn and practice. So all over the world there are QHHT practitioners. Those who are beginners dont charge for sessions. If you would like you can check this link out and find a level 1 intern to conduct a session. IF you want more experienced one you can look for level 2 and 3. I am in this community now because I am a level 1 intern and I can tell you that having a session has been absolutley life changing and magical for thousands of people. From spontaneous healings to finding one's purpose, and understanding who they truly are. But if you decide to have a session, please ensure you don't accept to do this online, only in person. There are many reasons why and I fully agree with Dolores terms for her practitioners having taken the course myself I fully understand .

"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I also wanted to post here a link to a lab that processed my blood sample to look for food intolerances. A few years ago I had digestive issues and couldn't pinpoint which foods caused the symptoms. I decided to do intolerance test to see what substances were triggering response and from there inflammation. It turned out that I had high intolerance to eggs and beans. I had moderate intolerance to cows milk products, avocado, vanilla and kiwi. I excluded these foods from my diet and within a month I felt great. Many people are not even aware they have food intolerance, sometimes there are mild to no symptoms, but the body keeps responding with inflammation daily and over time diseases form. I think it's important for everyone to know and adjust their diet. The test is expensive but health has no price, it will pay off in a long run a million times. Just in case anyone reading this may want to consider checking for themselves. I also wanted to point out that over time my gut healed and now I can eat these foods at times (not often) and there will be no symptoms.

and finally, Turmeric (curcumin) is highly anti inflammatory and may help with all sorts of inflammatory conditions.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Thank you Donut for sharing you adventures with us. You are loved. Hugs
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.