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Strange Apologizing Dream

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I was staying the night at a friend's house. We were going to bed in separate rooms.

In my dream, I am in the dark in the room. I wake up halfway (not really, but in the dream) and move my arm out, flex it out to my side. Somehow my arm is able to stretch that far and I end up placing my hand all of the way across to the other side and touching the power outlet. Suddenly, in the dark, there was some figure standing in silence at the end of the bed I was sleeping in. It was a black silhouette from what i saw and it was shaped like a fit dude. Where the eyes should be were literally glowing and very angry. It seemed like the type of eyes that the Illusive man had, but this dude was angry. Somehow, I knew the guy was angry because I touched the power outlet!

I was freaked out in the dream and flopped over quickly to my other side so I wouldn't have to see that thing with the eyes. "Sorry, sorry, sorry." I felt myself mumbling. "i didn't realize it (the outlet) would be over there."

That dream drifted out to be one of the Winchesters and Crowley.


You may have been in his realm but his realm was also occupying your personal space. IMO, He deserved no apology. I am usually the first to acknowledge when I have crossed a line but when this thug tried to intimidate you, you should have told him to take a hike.

These type feed off of our fear and negative emotions so try not to let him get the better of you next time. :-)
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Ok thanks. I wonder what made it mad though? Touching the outlet or being in the room/house?