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Deja vue in dreams

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Has anyone ever experienced it?
I can recall a dream where I had memories of the places I visited, not from real life but this feeling that I was there before and knew what I have to do since I already had been through the dream once. I rememberd what I did wrong the last time I was faced with the same situation. It was a nightmare btw. and I wasn't lucid.
In somnis veritas


It's deja vu, not deja vue.

Ok it does not matter, but I could not control myself here, because I am french.

More precisely it is déjà vu. But deja vu is just fiiiine.


QuoteI can recall a dream where I had memories of the places I visited, not from real life but this feeling that I was there before

Actually most of my dreams are like that : it's the same shopping center that does not exist that I keep on "visiting", it's the same town, the same hospital, the same school, the same childhood area... different from reality in a CONSISTENT way, and sometimes not like anything that I have ever visited for real it seems, yet familiar.

I call this sameness in places between dreams "continuity" between dreams.

Maybe, in some instances, that's what you are experiencing, I say maybe : maybe you have visitited this place before in a dream.

Of course it could also be memories from another life, let's not rule that one out!!

Great thread, Mydral ! Thanks!


i have also had many a dream deja vu state. they are never lucid dreams, and not places that exist in the "real" world. whats interesting to me is that i have no specific memory of being in that certain place before that time, but i "know" that i have altered the environment there somehow at a previous time. for example, one night i had a dream about a ditch with water running through it in a forest, with pools of water above with fish swimming in them. there were also wooden docks jutting out into the pools. for some reason, i knew that i had fortified the mud wall of the ditch with wooden planks the last time i had been there, yet i had no memory of doing it....
strange indeed ... :?

Beware of those who weep with realization, for they have realized nothing.  -Don Juan


Quotefor some reason, i knew that i had fortified the mud wall of the ditch with wooden planks the last time i had been there, yet i had no memory of doing it....

It's like having a memory of a memory.



Quote from: leroyskagnetti on November 02, 2006, 03:29:09
Dude, I get that all the time.  Here's a post I made on it:

No yours is different.
You get a Deja vu feeling in reality since it reminds you of your dream or because you visisted the place in your dream.
We get the Deja vu while beeing inside a dream.
In somnis veritas


I have experienced that before. whilst in the dream, usually a bad one, you experience deja vu, and know what is going to happen, therefore you act towards preventing it from occuring in the dream.
Nothing Is Real . . .