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strange yet interesting dream

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elephant dream?
elephants were falling? [:D]


I had a strange dream last night... If anybody has an idea on its meaning I would like to see it here ^_^

   The beggining of the dream is blurry and I can't remember it but I know there was a beginning. The point from which I remeber the dream is when I and someone else (I think it was a girl but I'm not 100% sure... It might be also an older female person... Or maybe a male person, too, but probably not.) We were walking through a corridor that had doors on the right side and windos on the left. We saw a courtyard (or a bigger room) and some people working there (I think they had some strange outfit but I'm not sure). On the end of the corridor we entered a storage area that had stairs on one side. There is something important about the stairs but I can't remeber what. The next few moments are blurry but I can remember that we killed someone for some unknown reason and he stood up as a zombie. We escaped into a room and after some minutes we (us two and the people from the room [my school mates?]) escaped the room and found out that everyone are zombies. Next thing I remember that the only exit was to escape through the window on the second level of a building. I barely climbed out to a second roof where I met other friends. After that we were escaping the zombies and one of my friends turned into a zombie (I knew that because I broke his neck and he continued talking). We entered into a cinema and we were free :)). We went into the projection room and on the way there I realized that one girl from the company (us) is beautiful. You know, when you see a girl and immediately fall in love. This was like that though I can't remeber her face (I thik that I have not seen her face but I clearly remember her long brownish-black hair). Anyway, I don't think that I will forget this dream soon, if ever. After that I went to the entrance for some reason and realized that the zombies are following and that we have to escape. I told this to the others and that's all I can remember...