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Talking to the Hand

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Saturday November 21, 2015

It is an intriguing idea that even while we sleep, we are not only shifting our Focus, but that learning and testing still occur in interesting ways, whether we are consciously aware of the fact or not. Monroe and a couple others have mentioned "sleepers class" but this has never been my personal experience (or at least what I remember). This particular experience is probably the closest I am aware of and it is notable that I felt a strong affinity for a few of the participants as if they are classmates or Instructors whom I apparently know on a Non-Physical level.

As it turned out, this was the final dream of the final REM period for the night. So it started as a dream, then became a Lucid dream although I didn't feel as if I ever gained full lucidity until maybe the very end, at which point I awakened; and yet, early on I had sufficient awareness to know that I was dreaming and to analyze parts of the situation. It was like two awarenesses were operating simultaneously: Me on a very instinctive level and Me from a third person perspective. As the dream unfolded it was clear to me that the two awarenesses were on course to merge at some point. Unlike my normal dreams I was able to detect a level of detail, complexity and an internal consistency that very clearly indicated this was a learning and testing exercise on probably a few levels at least. There were certain elements that I initially thought were the typical chaotic and nonsensical stuff of dreams but then I realized these elements were being manipulated to challenge and disrupt my mindset along with the more obvious exercises of problem-solving that each test demanded. The majority of the time I felt that I was operating on an instinctive or subdued level; possibly the whole exercise was to be worked from this level and my slow increase in lucidity may have reached the point where the exercise was terminated. Like most of my adventures, I'm rarely told when they begin or when they end; or that they're tests in the first place, Lol.

The dream began rather vaguely and I don't remember much of the early parts but it was like a group of people I was with had just arrived at a wilderness resort or retreat. It was late and we were tired and headed off to our rooms. I removed my clothes and went to bed. I knew at this point that I had never in my life dreamed of going to bed and falling asleep within a dream, so something special must be occurring. Minutes later the whole house was awakened and in an uproar as we were told to get moving. From this point onward, we were constantly rushed and hurried along, like having drill instructors (mostly unseen) all around us pressing us forward and at almost every turn something of mine would be lost or misplaced or taken from me, or I was told it would have to be left behind. The first missing item was the overnight bag I had put down just minutes earlier; so I would have to wear yesterdays' clothes and I wasn't happy about that. Then my underwear was missing and my irritation increased as the pattern was becoming apparent to me.
Keep your cool, I thought to myself...Feeling a little chafed...yes I understood the metaphor all too well: this challenge would be somewhat irritating...
As we were herded outside, I said aloud to one of the voices barking orders that we were all tired and maybe not ready for this. The voice answered that we would have to do the best with what we had. (it was starting to feel like a test)

I don't have any detailed memory of the first series of tests except that they were a series of test modules or small environments/situations that presented very differing problems which mostly required a rapid-fire interpretation of symbolic relationships of things that were presented to us, either individually or in small groups. Initially, I thought this was a team effort but pretty quickly I realized that I was going to have to take the lead. The area was very crowded and noisy as teams and individuals moved from section to section making it hard to think or move without somebody jostling past or crowding in front of me. I remember that by the second and third test module, I had a good grasp of what was required and I called out the answers faster and faster; by the time of the fourth and fifth test modules, I had the answers before the instructors had even finished telling us what we were supposed to do.
In the meantime, they were messing with me by taking things away or misdirecting me somehow. One that I remember, as I was hurrying through the crowd to the next testing module, I was offered a water bottle just about the time I realized I was thirsty; and the bottle was empty. That's just a cheap, crappy joke, nothing clever about it, I thought as my irritation scale went to 3. As I stalked off through the crowd to the next module I caught a glimpse of a woman in the crowd and our eyes met. She was smiling and nearly about to burst out in laughter and she turned her head away trying to cover her eyes. I had the distinct feeling that I knew her as a close friend and that she was likely one of my pranksters. I chuckled and tossed my bottle in her direction, my irritation level back down to 1 and walked on. As a side note, I don't know how I knew where I was going, maybe it was an instinctive knowing or maybe the Guides just placed the next test module before me as I blundered about, Lol.

Fade out/fade in

At this point I believe we were directed to board a train. I sat with one other guy on an open flat railcar and the train slowly trundled Northward, I felt, paralleling a slow-moving river off to my right, which flowed Southward. As the train click-clacked along, I stared at the river and the hulks of rusting, sunken ships poking the surface of the otherwise calm and serene waters. It was a very calming scene and a good break from all the chaos. I had the thought that this part of the river should be designated as Historic or Protected for some reason. My railcar companion was talking to me at times but I don't remember what he said. This was giving me some time to reflect and think and I believe also offered the chance for my lucidity to increase another few notches. I had the thought that it was going to be difficult for me/us to complete the exercise while retaining the memory of the solutions to each module. I somehow thought that each solution was an integral part of an overall solution to a larger problem but the process for this would not be clear until the very end...and I already could tell that I was gradually losing memory of the earlier solutions; maybe I could count on some of my team to remember some of the solutions; maybe the solutions would all spring forth for me at the appropriate time, I just didn't know. I made a conscious determination to complete the series as best I could.

Fade out/fade in

The next stage I remember was that we were in a building headed to the next module. It was dark, with the various areas back-lighted. A disembodied, floating hand simply pointed at the floor in front of me. There was a human fetus curled in a tight circle on a grey, metallic floor. Then the hand pointed in front of me about 15 feet away. There was the mock-up of the command bridge of what I thought was a cargo ship, possibly it was a naval vessel. I could see through the long row of angled windows, out across a port and the sky beyond was the orange-red of a sunset. The floating hand flipped its wrist, palm upward as if to silently ask, Well?
I said aloud, "The fetal remains of the day...they are being shipped somewhere."

The hand indicated an overhead metal panel to my right while a disembodied voice said, "Diagram how you arrived at this solution."
I looked up and could see that several people before me had each with a colored pen, diagrammed on the panel, individual tracings that turned and twisted, this way and that...each of their solutions was way too complex. I knew that the correct solution was a simple straight line that had a single right turn of about 70 degrees. The floating hand offered me a stylus. Now I realized that I already had something in my writing hand: it was a video camera. I set the camera down beneath the panel and tried to start my diagram but there was no ink; the stylus didn't work in any way I could figure out. I started to reach for one of the other styluses but now more people were crowding in and I was pushed away and could not get back to the diagram panel. My irritation level was back to 4. I looked at the panel and visualized my diagram and mentally "imprinted" it on the panel. I reached for my video camera but of course it was now missing. I knew at that moment that the video camera represented my memory of this whole experience and that they were toying with me, threatening to hide the memory from me. My irritation level went to 6.

I started to walk away and the voice said, "You were supposed to use the stylus."
I answered, "It's done and it's done right."

Now the floating hand indicated a console to my left. It consisted of 6 or 7 stations where the task was fairly obvious: Position the moveable ocular device over a point on the grid on the screen. It was sort of like a magnifier on a drafting table. Now more people crowded in front of me, two or three of them at a time, working at a single station and still incapable of completing the task. And there was still one open station but I could not physically get to it. Irritation still around a 5. So, from about ten feet away, I  focused and moved the ocular piece mentally, positioning it precisely over the dot.

The hand offered me another stylus while the voice said, "Mark it for accuracy." I looked at the crowd still barring my way, thought for a moment to "shoot" the stylus like an arrow into the target, but instead said, "I don't need to mark it. I know it's right." And walked away.

To my left was bright sunshine and I realized the building was not completely enclosed; I was back out in the open area. As my eyes adjusted to the light, there was a blond-haired guy about thirty feet away, grinning and laughing good-naturedly at me; He looked just like Nico Rosberg, the Formula One driver. He tossed me my video camera and I thought, Mischievous little prick! And then I realized that I knew this guy and that he also was a good friend. I turned and walked on, slowly ratcheting down my irritation. I passed a trashcan and tossed the camera away, thinking that would be one less thing they could use to prank me. Then I thought that was a rather immature response and I walked back and retrieved the camera. My irritation level was back to 1 and I was smiling, thinking of the pranks. The voice took one last crack at me, "But didn't that really hack you off, what he did?!"

I said, smiling, "No, I probably would have done the same thing to him."

Shortly, the scene faded and I awoke.


Post Script

It took about three months of further consideration about this experience to realize that I was probably wrong about my interpretation of the fetus/command deck/sunset test...a better interpretation may be something like-

From birth to death, from the beginning to the end...I am the Captain of my ship

Maybe during the experience, it wasn't a requirement to get it exactly right, but whatever interpretation I came up with, I was expected to take "ownership" of it.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on November 28, 2015, 00:43:10
It is an intriguing idea that even while we sleep, we are not only shifting our Focus, but that learning and testing still occur in interesting ways, whether we are consciously aware of the fact or not. Monroe and a couple others have mentioned "sleepers class" but this has never been my personal experience (or at least what I remember). This particular experience is probably the closest I am aware of and it is notable that I felt a strong affinity for a few of the participants as if they are classmates or Instructors whom I apparently know on a Non-Physical level.

As it turned out, this was the final dream of the final REM period for the night. So it started as a dream, then became a Lucid dream although I didn't feel as if I ever gained full lucidity until maybe the very end, at which point I awakened; and yet, early on I had sufficient awareness to analyze parts of the situation. It was like two awarenesses were operating simultaneously: Me on a very instinctive level and Me from a third person perspective. As the dream unfolded it was clear to me that the two awarenesses were on course to merge at some point. Unlike my normal dreams I was able to detect a level of detail, complexity and an internal consistency that very clearly indicated this was a learning and testing exercise on probably a few levels at least. There were certain elements that I initially thought were the typical chaotic and nonsensical stuff of dreams but then realized these elements were being manipulated to challenge and disrupt my mindset along with the more obvious exercises of problem-solving that each test demanded. The majority of the time I felt that I was operating on an instinctive or subdued level; possibly the whole exercise was to be worked from this level and my slow increase in lucidity may have reached the point where the exercise was terminated. Like most of my adventures, I'm rarely told when they begin or when they end; or that they're tests in the first place, Lol.
If this was a test, which I definitely believe it was, you would have passed on all levels!  :-)

In the quoted paragraphs above you masterfully described the "cycles" of the Dream process to a "T". First there is the becoming aware viewing as a 3rd person. Then the 3rd person and 1st person begin to emerge as your awareness grows. Now is the test to hold that aware. We could call that the 1st test. Then there is the plot running as normal, nothing feeling out of place. Now you get the "jolt". Something happens that jolts your awareness to higher level. The 2nd test is overcoming this "situation" and staying the course. Once again things begin to calm down, then they begin to peak again in strangeness. Enter the 3rd test. You hold onto your awareness and stabilize the scenario at hand again. Once again the scene hits a apex, then again you are challenged to hold it. This is ultimate test now and is where the "rescripting" begins.

Now amidst those tests there are other quests and adventures that have their own challenges and tests to overcome. In other words "school is in session"!

I can see each new "test" in your Dream description above. There were likely small "click outs and ins" between each test as well. If you think back you seem to see times that your awareness seemed to wane and then grow back strong again. I experience these brief click out and ins because in many of my Dreams I can't see exactly how I got from "scene A" to "B". Meaning, if I am inside a home or building experiencing something, the next moment I am outside but in the same plot. I didn't actually remember walking or moving to that new location. It was like "fade out, fade back in", just like they do in the movies.

Now the whole Dream plot itself is something that is for you to figure out. It's meaning is always of a personal nature.

The chaos in our Dreams is the starting of the "test". Do we hold on, do we abort? This is where the real tests apply.

When I normally lose the whole Dream period is when my awareness has hit it's peak level and I am starting to compare things to my physical life. I find it easier to stay in the Dream when I just act a conscious actor in them and not "overthink" things.

When you can hold your awareness in the Dream you start to really see things clearer. You might actually begin to remember someone in it or some circumstance in it that you have experienced before in another Dream. Pretty soon they might become "regulars" in your Dreams. By logging your Dreams you can go back to your older Journals and compare notes. I have found through this process that I can connect many dots. Enough to show me that we do live parallel lives while Dreaming. I don't think it's during the entire process though. I have found that our first Dreams of the night normally have to do with current events here in this physical realm.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Read your post again EV and then you can tell me what it is thats a consistent inconsistency.
It's a physical personality trait that you need to lose.
Your experience is loaded with it, the only clue I'll give is 'you becoming somewhat irritated'.
Read from a third person perspective and its clearly visible.

There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Thanks for your insightful breakdown that adds to the process I recognized at work here. Also, the click out/click in may be more accurate to describe my transitions where I lack some memory; in these I would call them fade outs/fade ins.

I assume that by 'consistent inconsistency' you are referring to my NP mindset and an issue of controlling my frustration/irritation/temper in the NP. It's interesting because this problem isn't characteristic of me in the Physical; I'm considered pretty calm, patient and slow to anger. Maybe in the NP any tendencies like these become so magnified because they still reflect an underlying anger, fear, negativity of thought in the Physical.
So, I have been doing some work on purging negativity and being more accepting of the life situation and my place within it. This experience seems very connected to some purging/crown chakra/connecting to Source work I had recently been doing.

I highlighted the irritation/annoyances in the dream because early on I recognized their purpose, to give me opportunities to exercise emotional control and stay with the flow. I am pretty confident this was the most important theme of the dream. I thought I did this fairly well actually, not becoming so frustrated that the simulation was terminated, but actually ratcheting back down my irritation. The final set of test modules, I finally decided to break with the given rules and solve the problem in my own way. I had some irritation but I thought I successfully shifted that into a confidence of how I demonstrated the solutions. I know this area still needs some work, because it is so easy to throw me off in the very beginning.
Then again, maybe I'm not seeing everything there is to see here.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


I highlighted the irritation/annoyances in the dream because early on I recognized their purpose, to give me opportunities to exercise emotional control and stay with the flow.
Recognition, great, the ideal line would have read,
I highlighted the irritation/annoyances in the dream because early on I recognized their purpose, to give me opportunities to take control and alter the flow by removing the annoyances.

By leading the others with little idea on what to do, you'd have made a further disconnection from the physical personality. This would show leadership and help you in many tests to come. That's why I tell anyone to be strong. You will eventually realise why.
On another topic superman already has posted the reason.
Can you see this move as a good one to make? It's your experience and I can guide on what I've experienced.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


I'm not sure I understand how to 'alter the flow by removing the annoyances' other than what I did in the later test modules, where I avoided the intervening people and made a more direct control and application of the required solution.

'By leading the others with little idea on what to do, you'd have made a further disconnection from the physical personality' ...great observation Szaxx!,...this is exactly what occurred to me early on in the series of modules. I was aware of the group around me, but no one in particular stood out for recognition to me,they just seemed like shadows, and as we passed from test to test, it was just natural for me to take the lead in dealing with each new test as it was presented. Initially, I waited my turn to give an answer, but more and more I felt it necessary to step up and give the answer because everyone else was somehow unable or just too slow.

It was very clear to me, this was a leadership decision/theme, which I quickly accepted and ran with, the convergence of my two NP perspectives likely occurring during the train ride. This was a very subliminal thing, yet the leadership theme was very clear. I think I carried the leadership theme for awhile but by the time of the final tests, I must admit I may have left the team idea behind and was just fully involved with the solutions by myself.

There can be some very subtle themes running close to the surface or even deeper in the background; I don't even pretend to have a complete understanding of what is happening,

Thanks for your insights, Szaxx!
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


I dropped the deadwood the instant I knew they were slowing me down. I had and still get tests on this theme.

In many retrievals this is a must do. You have to take control of the group by force if necessary and anyone being bone idle or against my decisions has to be dealt with by strong measures. I've posted one example where I dragged an idiot I had to make comply through a wall. It was risky but the result was instant compliance.
Picking up two people and running with them in another retrieval I think I posted was another example. These were physically disabled and if such drastic measures were not taken it would have been a fail. That is not an option.
There's been a few where I had to take control of myself. In the posted New Jericho experience where the dark entities finally took over my mind, I fought it and with help from others, won that one.
There's been many other experiences at 'the house' where I had to make an instant decision and make those trapped comply. At times taking risks with the aggressors.
Waiting for the people to comply would have left a trail of fails.

Taking control in an instant seems a necessity rather than a rule, seconds count and losing time isn't a good thing.

Your experience read as this and the delay stood out.
I'll read it again and look for anything else that may be present.
Having many experiences with the time factor being critical as mentioned in souly for retrievals, it may be the next step forwards into an exciting adventure for you.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


I felt a strong affinity for a few of the participants as if they are classmates or Instructors whom I apparently know on a Non-Physical level.

It seems this is standard. I too have repeat characters.

It was like two awarenesses were operating simultaneously:

Multi-aware (I just made up that word).

Initially, I thought this was a team effort but pretty quickly I realized that I was going to have to take the lead.

How did the other characters react to you taking the lead?

My railcar companion was talking to me at times but I don't remember what he said.

This happens to me as well. I've learned when I or they can't 'seem' to communicate it is easier to just rely on feeling and the knowing.

"The fetal remains of the day...they are being shipped somewhere."

The hand indicated an overhead metal panel to my right while a disembodied voice said, "Diagram how you arrived at this solution."

Was the solution a realization about the fetuses?

I looked at the panel and visualized my diagram and mentally "imprinted" it on the panel. I reached for my video camera

Now this. In the NP we don't actually need to retain all our memories. The knowledge is always there. You threw the camera away and realized you could imprint instead of writing. You didn't need those things bc you had direct access to 'knowing'.

]Maybe during the experience, it wasn't a requirement to get it exactly right, but whatever interpretation I came up with, I was expected to take "ownership" of it.

Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Nameless on October 09, 2016, 17:49:18
t seems this is standard. I too have repeat characters.
I get repeat characters and places so much that I have come to the conclusion that either this is a "parallel universe" I am experiencing or that it is a "self created" world that my consciousness has developed, which in turn still puts it in the "parallel world" classification.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


If the other characters reacted to my taking the lead, then I did not sense it. It was like they just fell out of the way, like deadwood as Szaxx aptly put it.

The fetal remains of the day- It was what occurred to me as the metaphor I was being quizzed on. I did not feel strongly that it was correct, but it was all I could come up with, that is until a couple months later. Since I was not immediately told I was wrong, then maybe this particular sim was a two-parter and I think the real test was to see if I could raise my awareness another notch and mentally change the dream by imprinting the design on the panel. The design possibly did not matter either.

In Leland's book Otherwhere, he has a great description of the ten levels of dreaming and once you have learned how to function within each level you are put through an Initiation test where you have to go through all ten levels in succession in order to graduate and be allowed to move beyond the Training areas and into the wider astral regions. I think that I did this all the way up to the final test, but I came up just short. When I recognized the Formula One driver, I knew it could not actually be him but I did not realize the test was completed and I could have just walked over to him and talked; but I thought I needed to hurry off to the next test. Maybe if he had been holding a sign that said 'end of test'. Damn, I was that close!

Anyway, that is my current interpretation, lol. Thanks for your insights and confirmations Nameless!
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: Lumaza on October 09, 2016, 22:58:25
I get repeat characters and places so much that I have come to the conclusion that either this is a "parallel universe" I am experiencing or that it is a "self created" world that my consciousness has developed, which in turn still puts it in the "parallel world" classification.
Haha, me too so a question for you. Do you think 'you' created those places or they were already there or created for you or... ?
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


EV - I have got to get a hold of a book or two. I read what's on the net. If I can find my library card maybe I'll swing by there one day soon. Pat your own self on the back, you did an amazing job analyzing your own exp, I just added some fodder. :-)
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Nameless on October 09, 2016, 23:29:36
Haha, me too so a question for you. Do you think 'you' created those places or they were already there or created for you or... ?
I believe, as I have been shown, that indeed there is structure there. Of who's design, that's still up for interpretation. Just when I begin to see that it is of my design and that the structure may be self initiated, I am shown that I need to take another look at things. I have some other experience that shows me otherwise.  :|

I wish that we could open a conversation based on this and do some real personal research. I'm sure we will get differing opinions, but that's okay. I am open minded.

I tried to get a meaningful discussion on "structure" in Astral started here, using my "Test, Quest and Challenges" and my "Download" thread. But only a few people joined it.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


You and I both and would love to get a conversation going on the right foot. It seems though that there are only a few willing to discuss. Maybe there are only a few. "-(
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


There's far too many environments that can't be self generated. Those where you exist as a point of consciousness where the only perception is colour and a telepathic kind of communicating are definitely not from our physical mind. Some of these were presented when I was young and I had a hard time attempting to understand the concept of being in a formless environment and having the ability to communicate and control what I percieved. There's no way these were a mental construct and they appear to be very rare for those who have had experiences for years.

The lack of people joining in a discussion on this level may be through a lack of experiences. That said, a conversation that reminds them of something may open the door to more participants. It'd be good to reflect on these and see where it leads.
It would answer a lot of questions that don't get asked.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Szaxx on October 11, 2016, 12:03:19
There's far too many environments that can't be self generated. Those where you exist as a point of consciousness where the only perception is colour and a telepathic kind of communicating are definitely not from our physical mind.
True. The mind cannot even comprehend existing as a simple "point of consciousness". This is one of those situations that you just find yourself in spontaneously. But, you can learn to achieve this by intent. I find myself in a state of "point consciousness" often while just "chilling" in the void/3D darkness.

It starts by me focusing on watching my body disappearing/dematerializing slowly piece by piece. This is a very good technique for relieving pain. No body, no pain, no problem!  8-)

QuoteThe lack of people joining in a discussion on this level may be through a lack of experiences. That said, a conversation that reminds them of something may open the door to more participants. It'd be good to reflect on these and see where it leads.
It would answer a lot of questions that don't get asked.
That is my goal with many of my "deeper" threads and conversations here. To "trigger" something that they might remember. To have a meaningful conversation on what it is that is really happening. How do we expect the Scientific community to get a bead on this if we the experiencers can't ourselves? There is a number of things that we experience in common, although we may perceive them differently, they are still being experienced by a number of us. Case in point, look how many people here have some kind of deeper affinitization with the ET narrative.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


If we could get a precise understanding over on how to feel every point of the body and then how to reverse this act leaving no bodily sensations, phasing would be easily accomplished by all. I can do this from heavy training and far easier from a relaxed state. The only two senses left are light and sound, these universally I find are the last two to go, sound being the final. Ignoring touch must be a challenge for many, it's still present but it can be reduced that much there's no normal interaction, only a noticing of its presence. Light can be problematic if its varying from extremes. This took a while to overcome. Sound I find can be utilised as a guide of the attained depth of phase. At some arbitrary point the physical dissapears, at this point or just before it any transiential physical noises appear as a digital distorted ringing. Holding this position is playtime as noises can be returned by phasing backwards or by pushing a little further you can create any sound with just a thought. A few posts exist where members say they heard music and then working with it created a perfect replication of their thoughts.
Going deeper leads to a self generated image or if left as is, one will appear for a few seconds then others follow with increasing clarity. This leads to an exit assuming you stay aware of your being consciously in control.
I hope this is similar to others experiencing the same idea of controlled awareness and the phase in general.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Szaxx on October 11, 2016, 21:21:24
If we could get a precise understanding over on how to feel every point of the body and then how to reverse this act leaving no bodily sensations, phasing would be easily accomplished by all.

Going deeper leads to a self generated image or if left as is, one will appear for a few seconds then others follow with increasing clarity. This leads to an exit assuming you stay aware of your being consciously in control.
I hope this is similar to others experiencing the same idea of controlled awareness and the phase in general.
My Journey with this came after a spontaneous adventure where I was using a method I read in the thread "LDing for Idiots" found here in the Dream Sub-Forum. Coincidentally, Nameless just actually bumped this thread today. (There are no coincidences, lol). Here is that post based on that Phase session. I was attempting a shift form a totally conscious state of mind, not from a Dream state.

"I just finished a Phase session where I used your cycling technique. In about 5 minutes I felt my physical focus waning. Then the strangest thing happened. I was doing step 3 (which is to notice any strange body sensations) and all of a sudden I had a full vision of my body. It was dark in the area and I was kind of like outlined in white energy. Then something that looked like a "Pac-man" head started to gobble my toes and work it's way up my leg, it did the same to the other leg and kept going higher. Piece by piece my physical body was being devoured. There was no pain or gore, since my body was just an outline. The sensation was incredible, the next thing I know my entire body is gone and I am in a land with the most vivid scenery and colors I have been too yet. The sensations of watching my body disappearing and then leaving me as just "total 100% conscious energy" was the most exhilarating I have ever had. The mental picture of this really drove that point home."

After actually experiencing that, I knew it was possible to do it again and like I said above, I use a similar technique still today to become "point consciousness". It still involves a visual of "dematerialization" of my limbs. But "Pac-man" isn't needed anymore, lol! 
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I can agree with every word of Szaxx's reply. I haven't developed the skill to do it on command, but I have programmed my mind enough to recognize and take advantage when the opportunity presents itself; this for me is usually in the early morning before first waking or during middle of the night WBTB attempts.

'Playtime with the music/noises'- Yes, that is a fun time exercising and experimenting with the push/pull tension of the mental and NP energies that are present. Working within this narrow area of the transition seems heavily dependent on what has been on my mind previously or my prior activity. A year ago, I was at a business meeting and spent a very enjoyable evening at a bar where a young woman played piano and sang cover songs; she was exceptionally good. In the middle of that night, I came aware in 'playtime' and created and played around with a song on piano for what seemed like 30 minutes. It just happened automatically. That was cool.

The point consciousness I have experienced numerous times. In my Fieldtrip experience, when I was placed outside the town about two hundred yards away, I was in point conscious mode. There is no body awareness and interestingly there are none of the attendant bodily or PR concerns like 'How am I standing, floating, hovering? How do I move? How do I see?' There is no sense or thought about temperature or comfort.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


I have to say I have so far not gotten into projecting consciously (from a completely awake/aware state) using any technique. When it has happened I didn't do anything, it just happened. Either I wanted to and it happened or I was minding my own business and it happened. I've tried thinking 'how' but so far I come up dry with one exception. I have noticed an energy field that seems to build up in the atmosphere and I just know - it's projection time or download time or something abnormal. I wonder who all else feels these energy fields. Sometime they are pretty strong and at that time - anything is possible.

Now from the dream state or early in the morning before allowing myself to become completely physically aware my experiences are the same as EV describes. It's playtime and I have no problem with bodily or physical sensations. I just don't notice them for the most part. If I do, like have to go potty I try to really commit my place in NP to memory (mentally and physically) and just hold those thoughts or feelings. Back in bed it's like hitting the play button.

When I was a child I had a period of time (months) when I woke to the most incredible music I have ever heard. It sounded like the breath of everything in the universe all singing at once. I would sometimes lay there an hour or so just listening.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Lumaza on October 09, 2016, 22:58:25
I get repeat characters and places so much that I have come to the conclusion that either this is a "parallel universe" I am experiencing or that it is a "self created" world that my consciousness has developed, which in turn still puts it in the "parallel world" classification.

Though just about all of my experiences are through LD dream state I have gotten repeat locations enough that I have done up a map of around where I live because I have had so many dreams of the relative area.
On one note most of the area is 50/50, 50% different and 50% the same. Aside from a few landmarks in standard directions like if you take the right path south there is a walmart in a relative location to where it is at on the physical, things tend to be different. Things like the road getting to the walmart is quite different far more windy and surrounded by hills when physically the area is flat and there is a church on that road in the other that is not there in the physical.
On another note there are some complexities, if you head straight south out of a neighborhood in the physical there is a farm and south you will find the walmart eventually. In the other if you fly south over where the farm is, no matter where or how far you go as far as the eye can see it tends to be savanna as I have come to find so far. But if you head back to the neighborhood and take the road that leads slightly east and then south, then the area is different all hilly and woodsy and then you find the walmart. And it remains like that until you go back to the neighborhood and travel from there, Depending on the route you travel it has all been the same through out every dream or experience so far.

I might post a part of the map up showing the physical and then its otherly counter part it is quite interesting to say the least.

Quote from: Nameless on October 11, 2016, 23:51:11
When I was a child I had a period of time (months) when I woke to the most incredible music I have ever heard. It sounded like the breath of everything in the universe all singing at once. I would sometimes lay there an hour or so just listening.

I still get music about once a week a lot of which I have written down, lyrics at the least. If I was more musically inclined I could probably produce the music myself.

Good and evil are not conditions imposed by some benevolent deity, but states the soul must experience in order to surpass them and awaken.
-Neville Goddard


Nameless, the energy field may well be the vehram system, its definitely worth reading about this and stretching your form to enter one of the spheres.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


 Nameless, sometimes you need to tell the energy to tone down a bit. I access this "energy" field daily in my "etheric exercises". Vessen's Vehram system is a excellent way to utilize this field. You already know of the daily Tetrahedral shield that I use, so I don't need put the link to that "Phantom Wiggle" thread here.

Last weekend I was at a Funeral that was a very sad situation. It was a younger Family member who had taken their own life, so I knew it would be hard for everyone around. Before I left I did my Tetrahedral Shield and asked for energy to help others and I through this tough day.

I began aiding people there however I could and all of a sudden I felt like I was going to explode. I almost passed out. Things were getting dark quick. I then quickly released some of the energy back to the "source" that was supplying it to me and I rebounded quickly.

Dolores Cannon talks about energy overload quite a bit. She also tells you that you can ask for it to be lessened if it gets to me too much.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Phalanx - That is pretty awesome. With the music I hear it was like all voices making it but I detected no actual words. I've often wished I had a talent for music so I could at least try to duplicate it.

Szaxx and Lumaza - I just skimmed the thread here "The Vehram System" I remember skimming it once before and giving up. Then as now that stuff is way over my head, I know nothing of quantum physics, meta physics or any of that. Pretty much everything comes to me through just feeling it or knowing it. I am going to attempt to absorb as much of it as I can in small bits. BTW - you guys are brilliant!

That is interesting about the funeral Lumaza (my heartfelt condolences). What you describes fits in well with what I think of as 'the wave'. The energy I referred to above I don't think is a constant although I do feel it is completely natural. Having said that it certainly can be manipulated. It's much stronger than it used to be. You can picture it kind of like a mist or fog. Weather conditions I think have much to do with where it settles. Who it 'hits' just depends on who's receptive.

Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Lumaza on October 12, 2016, 19:23:07

I began aiding people there however I could and all of a sudden I felt like I was going to explode. I almost passed out. Things were getting dark quick. I then quickly released some of the energy back to the "source" that was supplying it to me and I rebounded quickly.

I remember doing this when I was in high school. I was in the bus one day coming back from school. I was standing, because all the seats were taken. I was in the front of the bus, facing all other passengers. I started observing them and most seemed very sad, probably each one thinking about their problems, etc. I decided to send everyone a cheerful wave of energy. But they way I did it was imagining sending my own energy to the group. After a few minutes I felt lightheaded and nauseous. I stopped and I realized that I should not be focusing on taking from my own energy, but rather accessing the unlimited source, filtering it through my cheerful thoughts, sort of charging it with whatever feeling I needed to send out and then direct it outwards. Since that realization, I never felt drained anymore during sessions.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow