The Astral Pulse

Dreams => Welcome to Dreams! => Topic started by: laiana on December 22, 2004, 21:07:55

Title: Terrifying dream after asking God for answers?
Post by: laiana on December 22, 2004, 21:07:55
Over the past few months, I have been learning, researching and seeking answers about Christianity which is what I was brought up with.  Right now I am not prepared to blindly accept what I was taught, but to seek answers for myself.  Naturally this leads me around in circles.  When I think I'm on to something, I get back to square one and doubt what I learned because "Maybe its a deception by Satan".  Satan is the big one here, more so than Christ because everything I learn can be (by most Christians) answered as a deceipt my Satan.

Anyway.  So last night I decided to ask God for myself whether the path I am taking is true and right, or am I leading myself astray.

I had the most petrifying, terrifying, horrid dream that night, and woke up and remembered it as if I was meant to.  Its the kind of dream that sounds REALLY stupid when you relate it to someone afterwards but it was one where the whole feeling of the dream was evil, and scary, and horrifying.

I was at a house, which was my parents house but wasn't, and there were some of us hiding under blankets and it was dark.  We were hiding because there were some people/demons/monsters/SOMETHING going and killing anyone they could see who was not covered by something.  Somehow I got rescued, and then I got in my car and drove away feeling evil things chasing me.  Somehow I ended up at a park and there was this ball - literally a ball, but it was evil, evil energy and it was going to do something horrible to me.  I was calling for my mother and slowly woke myself up by doing this (this is usually what I do when I'm scared in a dream).  The whole atmosphere of the dream was filled with evil and horror.

It kinda freaked me out waking up because of the fact that I had asked God before bed asking for guidance.  I then had the thought that maybe it was telling me I'm not yet ready for things like Astral Projection because I am so easily consumed by fears?  

How does one get over the barrier that the Christian faith so readily puts up?  Is there anyone here who used to be a Christian and is now confident that such things are NOT the work of the devil?  Or is this just all in my mind and i need to chill out a bit :P
Title: Terrifying dream after asking God for answers?
Post by: Sinestro on December 22, 2004, 21:56:43
Well Laiana, interesting dream. In your dream, you stated:

QuoteThe dream was evil, and scary, and horrifying.

QuoteI got in my car and drove away feeling evil things chasing me. Somehow I ended up at a park and there was this ball - literally a ball, but it was evil, evil energy and it was going to do something horrible to me.

Laiana, you may want to take this into consideration, as I have said on this site before,

"The point behind the majority of remembered dreams is to show us something we're not consciously aware of or acting upon. A very powerful way to understand the dream and bring about its goal is this:

1) What feelings does it bring about within me in the dream and how do I experience or react to this? Find the feeling in your body and then ask yourself where does this same feeling appear in my waking life (especially in the day or few days preceding the dream). This then gives you insight about what the dream is speaking about. Then you can ask yourself, "How do I experience or react to this in waking life? And what new information might the dream be trying to give me?"
2) What choices or actions within my life does this dream affect or bring about?
3) Is this my best scenario or would I prefer a different ending that makes me feel freer/happier/more empowered? What is the best ending you can think of?
4) If you have decided upon a new, more positive ending, sit quietly before bed and visualize the dream but with the new ending."

Laiana, here are some of the most common themes (with positive outcome examples for each scenario) and suggestions about what the dreamer might look at in waking life:

chase or attack : The pursuer usually represents a fearful aspect of our shadow, and hence an exaggerated version of a denied or inhibited portion of our own personality that would benefit us if integrated and appropriately expressed. (ideal outcome: standing our ground, facing and dialoguing with our pursuer, and eventually, acceptance and embrace)

falling dream : Am I feeling heavy, unsupported, worried about something? How can I feel freer, lighter? Also: do I need to be more grounded? (ideal outcome: feeling safe, landing, floating or flying)

car out of control : Is life too hectic, out of control? How could I slow down, act more peacefully and "enjoy the ride"? (ideal outcome: driving well & within speed limits, walking peacefully)

unprepared, late for or failing an exam : Am I feeling unprepared for some upcoming event? Unconfident about my performance? Am I worrying needlessly or do I actually need more preparation in order to feel confident and do a good job? (ideal outcome: feeling assured about oneself, performing well)

stuck in slow motion, unable to move or make any noise : Where am I feeling stuck in life, like I'm getting nowhere or unable to voice my true feelings? What can I do to change it? (ideal outcome: relaxation and acceptance, and eventually, peaceful action & self-expression)

embarrassed to be nude or naked in public, though nobody seems to notice or mind : Where in life am I feeling unconfident, embarrassed, unskilled? This type of dream is usually pointing out, by the fact that the other characters in the dream don't seem to notice, that we are the only one viewing our self this way, and usually mistakenly so. (ideal outcome: comfortable with oneself as is, confident)

personal injury, dismemberment : What part of my life—not usually the physical body—have I been neglecting, mistreating, forgetting—i.e. dis-membering as opposed to remembering? (ideal outcome: healing)

trapped, locked in : Where am I feeling trapped in life? How might I open myself up to a new perspective, and explore new courses of action? (ideal outcome: breaking out, exploration)

drowning, threatening waves, tsunami (tidal waves) or flooding : Am I blocking, denying or feeling overwhelmed by my emotions? How might I better acknowledge, accept, and feel these feelings—which often include vulnerability? (ideal outcome: swimming, surfing, breathing underwater)

helpless, abandoned, or crying baby, monkey, bunny or small animal : Have I been taking care of my "inner child"? Maybe I need to laugh more, play outdoors, express my creativity, be more spontaneous, or enjoy more personal warmth and intimacy? (ideal outcome: caring for baby or animal, playing, simply having fun)
Title: Terrifying dream after asking God for answers?
Post by: Draege on December 23, 2004, 01:34:46
I'd like to offer some guesses..

I think that you feel an uncertainty when you ask god for answers. An uncertainty of what the response will be, and whether any response can really be trusted. This underlying uncertainty has mixed you up, and is causing uneasiness within you. What this directly translates to is fear. Not conciously necessarily, but deep down. And so the dream is the result. Don't look to much into the actual dream. I think the way to solve this problem is to work through it yourself. You will eventually find the answers you seek, so there is no need to strain yourself over things. And don't trouble yourself over the idea of Satan, when the answers come to you, you'll simply know their truth.
Title: Terrifying dream after asking God for answers?
Post by: bmw on December 24, 2004, 21:16:41
 First of all I used to claim myself as being Christian for the past 17 years of my life.  But now.... I'm finding that Christianity is an obstacle to truth (still working on this though).  Kinda ironic sounding, coming from a Christian standpoint.  Anyway, this perspective shift came about ever since I read Far Journeys by Robert Monroe and Ultimate Journey by Robert Monroe.  I understand how you are feeling though; one side of me says that OBE etc. is evil, but the other side says that Christianity is wrong.  Here are my thoughts:  first assume Christianity is right - the Bible says nothing directly about OBEs, so they can't be inherently wrong.  Next, assume that no religion has the Truth - then OBEs won't hurt anything.  Either way, I see it as perfectly acceptable to have OBEs and explore the Astral.  Even more, I see it as beneficial.
 But enough of my rambling; like I said earlier the two Robert Monroe books facilitated this change in my life.  I highly suggest reading them - they will explain what I'm trying to say much more thoroughly and allow you to add your own ideas/experience to it.  Forgive the uber-long post.

Title: Re: Terrifying dream after asking God for answers?
Post by: Legend on December 25, 2004, 01:37:28
You ahve to be carefull when you commit to something such as a cult (a religion is really just a larger cult which is accepted around the world).  You have to think that many people contributed that this religion and the end questions is really "What were the motives of theses people".

If you look at Christianity's history, you will find some pretty grim moments where it was used for power.  Ever heard that the Earth was the center of the universe!?  That's rotten from Christianity.  Of course today we know that to be false, but it's just one of the many tools which the religion used to control people's mind.  The latest game makes the government control people's mind.  There will always be power hungry people.

That being said, Christinaty does have some pretty good values (and just about all other religions) have a very good initial idea.  the problem is that people later come around, interpret things wrongly, ommit things to make the story more compelling and etc to manipoulate people.

I used to be Christian, and most of the general ideas they gave out, I turned out to agree with, but I can't say that I agree 100% with the beliefs.  If I were you, I'd go with the flow.  Go with what feels and sounds right.  Look at the internet, it's one of the biggest place for various things.  Read a lot.  Eventually, you'll end up with concepts and things which "simply feels right" and eventually things will conenct together like pieces of puzzles.  Christianity falls short on explainning many things and instead calls them "miracles".  According to that definition, we are doing miracles everyday :).

Is Satan even real?  If god is all mighty, why would he have an equal evil?  What about Hell?  Is there really such a place?  If god is ever-loving, why would he send parcels of himself to hell for eternity?

I don't mean to push ideas inside your mind.  My suggestion again, is to look things up from yourself.  Read a lot, things will make sense after a while :o)

Quote from: laianaOver the past few months, I have been learning, researching and seeking answers about Christianity which is what I was brought up with.  Right now I am not prepared to blindly accept what I was taught, but to seek answers for myself.  Naturally this leads me around in circles.  When I think I'm on to something, I get back to square one and doubt what I learned because "Maybe its a deception by Satan".  Satan is the big one here, more so than Christ because everything I learn can be (by most Christians) answered as a deceipt my Satan.

Anyway.  So last night I decided to ask God for myself whether the path I am taking is true and right, or am I leading myself astray.

I had the most petrifying, terrifying, horrid dream that night, and woke up and remembered it as if I was meant to.  Its the kind of dream that sounds REALLY stupid when you relate it to someone afterwards but it was one where the whole feeling of the dream was evil, and scary, and horrifying.

I was at a house, which was my parents house but wasn't, and there were some of us hiding under blankets and it was dark.  We were hiding because there were some people/demons/monsters/SOMETHING going and killing anyone they could see who was not covered by something.  Somehow I got rescued, and then I got in my car and drove away feeling evil things chasing me.  Somehow I ended up at a park and there was this ball - literally a ball, but it was evil, evil energy and it was going to do something horrible to me.  I was calling for my mother and slowly woke myself up by doing this (this is usually what I do when I'm scared in a dream).  The whole atmosphere of the dream was filled with evil and horror.

It kinda freaked me out waking up because of the fact that I had asked God before bed asking for guidance.  I then had the thought that maybe it was telling me I'm not yet ready for things like Astral Projection because I am so easily consumed by fears?  

How does one get over the barrier that the Christian faith so readily puts up?  Is there anyone here who used to be a Christian and is now confident that such things are NOT the work of the devil?  Or is this just all in my mind and i need to chill out a bit :P
Title: Terrifying dream after asking God for answers?
Post by: laiana on December 28, 2004, 19:49:44
Thanks everyone for your responses, it has given me a lot to ponder!

My biggest thing is this, in discussing ANYTHING even remotely relating to OBE or "Energy" or discrepencies in the origins of the Bible, Christians ALWAYS have an answer.

The answers that bother me the most (because I can't quite let them go) is that everyone who doesn't believe in Christ will go to hell, and ANYTHING that differs from what the Bible says or what they believe is a deception by Satan.  And I'm talking about things like Gnosticism, Budhism, the Religions prior to Christianity that has some similarities to Christianity, and then they start throwing bible verses to me about how men will turn from the "Truth" and start following "Myths".

I feel that I can't quite escape it, and I'm terrified of the big "What if" - What if it IS true, and everything else IS one big deception by Satan!  I hear about good people doing amazing things like soul retreivals and helping people who have passed on, and I really want to be able to do that one day.  How can THAT be a deception?  But anyway,  this is off the topic of dreams... I will just have to keep looking inside myself and above for what I interpret as the truth.
Title: Terrifying dream after asking God for answers?
Post by: Banjoshee on December 28, 2004, 20:34:44
Iaiana, I always feel we were done wrong by when we were taught the world is black and white. Good and bad. God and Satan.

When I learned nothing is black and white I also realized god (however I saw him) was loving, not just a righteous god throwing "bad" people into hell. And satan, well satan wasn't such a bad guy after all. Now was/is he?

Imagine your brother who knocks up his girlfriend both of them out of wedlock, or even worse, one of them in wedlock... Is your brother evil, going to hell, just like satan, or is he just some poor schmo who knocked up his girlfriend?

Constructs. Mental constructs to condition you to be a certain way socially, religiously.

You can be spiritual in your own way outside of all the constructs. Your choice.

I'm terribly glad you're questioning.
Title: Terrifying dream after asking God for answers?
Post by: Legend on December 31, 2004, 18:09:58
You are thus implying that the ancient belief pushed by the religion that "The Earth is the center of the universe" is a push by Satan.  We've long since proved that the Earth is NOT the center of the universe.  They were plain out wrong.  Do you also believe that someone who is "technically perfect" think Mother Theresa or something of that nature who is not Christian will go to hell directly while someone who killed for a living who converts to Christianity right before death will be excused?  Either way, I don't mean to push anything on anyone, all I'd say is that it's not wrong for you to look for answers.  Look them out.  no-one I know has all of the answers anyways.

Quote from: laianaThanks everyone for your responses, it has given me a lot to ponder!

My biggest thing is this, in discussing ANYTHING even remotely relating to OBE or "Energy" or discrepencies in the origins of the Bible, Christians ALWAYS have an answer.

The answers that bother me the most (because I can't quite let them go) is that everyone who doesn't believe in Christ will go to hell, and ANYTHING that differs from what the Bible says or what they believe is a deception by Satan.  And I'm talking about things like Gnosticism, Budhism, the Religions prior to Christianity that has some similarities to Christianity, and then they start throwing bible verses to me about how men will turn from the "Truth" and start following "Myths".

I feel that I can't quite escape it, and I'm terrified of the big "What if" - What if it IS true, and everything else IS one big deception by Satan!  I hear about good people doing amazing things like soul retreivals and helping people who have passed on, and I really want to be able to do that one day.  How can THAT be a deception?  But anyway,  this is off the topic of dreams... I will just have to keep looking inside myself and above for what I interpret as the truth.
Title: Terrifying dream after asking God for answers?
Post by: Legend on December 31, 2004, 18:10:57
I also forgot to say <lol>...   Is the satan thing really an "answer" to anything or really more like a brotherly bully threat?

Quote from: laianaThanks everyone for your responses, it has given me a lot to ponder!

My biggest thing is this, in discussing ANYTHING even remotely relating to OBE or "Energy" or discrepencies in the origins of the Bible, Christians ALWAYS have an answer.

The answers that bother me the most (because I can't quite let them go) is that everyone who doesn't believe in Christ will go to hell, and ANYTHING that differs from what the Bible says or what they believe is a deception by Satan.  And I'm talking about things like Gnosticism, Budhism, the Religions prior to Christianity that has some similarities to Christianity, and then they start throwing bible verses to me about how men will turn from the "Truth" and start following "Myths".

I feel that I can't quite escape it, and I'm terrified of the big "What if" - What if it IS true, and everything else IS one big deception by Satan!  I hear about good people doing amazing things like soul retreivals and helping people who have passed on, and I really want to be able to do that one day.  How can THAT be a deception?  But anyway,  this is off the topic of dreams... I will just have to keep looking inside myself and above for what I interpret as the truth.
Title: Terrifying dream after asking God for answers?
Post by: laiana on January 02, 2005, 21:00:29
Quote from: Banjoshee

Imagine your brother who knocks up his girlfriend both of them out of wedlock, or even worse, one of them in wedlock... Is your brother evil, going to hell, just like satan, or is he just some poor schmo who knocked up his girlfriend?

Its funny you chose that as an example as that is exactly what happened last year! And NO I dont think he is going to hell, or is evil.
Title: Terrifying dream after asking God for answers?
Post by: bmw on January 03, 2005, 15:29:55
 This discussion is great, but you are the only one who can choose your path in life.  I understand that Christianity does have a rebuttal for every argument we can put up, but you'll have to choose to believe that or not; the rebuttal isn't necessarily true.  Anyway, read Robert Monroe's books (Journeys Out of the Body, Far Journeys, and Ultimate Journey).  In it you will discover how to prove to yourself what is the Truth, but you can only prove this to yourself, not to others.

Happy trails,