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The thread dream and the water dream - interpretation.

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40. Thread Under The Chin ( 2012-12-17 )

I dreamt of pulling a straw of beard from my chin, and to my surprise it was a piece of long grey thread which was stuck under my skin at different locations under my chin. I showed it to my girlfriend and we both thought it was somewhat macabre or discusting pulling a thread out of the skin. In this dream I watched myself pulling the thread out so it was a third person perspecitve.


- Beard: outgrowth of hair, a masculine attribute/feature, always comes back

- Grey: dull color, a lifeless color, between black and white (balance between), boring

- Thread: symbolizes a line/path/start - end, can tie things together, fate

- Chin: a masculine form, an area of the face not commonly noticed


The feeling I get when trying to interpret this dream is that I either have found, or must find, a balance in my masculinity. To balance the male qualities in myself is apparently important. I find that I have alot of feminine features in my personality, like all the artistic interests and how I am emotionally.
Do I have a problem beeing more of a man that I naturally am? This is perhaps the thing I need to think about, and the answer to that, I believe, is that sometimes I think I need to express qualities that is not truly me. And those qualities could be masculine.
I get a feeling that I need to stay true to myself and find the balance in my personality regarding my masculine qualities.

41. Down The Water Slide ( 2012-12-17 )

I was at a amusement park with lots of bathing areas and water in it. I feel that the theme of the park was water. There was a big slide which I felt was one of the highest ever (not in the world but probably one of the highest/longest I'v seen), and I wanted to ride it. I felt kind of adventurous in this dream and most of the dream was experienced from a first person perspective. The slide was light blue.
I watched some kid going down the slide and he stuck to the slide with his pants so that he went very slow downwards and I worried that I wouldn't get enough speed. I also worried that if I got enough speed, I would fall off the slide. I continued to climb the stairs to the top floor where the slide started, it was on floor 10 and went all the way down to floor 1. When I reached the top I jumped into the slide and rode it all the way down and landed in the water. I said something to my friend who was at the bottom but I can't remember what exactly, but the feeling in the conversation was that of worry combined with relief. I guess it was a feeling of beeing safe having gotten all the way down and that it wasn't as dangerous as I first thought.


- Amusement park: playing ground, area of amusement, place to have fun, place to not be all serious in

- Water: emotions, life, flow, waves (patterns/frequencies)

- Slide: a downward motion, a linear path/direction with twists and turns, a way of traveling forward/downwards

- Light blue: a clear sky, throat chakra, clear water, turquoise (stone), calmness, happiness, warmth, spiritual


The theme here is emotions, since the place I'm at is a place of emotions of different forms/patterns. The slide seems to symbolize a path in life that I can choose to take if I want, but in the dream I wanted it. Its a kind of joyride, a fun ride with many twists and turns which indeed life is. This slide is situated in this place of emotions which tells me that the slide has to do with the theme itself, it is to take a ride in emotions. In the dream I worry that I won't get enough speed or that I could fall of and that is pretty self explanatory to me. It's the fear of loosing myself emotionally, as in getting depressed, not having the energy to stay with something or that things will be to hard emotionally for me to bare.
The slide started at the highest emotional peak and stopped at the lowest emotional place and thats because the slide represents the entire spectrum of emotions. As I wrote before, its a fun ride and it should be. It is emotional experience being gained by riding it. The slide has the color of light blue which tells me that it has a spiritual meanig to it, but also that it is a slide I shouldn't be worried about riding. It has the color of a clear sky, or of clear water in the mediterranean which is very soothing and calming.
This dream tells me that I shouldn't be afraid of emotions in the sense that they can do me harm or be bad for me, I should enjoy the ride and the experience it gives me. I should ride the waves of emotions in life and take in all the experience it gives me. Don't hate the emotions, instead welcome them and learn from them. Don't be to hard on yourself when getting angry or sad.
Its nice to see that I confront fears in my dreamstate.